The unapologetic Conservative?
is a pretty nice website for those of us who profess a fidelity to
the Constitution, prefer a limited government and the return to our representative Congress the sole authority to enact federal laws.
There is a lot going on that the Liberal elite and the Neocons do not want us to be involved in.
A lot of good stuff in there about the REAL threats facing America today.
is a pretty nice website for those of us who profess a fidelity to
the Constitution, prefer a limited government and the return to our representative Congress the sole authority to enact federal laws.
There is a lot going on that the Liberal elite and the Neocons do not want us to be involved in.
A lot of good stuff in there about the REAL threats facing America today.
Post edited by Unknown User on
research do we already know? Harold Blauer, the tennis pro who was
killed. Frank Olson who was killed because he jumped through a window
because he took LSD mixed with Cointro by Sidney Gottlieb,
administrative Head of MKULTRA who I talked to on the telephone. When
was the Olson family compensated? He died in 1955 or something. They
were compensated by the President in 1977 I think it was. The reason the
wife and surviving children figured that in fact this was not a simple
suicide was they read the Rockefeller Report on CIA activities published
in 1975 in which the case was described without him being named. So,
they are reading the Rockefeller Report, and they realize their
husband/father was actually killed by experimental LSD and they are
compensated for 3/4 of a million dollars. One of the people who
testified at the Committee hearings at the S enate in 1975 was a
technician for Amadeo Morazzi who was the guy who w as the Head of
Edgeware Arsenal where Paul Hawk got his LSD and mescaline from who was
funded by the Air Force while he was at the University of Minnesota.
His research assistant whose name is Mary Ray(sp) was given a dose of
experimental LSD which resulted in an acute psychotic state for which
she was admitted to hospital for which I have her medical records, and I
am in contact with her lawyer and I am going to go up and get her story
in more detail. She talks about a room that was involved in the LSD
research called "The Leaf Room" so when you were on your LSD trip that
was administered by Amadeo Morazzi you were taken into the Leaf Room
which was a room where all surfaces of the room were totally covered
with leaves. This is weird stuff. She also was connected into a bunch
of other stuff. I am not going to go into all of it, because it is a
little weird, but it is two hops from Mary Ray to Iran Contra. So she is
a real person who exists. I know her lawyer. I talked to her lawyer on
the phone. I am going to fly up there. I am going to interview her. I
have her medical records. And the way this works is the stuff that is
happening now is not going to be declassified for 20 or 30 years.
Eventually we will have the names of people who were victims of
experiments in the 70's and 80's and 90's. We already have the names for
the 50's and 60's, not really into the 70's. We have the names of
specific people who were victims of the Tuscagee Syphilis Study and the
radiation experiments into the 70's. That's the way it goes. You are
just pushing back that curtain and there's always this lag time because
you are relying on the views of the Intelligence Community or public
apathy ... "it was back in the Cold War" "it's different now" "we joined
the boy scouts and we don't do that anymore". So there is always a
disinformation strategy for wh y it happened a long time ago and we
don't do it now and we are very regretful and we are so regretful that
we in fact agree to compensate these victims. In Oregon there was a
prison where men were paid to be subjects to participate in radiation
experiments. Their testicles had been irradiated so they would get paid
a certain fee to participate in the radiation of their testicles.
Special arrangements were made so Catholics couldn't participate in the
study because they couldn't use birth control so they might give birth
to genetically mutated children ... so it had to be only non-Catholic
participants. There was an extra fee, it was a little bit fatter, if you
would agree to testicle biopsy to see if the radiation was dropping the
sperm count. When 9 of these people pressed their case to the State
Legislature in Oregon in either the late 70's or early 80's, in its
magnanimity, the Legislature agreed to compensate them for a total of
$3000 for all nine subjects. So this is the way it goes in trying to
document this stuff and trying to make it public and identify the
specific individuals. IT'S A BIG SLOW JOB. And when you make Freedom of
Information requests it's like interacting with any Federal Bureaucracy.
<From Amsterdam Henry Hopehandled the Spanish loan of 1792 when Spain was
fighting against France. WhenHenry Hope moved to London in October 1794 it
was a sign that the end hadcome. Alexander Baring was left to follow in
January 1795. Shortly afterward theDutch Republic collapsed in the face of
the French invasion.
There is also a nice resource that lists the Phone, Fax, and Mailing addresses of each of our representatives. A very handy tool when you are wanting to write to your congress.