The democrats are all about the people

Pretty amazing, and perfectly logical. I was like WOW,
except for the dinosaur stuff.
about 9min.
except for the dinosaur stuff.
about 9min.
Post edited by Unknown User on
As for the $250k in taxes for small businesses ...... it's $250k in PROFITS that will be taxed at a higher rate ... that's *AFTER* expenses ... people are fucking stupid. Since when is making $250k in profits something to be avoided becuase it will be taxed a bit more? It's a few percentage points.
And the Joe the Plumber cries are baseless ... HAVE YOU SEEN THE WHOLE VIDEO??? Here it is, how exactly did he silence Joe???? ok, again, did you watch it? Watch the whole video. How did Obama silence him?? Instead of taking 3 words out of a 6 minute discussion out of context, watch the whole interview!
And then, at the end of this video you have posted, this guy claims Obama should be an abomination because he's the product of a white mother and a black father ... great, spread more ignorant race hate.
Finally, people blame the Obama supporters for only liking him because he's a good speaker and yet, I've seen this video MANY times ... so, a slick talker who supports the repubs is ok? Please form your own thoughts.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
That was until I looked at the record.
Obama can clain credit for ONE SINGLE PIECE of legislation that I can see.
It's called the Exelon bill, passed when he was a state legislator, which was watered down by lobbyists of the same nuclear power industry the bill was aimed at.
Maybe the smarter folks here can tell me what other legislation Obama has brought and was able to pass.
Google "obama exelon" for reference.
The guy is a media creation, plain and simple.
That's called forming my own thoughts, jimjed should try it sometime.
Thanks for the bump
Why don't you take that same comb and take a look at McCain's abhorrent voting record. But of course we can't do that...right?
John's a "Hero"..."A Maverick"..."He Crosses Party Lines"
Oh...Wait a minute. How many times has he voted with Bush?
And how about John's voting in regads to the "Brave Men and Women In The Military" that he so claims to care for...OOPS...Sore spot!!
How about Energy? Sarah Palin's specialty
Forget about Windpower, Solar Power, Alternative Energy...That's absurd.
Funny how an Arizona Senator can get so far when he votes against
Drill baby Drill
Sorry, that's a fact.
Well...I should hope so since he's been doing it about 25 years longer than Obama.
McCain has done nothing but dry hump Big Business his entire political career. The evidence is in his record...It's a fucking joke and it certainly isn't a voting record that one should be very proud of.
Obama's community record in Chicago is unmatched.
Obama after Harvard Law School could have gone on to become one of the richest most successful lawyers in the country and what did he choose...
Really take a look here and examine these two men. Look at their records.
It's very obvious.
I don't know how anyone could possibly say that McCain is the more progressive candidate.
He's just Reagan, Bush Sr. and W all rolled into one bitter 75 year old hack.
Yeah, how'd he get that Harvard education
Look it up and think for yourself....
And If McCain is dry-humping big busineess, then why did he limit himself to public finance, while Obama "has taken money from Corporations and Corporate lawyers by far more than McCain" (nader)
don't drink the coolaid
If McCain is dry-humping, then Obama's holding the KY and a rubber glove.
well, if he's been in Congress for the past 4 years, and we've been under this horrific administration, AMEN that he's voted against them!!
Unlike THIS guy ...
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
refer to north carolina '00
what are you talking about?
Do you mean South Carolina 2000? When Bush and Rove were complicit in allowing those push polls about McCain to be unleashed? When these pollsters made acusations that John McCain had an illegitmate black child?
That was horrible.
Which makes it even MORE baffling that McCain would hire the VERY SAME STAFF to run his campaign.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Dude, he's absolutely correct...
McCain did in fact vote with Bush that often; 95% in 2007 alone. Just because you're right in your own head doesn't make you right in reality.
the fact is Obama is the most partisan politician in Congress, there's just no debating that. If anything, McCain is TOO centrist for most conservatives.
That's just plain and simple.
And by the way, this is what we call dodging the argument that we were having. I believe you tried to call jmed out on it in another thread.
Look it up and think for yourself....
And If McCain is dry-humping big busineess, then why did he limit himself to public finance, while Obama "has taken money from Corporations and Corporate lawyers by far more than McCain" (nader)
don't drink the coolaid
If McCain is dry-humping, then Obama's holding the KY and a rubber glove.
need any more clarity than that?
any disputing that with some facts?
And you continue to dodge. We were talking about McCain's voting record as being similar to Bush's, remember? I know that's a rough subject to defend.
none of which are 30 second mix tapes.
ahh yes, the Annenburgs ... while Obama was a part of their foundation ... Walter Annenburg was a well know ... REPUBLICAN ... who served as an ambassador to England under Nixon and did many things for Reagan ...
soooooooo partisan for Obama.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Facts clearly aren't making any difference here.
Ahem, "next."
Reading Is Fundamental
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
No offense, but that sounds awfully boring. What's the point of having an election with no debating?
that's saying something.
McCain's voted with Bush on the economy 100% of the time. If you liked Bush and this great recession you'll love McCain. Centrist is a terrible way to describe McCain. He is a republican, working for the rich, taking from the poor. Its what they do.
we'll take this up tomorrow
better bone up on your facts, you'll need it.
read the second post. If you don't take the thread off subject ... can't wait.
enjoy your evening.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
"Now, the facts prove 2+2=18."
"No, 2+2=4."
"No! It equals 18! Look at the facts! Next!"
Just seems to me that there is a difference between debating and forcing your opinions on others. We listen to the facts, we make our minds up and we respect others right to their own opinion. As an outsider observing the American election, it seems that the fine line between respectful productive deabte and abusive comments questioning other peoples points of view is crossed more often than now. It has become a media scrum and a abuce-via-the-internet circus. That is boring!
I'd agree with that, but what you mentioned in your earlier post (i.e. asking people to back up their statements and trying to refute them), seems like good debate to me. It definitely crosses the line in many instances, but I'd say that stupidity knows no borders or boundaries. But the part where you vigorously debate things, I like that part of the election, and I wouldn't want it to be a country where it didn't occur. I agree with you on everything else, however.
I think frequently the problem is that what people present as facts informing their opinions are actually not true. So people feel obligated to set the facts straight and this necessarily calls into question the points of view that are based on the original misinformation.