PJ Fan Needs A Job

Who wants to help a fellow PJ diehard out and help him find a job? (Or maybe just hook me up with one) I have a Bachelor's Degree in Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services Administration and have completed 6 hours of graduate study. I'm not a traditional student as I took a few years off during my undergrad to be a restaurant manager (bad idea). In other words I'm 30, educated, dedicated, honest and a very motivated worker. Someone hook me up with some leads or ideas! Thanks, Brooks
mmmmm, it does go well with the chicken.....delicious again peter
E. Troy 98, E. Lansing 98, Barrie 98, Hartford 98, Noblesville 00, Detroit 00, E. Troy 00, Champaign 03, Detroit 03 x 2, Grand Rapids 06, Detroit 06, EV Milwaukee 08, SLC 09, Missoula 12
E. Troy 98, E. Lansing 98, Barrie 98, Hartford 98, Noblesville 00, Detroit 00, E. Troy 00, Champaign 03, Detroit 03 x 2, Grand Rapids 06, Detroit 06, EV Milwaukee 08, SLC 09, Missoula 12
Post edited by Unknown User on
I bet you got plenty of action though. Every resturaunt manager I've known got laid like a rug.
I'm in the wrong business
Sorry can't help you out. Close but I'm in Ontario.
Ha Ha Ha...yes the "action" was a nice perk. However, I ended up settling down and marring a non-restaurant employee.
GRIMMY....Thanks for the props on the B Boys quote. Not many people can place it.
Keep the thoughts and ideas coming Jammers!
E. Troy 98, E. Lansing 98, Barrie 98, Hartford 98, Noblesville 00, Detroit 00, E. Troy 00, Champaign 03, Detroit 03 x 2, Grand Rapids 06, Detroit 06, EV Milwaukee 08, SLC 09, Missoula 12
If I was ever unemployed I'd be living on the street. I certainly wouldn't have access to a computer.
I am sure that there are many people here who could survive just fine if they were unemployed.....not everyone lives hand to mouth.
I listened to that album last night while playing darts and splitting a bottle of wine with my buddy. Totally unintentional.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Unemployment Check. I worked there 13 years and my account is paid pretty good. After all bills are paid, wife and i still are blessed to have a good amount left over. Plus it helps when your kid is 18 and don't have to worry bout all the expenses anymore. My resume is posted everywhere and I've applied to about 30 different jobs. This is gettin old
Unemployed and not living on the street? You must be one of those rich Republican anti-environment pedophile lovin rich-ass fat cats I hear so much about.
Sometimes someone asks a question that just sums up their working knowledge of how the world actually works. Thanks to those who do.
Hope you're working soon, both OP and you binaural.
Cool, because I applied for UI here in Ontario and was basically declined because I didn't meet the criteria. No person can collect UI in Ontario if they have been Fired or Quit. So short of being layed-off, it's impossible for regular working-class Joe to get government assistance.
My reasons for quiting my job were health related, but that didn't seem to matter either. By the way, I know how the system works, quite well, in my place of residence.
I posted my resume to I think 3 places and the first place called me and here I am. I was hired over the phone, I wasn't even asked to come in for an interview. Every time I've been out of work, it's taken me less than 2 weeks to find a new job and usually with very few applications. Of course, I moved to this city knowing quite well that it would be easier to find work here.
I think what you need to do is go where the jobs are. If I had stayed in my old town, I'd be flipping burgers or picking up garbage right now.
well you know that's not me, and yet...i am unemployed at the moment too.
good luck to ALL looking!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist'.
Ronald Reagan
That'd make you a "public spirited philanthropist" then??
Binaural and d2d are living proof that HARD WORK and GOOD planning equals prosperity. Rather than count on the govt to help them, they planned, scrimped, and saved to make sure they had their bases coverd. Perhaps they were wise enough to not live beyond their means. (I'm assuming alot here, dont pm me telling me you inherited a million bucks)
Didn't Binaural say he was collecting a Unemployment cheque?
