Activist Homework: demand a vote on H.C.R 40

I believe the biggest "crisis" that the next POTUS will encounter is the move toward a One World government. As part of globalist movement, the United States ratified the NAFTA. NAFTA proposes a "superhighway"
the latter link tries express the NAFTA super-higway as a myth, but do not be fooled. The thing is certainly happening, and it needs to be stopped.
Also, the current administration, along with the presidents of Canada and Mexico, are negotiating the SPP (security and Prosperity Partership). This partership is the key stepping stone to a NAU. The talks between nations are being paid for by tax dollars and being performed without the approval of the senate, making them unconstitutional.
If these things were not happening, then there would be no need for a H.C.R. 40. But the fact is they are happening and need to be stopped by the next administration.
H.C.R. 40 "urges disengaging from the NAFTA Superhighway System and the North American Union because these proposals threaten U.S. sovereignty" and is currently in the House Highway Safety & Transportation committee for approval
I believe that the people of this nation need to put immense pressure on our representatives to bring this bill to a vote. I believe the bill will die in committee if we do not exert the proper pressure.
Please note that this is not a right-left issue, or for citizens outside of this country. this is a United States issue. Please do your part to learn more and stop the erosion of our sovereignty.
the latter link tries express the NAFTA super-higway as a myth, but do not be fooled. The thing is certainly happening, and it needs to be stopped.
Also, the current administration, along with the presidents of Canada and Mexico, are negotiating the SPP (security and Prosperity Partership). This partership is the key stepping stone to a NAU. The talks between nations are being paid for by tax dollars and being performed without the approval of the senate, making them unconstitutional.
If these things were not happening, then there would be no need for a H.C.R. 40. But the fact is they are happening and need to be stopped by the next administration.
H.C.R. 40 "urges disengaging from the NAFTA Superhighway System and the North American Union because these proposals threaten U.S. sovereignty" and is currently in the House Highway Safety & Transportation committee for approval
I believe that the people of this nation need to put immense pressure on our representatives to bring this bill to a vote. I believe the bill will die in committee if we do not exert the proper pressure.
Please note that this is not a right-left issue, or for citizens outside of this country. this is a United States issue. Please do your part to learn more and stop the erosion of our sovereignty.
Post edited by Unknown User on
These highways will speed the increase of job loss in the US, lead to an expansion of exploitative labor practices in Mexico, cause extreme environmental damage both directly from the road as well as increase resource exploitation of previously untouched areas, and forcibly move thousands of families off of family farms. In Indiana, where construction began this summer, Department of Transportation surveys find that over 70% of Indiana residents oppose the construction of the road, every other survey has found higher rates of opposition.
I-69 will only shorten the time from Canada to Mexico 1-2 hours. So why is it being built? It's being built to strengthen neoliberal plans like NAFTA and the Free Trade Area of the Americas. These roads are being built to decrease trade restrictions so that multinational corporations can have better access to cheap labor and natural resources in Mexico and Central America. I-69, the PPP and Pacifica are the new battlegrounds for the anti-globalization movement. None of the damaging neoliberal plans will have any teeth without an infrastructure.
I would just point out that SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) is aimed at creating a North American Union. Suond familiar? Kind like the existing African Union, European Union?
I don't believe you can point out "neo-liberal" without pointing out "neo-conservative" This is not a partisan issue, in my view. If we make it that, then we're going to divide and misdirect the effort.
I believe the connected dots create the picture of some form of "one world governance"
Considering that neoliberalism has shaped global economics far more than any other economic ideology in the last 30+ years, I find it amazing that most people still have no idea what it is, particularly folks who seem to identify as anti-globalists.
Edit: This is a pretty good description of what neoliberalism is and its negative effects.