KicKing "Dubya" in the TeetH

Did anyone see this jackass' 41 press conference? I almost put my foot through the TV... I couldnt believe when the press stated to him that gas is to be expected at $4.00 a gallon.. they man looked so fucking stupid in rersponding... any other highlights anyone want to comment about?
Post edited by Unknown User on
you think Obama is going to lower gas prices?
for the least they could possibly do
Good, go put your foot through the t.v. then you'll probably expect a check from the government to fix that problem too...
Look we are not entitled to cheap gas. European countries have been paying through the nose for gasoline alot longer than we have to the tune of $5+/gallon. What do you want Bush to do about it? He wants to drill in Alaska, but too much opposition. He wants to build new refineries too but thats been shot down. I had no problem with the response. He actually gave an intelligible answer unlike your post.
lol...when Obama talks, gas listens...
he's good like that.
Actually, I'm already planning and mapping out a series long scenic country drives in anticipation.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Biodiesel is coming more on line every day as is Ethanol, but good luck with getting any kind of mileage from Ethanol.
Gas will probably be on average $4.00 a gallon soon and you'll see people start getting away from the large gas hog vehicles we've seen lately.
We ARE entitled to not getting assfucked at the pump though. Exon/Mobile reported record shattering profits last quarter. You don't think you're getting screwed? Whatever.
The real crime is on that record $40 billion profit XOM earned it was taxed a record $29.8 billion. The U.S. has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world thats the real crime.
Yes that is a real crime...
I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad for them. What are they going to do with there 11.2 billion dollar profit.
Seriously the super wealthy do just fine and can spend a little more in taxes then the common folks.
Should me and you be taxed higher so we can lower corporate taxes???
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
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you all seem to be so fed up with the government, but you have no problem giving away more and more of your money
I have heard from numerous sources that the tax cuts expiring will only affect the top 2.5%.
If you could show me documentation that my taxes will go up I would have something to think about.
Personally I feel its more fear mongering by the wealthy that causes the middle class to vote republican when it really doesn't benefit them in any way.
You can never convince me that a Republican cares more about the common man then a Democrat.
And yes my math wasn't the best...Damn public schools.
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
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exploration, research, paying thier employees... that kind of thing. I would imagine a big part goes to shareholders which is spread out to other areas of the economy.
Corporations do not pay tax debts. Only individuals pay tax. Every dime of corporate tax is passed on to the consumer through price of the product.
One reason I have been a huge proponent of the fair tax.... no accountants and tax laws getting the really rich people out of paying taxes no 15% capital gains when it's at least 25% on income tax... want to spend your money? You have to pay the tax.
First of all, i don't have a problem with that, but that isn't really the issue.
Seems to me the, the argument goes something like this:
"gas prices are really high, simply because the price of crude is high."
Well if that were the case, if the correlation between the cost of oil per barrel and what i pay per gallon at the pump were a direct one, then the fucking oil companies wouldn't be turning such record breaking profits! They wouldn't have profited 40 billion clams in the first place! Thats not a direct correlation. What it correlates to is folks taking it it the chicken eye at the pump.
Maybe a Republican (or a Libertarian) cares, he just doesn't think it's the job of the State to do his caring for him because when that happens, unintended consequences often outweigh gains. (public education in poor, urban areas, public housing, Social Security, No Child Left Behind, etc.)
Well, first check the gas taxes you're paying... that's around 27 -40 cents a gallon perhaps more... then you're paying thier income tax that's embedded, some of the companies also produce crude so that's a big part of their profits right there. Gross Profit numbers don't indicate in the least how much it cost them to do business. Their profit margins are around the same, they are simply selling more on both ends and it's really multifacited, price of crude, different blends for different areas etc.
Where they are screwing us is supply. The systematic shutdown of refineries since the early 90's is where all the extra profit is coming from, that plus a couple of hurricanes; incidents and fires...
That could be true but I was not talking about social programs. I was talking general issues that Republicans TEND to be against.