That's the problem. I am where jobs ARE!! I was OFFERED a job recently, accepted over the phone starting at 16 dollars an hour. 24 hours later, they rescind because upper management decided to put a hiring freeze over night. This was after i went thru FOUR interviews with these ppl and got offered a job.
Second job, they called me, wanted me badly, called them back and they never called, so I called them again. The lady said, "oh, so glad you called back, I really want you to come in. So, I say, great... NEVER HEARD BACK!!! Now mind you, SHE CALLED ME and wanted me and then never called again. I am going thru some strange strange shit!!
Last example, job right up the road here, need EXACLTY 100 PERCENT what my qualifications are. I snail mail them my cover letter and resume. A week later, I see the same fuckin job in the newspaper. What the fuck are these people looking for??? They lay out what they need, I have EXACTLY what they need with THIRTEEN YEARS experience.
This is some crazy shit I'm experiencing. I know there is a reason for everything, and that's what is keeping me strong. Sometimes, I just laugh at how I'm not getting offers.
A buddy of mine here in town that's on this board knows of what's goin on and he's never heard of the strange things going on with me getting re-employed.
The jobs are HERE, I have the qualifications, but nobody is grabbing at me.
It is possible to find another job while working at a job you hate. That's what I had to do. It's actually quite easy.
Before that I quit my job to look for work, and relied on my GF's income to survive. She wasn't very happy and I was less motivated to actually look for work.
I am getting unemployment checks. However, it's not welfare! Having worked for 13 years, my employer like many, must pay into unemployment accounts if an employee is let go with no wrong doing. In this case, the company went out of business. I get what's mine. It's not taxpayer money I am receiving. It's money my employer by law had to contribute during my tenure with the company.
Having said that, I want to get back in the workforce ASAP!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand stayin home everyday!
Hell, I'll post my resume here if I can get a job! LMAO. maybe somebody needs me. HAHAHAHA
Part of it might be that you are over-qualified. Try down playing your experience a bit. Employers tend to want people they can mold, not people who already have an idea of what the job entails. But again that totally depends on the employer. I know my father had a hard time finding work with 15 years management experience in a retail store. You'd think he could get a job at any store managing, but he ended up working for a call center with a bunch of people that have no experience. I think to a certain degree too much experience can be a bad thing.
Oh I see, so you were layed-off, that makes more sense then.
Good thing some people know how the system works
I don't even know if layed off applies. The company is GONE! lol. 13 years down the tubes. lol
That he paid in for with his previous earnings, he earned it. Sorry you live in canada, where you pay taxes and get nothing but healthcare out of the deal. We have no problems with using your own tax money. We as a party simply object to people who DONT pitch in constantly draining recources. You guys have been reading to many wack threads about what conservatives believe. Ask us, you'd probably be surprised with what you learn. btw, you need any other reasons that America is better than canada?
I believe that is absolutely true. I've dummed down my resume a tad. I do think being over qualified may be killing me and that's a sad statement. What's worse, it pays me to keep getting unemployment checks as opposed to getting a mediocre paying fulltime job. Now that IS SAD!
And being a VET, I do get my meds I take for 8 dollars a script. Can't beat that!!! And I pay a 15 buck copay per doctor visit just like regular insurance without the premium. Ahh, being a vet is a good thing:)
No, I pay into UI with my taxes, I've actually collected UI before. But that was because my contract with a company ended. See seasonal workers collect UI on their off-seasons, contract workers can collect UI when they are not on a contract. You can get UI if your company goes under, or if they down-size and you get layed-off. But you can't just get it because you don't like your job.
Hehe, I play online war games, namely Day of Defeat, a WW2 game. I usually kill about 5 or 6 people to my 40 deaths. So I would never be a Veteran, I'd die on the battlefield.
lol, so you get pwnt alot. Are you a mountie?
just joshin ya.