Secular Progessive "Movement"

I've noticed that "Secular Progressives" is the new right wing media buzzword used to label their opposition. (I think this started with O'Reilly) Why are "secular" and "progressive" commonly regarded as negative attributes when it comes to your political beliefs? If I am -- [from American Heritage dictionary]
- Worldly rather than spiritual.
- Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body.
Isn't this a good thing in the political world? - since church and state aren't supposed to go hand in hand? (although this is up for debate too among the right wing) Secularism does NOT mean, according to the true meaning of the word, that a person is lead by his fleshly needs, an atheist, an advocate for the explusion of God from all walks of life, or the dismantling of the word "family" as we know it. Although these fear-mongerers would have you believe otherwise. There may be people out there that do indeed possess these beliefs, but I think its a safe assumption that these people are the minority.
And if I am -- [definition of progressive - from American Heritage dictionary]
- Moving forward; advancing.
- Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.
- Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.
How is being progressive a bad thing? Aren't all free-thinkers "progressive?" Isn't every single person throughout history who has came up with a new and better way progressive? Why is moving opposite of the status quo a negative connotation? I guess these are all loaded questions since I know that this isn't what the right wing media is talking about whatsoever. Its simply a scare tactic and a new spin to endure the mass psychosis of the O'Reilly following.
- Worldly rather than spiritual.
- Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body.
Isn't this a good thing in the political world? - since church and state aren't supposed to go hand in hand? (although this is up for debate too among the right wing) Secularism does NOT mean, according to the true meaning of the word, that a person is lead by his fleshly needs, an atheist, an advocate for the explusion of God from all walks of life, or the dismantling of the word "family" as we know it. Although these fear-mongerers would have you believe otherwise. There may be people out there that do indeed possess these beliefs, but I think its a safe assumption that these people are the minority.
And if I am -- [definition of progressive - from American Heritage dictionary]
- Moving forward; advancing.
- Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.
- Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.
How is being progressive a bad thing? Aren't all free-thinkers "progressive?" Isn't every single person throughout history who has came up with a new and better way progressive? Why is moving opposite of the status quo a negative connotation? I guess these are all loaded questions since I know that this isn't what the right wing media is talking about whatsoever. Its simply a scare tactic and a new spin to endure the mass psychosis of the O'Reilly following.
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