Salvia D

First of all for those who don't know what it is...
(you can also see many videos of people hallucinating on this stuff on YouTube, just search Salvia)
1) For those who have tried it, please describe your experience
2) It is legal in most states and every country except Australia. Should it be banned? Why or why not?
(you can also see many videos of people hallucinating on this stuff on YouTube, just search Salvia)
1) For those who have tried it, please describe your experience
2) It is legal in most states and every country except Australia. Should it be banned? Why or why not?
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've never tried, but I know where it can be purchased in the city I live in. A headshop called High Times.
The concentrated extract is really dangerous I've read.
I've never seen those videos, but I read one testimony that was a weird experience. The person came away from it believing it really happened. But it was actually identical to the ending of the movie Contact.
that is pretty much the opposite of what I've heard, and experienced myself the one time I did it. I guess that whenever you hallucinate it does feel "real" at the time but afterwards you know that it wasn't. And definitely not enlightening... just very weird and "out of this world" feeling.
And I'd like to know where it said that it was dangerous... I've never come across that. In fact thats why its not illegal. It isn't addictive, doesn't mess have side-effects, and isn't a "party drug." There has been one case where a kid supposedly commited suicide because of it... but my opinion is that that specific scenario is a loose connection, especially since he wasn't high on the stuff at the time.
Note that I am NOT conclusively saying it isn't dangerous, I don't know. I think that there could possibly be long-term side effects if one were to do it frequently. And I am also NOT saying that it should remain legal. Again, I don't know yet. Basically, it is along the same lines as marijuana (not in the effects, in the harm it does to the user, plus both aren't manufactured) but A LOT bigger trip. So if marijuana is condemned by our government, why isn't this drug?
I did a lot of reading on it in the past when I became aware of it. At certain dosages the user loses motor functions and conciousness, basically they go into a hypnotic coma while their body flails around uncontrollably. That would make it dangerous and as with any psychoactive drug it attacks the brain.
I was at a friend's house... he was leaving the country for good the next day and so we were having a goodbye party for him. The house was empty so we decided to go full-blown decadent.
He had bought 40 grams of salvia divinorium from Oaxaca in Mexico and had also gotten a bag of 5-10 grams (can't remember) of concentrated salvia. I had tried it before but because it is highly volatile I had just felt this heat wave, an uncontrollable desire to giggle and a feeling like my skin had turn slightly metallic... that's the best i can describe.
Anyway, this night we had a bong and a huge bowl to go with it. Please note that I had not smoked weed before. I packed the bowl tight with salvia and topped it off with the extract. As I was pulling from the bong, my friend told me to try to finish off the bowl in one hit. (Mind you the bowl had been packed for all to try... much like you'd do with weed... but, guys, salvia doesn't work at ALL like weed).
So I did. I remember holding the smoke for about 20 seconds--a pretty long time-- and letting go. When I blew out the smoke my head started spinning and everything went black... two seconds later i felt as if my head had been jammed in the corner of the room... my chin was glued (or connected) to the floor, and my left cheek was "one" with the wall. I felt that my body was no longer there... I was just a head in a corner. The wall and the floor seemed to go on forever and everyone in the room had disappeared. In the far distance everything turned black.
I also felt like my back had been opened up and my skin was all over the room... My back was vibrating at three different intensities... as if there were energies that i could feel behind me. At this point I was so scared that all I wanted to do was come back to.
I started "pulling" myself from the corner where I was. It was like crawling out of a mangrove or something. Finally, when I managed to get my torso out of this substance, my head spun again and I felt total amnesia. I was looking at a window and could not remember where I was, who I was, and who I was with. I just remember thinking that the inside of my head was a huge circular empty canvas that I had to paint. Since I had seen the window I had a window painted inside and even though I knew I'd have to look around in 360 degrees to get the rest of the room.. I didn't know what I'd see there. So slowly I started panning to my left, looking closely at everything in the room, including my friends. I remember trying to do a huge effort to recall who they were and why I was in that house.
Finally, after 5 minutes, everything came back to normal.
Even though I was scared shitless I remember one of my friends telling me (it sounded sooo distant at the time) to "keep cool" and "that nothing bad was going to happen to me".
man, i felt fucked up just reading that..i dont think i'll ever try the shit
no shit. i never tried it but i read you should have someone sober there to make sure you don't do anything that could hurt yourself
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
ya from what I've read you're supposed to have a sitter.
Orestes' experience was almost exactly like mine. I "merged" with the wall and was an immaterial object, not a person. It was scary because I could not pull myself away from the wall and the floor, ceiling and everything else were collapsing on me... I thought this was really happening and was freaking out because no one else could see it.
The other person that I was with said the exact same thing about their jaw... it was connected to the floor. It was funny when she tried to speak it came out only in single syllables, and some of the syllables were repeated... "what is ha pen ing ing"
Did it a few times....pretty intense...for those thinkin about trying it I highly recommend that you have a great ability to let go of your mind...because you will lose it....sit back and enjoy the ride...I will save my stories for another day when I have more time.....
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and it only hits in a short duration? After the initial experience, you settle back down, and go for another hit?
I find it odd for the owner of a head shop to be calling for the DEA to classify a plant.
well i guess you can look at it that way, we used to sell it before it became illegal and i got to talking to people who had no clue what they were doing with this stuff and thought it was nothing more than just regular pot, even after you educate them about what Salvia is.....
im big on the education of drugs and researching them before you actually do was the one place i would always go to about doses and if i wanted to know about a drug i could get what was recommended as the first time dosage and what to expect after you you took this would be suprised but not all head shop owners are what you think they would be, i think we are a little smarter than what we get credit for
I completely agree with you about education. I just get concerned that once the gov't becomes involved in any substance and puts it on a schedule, most education is stifled. I have no interest in Salvia and have no plans to ever use it, but involving the government only takes these things underground. Let people use it, talk about it, share experiences, etc...
And I won't make the same mistakes
(Because I know)
Because I know how much time that wastes
(And function)
Function is the key
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i've tried hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, they have a higher concentration of las in only have to take a few. i've done those a few times...i liked it for the most part but hated the taste and it got to just having them hit my mouth caused my stomach to clench, but not as much as w/ absinthe
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
i agree with you on this point right here....once these drugs go underground other people get their hands in the mix and start adding stuff to these drugs or taking away stuff from these drugs and completely alter the original intent of the drug...MDMA/Ecstasy is a great example of this to where half the time you dont know what you are getting in your pill...sometimes MDMA, sometimes speed, and sometimes believe it or not Heroin
then again im sure this goes on with or without the governments intervention
ive always wanted to drink some absinthe, does it live up to the "hype" ...just wanting to get some real feedback from someone who has done it
yes and's extremely hard to keep down...the first time tasted horrible...brushed my teeth, uysed mouth wash, tried eating/drinking something...nothing would make the taste go away...the 2nd time i gagged but kept it down...3rd time i kept it down for a bit then threw it up...4th time it wouldn't stay down at all and that was that.
i'd say it was like a weak trip or close to it...not the same as tripping but somewhat close. not nearly as was fun minus the taste
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Stuck in a corner dosen't sound to fun to me. And I have endured a bad "trip" or two along the way.
yeah I guess that is the point of this thread. the drug, according to science, is harmless. but it REALLY messes ya up.... and I mean REALLLLY. But everyone I've ever talked to was like "ya it was cool, but I kinda freaked out so I don't think I'll do it again" This drug is not going to catch on like LSD did. So I guess that is why it hasn't been banned yet.