Stem Cells: Benefits: Could lead to recovery for disabled/crippled people
Reasons Republicans are against it: Against God
Abortions: Absolutely horrible and I am personally against, however in some cases it could save the mothers life of if the person was raped there could be a need.
Reason Republicans are against it: Against God + YOU'RE KILLING THE NEXT EINSTEIN!
Tax Increase on Super Wealthy: Can help fund military, education, social security without raising taxes on the Middle Class who need every cent.
Reason Republicans are against it: They are all Super Wealthy.
There are others but I have to go back to work now...
6/7/2003 (***1/2)
7/9/2006 (****1/2)
7/13/2006 (**** )
4/10/2008 EV Solo (****1/2)
6/25/2008 MSG II (*****)
10/1/2009 LA II (****)
10/6/2009 LA III (***** Cornell!!!)
Allowing these lawsuits to proceed would be unfair. If any of these companies helped us, they did so after being told by our government that their assistance was legal and vital to our national security.
He doesn't say that what they did was legal, he says they were told by the Bush Administration that it was legal. Big difference
Did you hear him say something last week while he was in Africa? It was so stupid. I laughed out loud in my car it was so stupid. He was in Liberia and said something like this (referring to their country being war torn):
"You know, one thing I've learned, and I suspect the people of Liberia have learned, is it's much easier to tear a country down than it is to rebuild a country";_ylt=AksUvo7Rh3QP0K__qiGOkDhqP0AC
I shit you not.
What a dumbfuck.
Im not saying I "deserve" cheap gas... I just could believe that he looked in shock... like if this press guy was speaking a language from the cosmos. Is he that out of touch of what is happening to the american public by high gas prices causing our economy to spin out of control??? That corporations are not rising to the occasion to help their employees with pay raises but only worry about cutting profits to their stock holders?
I think their is a real problem in this country when people are paying $8.50 for every hour their furnace runs to heat their home and are making $9.00 an hour???
Just for the record...I did not take Bush's first bribe check at the begginning of his presidency and will not at the end!
OMG... no what the CRIME is???
Indirect CORPORATE WELFARE as corporations pay their employees minimum wage while the government picks up their food, rent and medical bills... so they can give money to their stock holders... pffft..
I know... heard that too... plus the fact that had a "responsibility" to their shareholders....
What happened to the fact that investments are just like gambling...
if I go to the casino and slip a quarter in the machine, the casino does not have the "responsibility" to give me ten more quarters since I gave them my one...
Go buy some stock then.
Not part of my ethics...
buying stock...
buying stock isn't part of your ethics? What do you live off the land or something? i hope you grow your own cotton and weave your own clothes, raise your own free range chicken and live in a log cabin, if you are that disgusted with corporate doings.
And we wonder why we're fucked!
unless you are a CEO of a multinational corporation, you are working against your own kind.
BTW the expensive gas you speak of in Europe is helping to pay their Universal Health care
I'm just saying.
If you are not talking about social programs, why do you mention education and social security? What kind of programs are those?
Tax cuts for the "super wealthy" under Reagan increased government revenue over time. Reagan spent more than came in (defecits) to outarm the Soviets, but more money was generated. I don't know the stats on Bush's run, but I would say with him - like Reagan - his spending has been his problem. Bush has spent MUCH more on education than any other president, too, with NCLB. It's been bad, overall, but in terms of just doling out cash, he's done it.
Education is a good example, for me, of why soaking the rich doesn't actually solve the problem. The Feds have been throwing money at urban schools that struggle for a while now, and they still are a disaster. Washington DC spends more per student than almost anywhere (last I checked), and it's a trainwreck. It's a perfect example of good intentions being crushed by unintended consequences. It doesn't work because it's a bloated, stagnant system.
Just like it's not as simple as "Welfare people just need to get a job" or "Democrats want to cut and run", there's more to the story than "Republicans are all rich and don't care about the poor."
lmao.. pretty damn close
It could happen...