Bush to relax protected species rules

Someone please shoot the man before he hands over the whole country to corporate whores....
Someone please shoot the man before he hands over the whole country to corporate whores....
Post edited by Unknown User on
Let them watch me!!!! Im doing nothing but voicing my opinion... come take me away... please! Please tell me if my tits and ass look good with their spy satellites too!
Thank you, Jesus.
Hail, Hail!!!
LMFAO... Where u been?
-Enoch Powell
as much as I generally don't like and have a profound distaste for George Bush and his cronies. I think this is a bit of an overreaction.
Parts of the reason our infrastructure sucks so bad is the prohibitive nature of our government. Part of that is not getting public projects done because some team of lawyers spends a few months finding a species to champion to block what might be a good project. Taking inventory of that sentence... they are talking about federal agencies... so that means our government is so hulking it can't get out of it's own way.
There are environmental people in most companies now and many who work in those construction projects already check out species and lessening impacts before they do the projects. The #1 reason this legislation is used is to get someones pet project done or go around someones property or help out some politicians election bid.
Since we're going with corporate whores here and wealth envy... the main reason there isn't drilling within 50 miles off the gulf coast of Florida now is rich assholes with beachfront property worried about thier property values... they don't give a shit about sea turtles either. Unless it works for them.
For example. I know of a little town in middle georgia that has a powerplant. Obviously they use water in thier turbines to generate electricity, then after it's cooled down they send it back into the lake. It's still very warm but not so warm most species can't stand it. In fact it was one of the best bass fishing spots on the entire lake in the winter time. They loved it. Well some landowner that chose to buy a house behind the plant (read idiot) found some dead 2 inch shad by his house. Clearly this fish was killed by the incredibly hot water from the Power Plant.... those evil bastards. Nevermind the benifit to the other fish. Sierra Club comes along decides to take legal action and why not they don't know shit about these Georgia Hicks. Georgia Power caves, agrees to build a 60M dollar cooling building. Guess who pays for the cooling tower. not Georgia Power. You pay it. Why? Because some asshole who built a house in a place where there never should have been a house decided he'd take up the cause of a 2 cm fish that's not even close to extinction. Way to go.. way to get that evil corporation that provides everyone with the energy they need to live and live comfortably.