Biting Your Tongue and Voting Your Conscience

I bit my tongue last night and voted for a Democrat for the U.S. House. I voted for a Democrat not because I think their party's policies are the best. I voted that way because one party rule for the past 6 years has created a government that does not have to answer to criticism and is not held accountable for mistakes.
Bush was right to go to Iraq, but both him and his administration have proved incompetent at winning the war they brought us into.
There is a better chance that our government will fix it's problems with Democrats holding some power, as opposed to a rubber stamp congress for George Bush.
So Democrats should cheer that they won, but they better realize that America doesn't like them any better than they like the Republicans. This was George Bush's election to lose, not the Democrats election to win.
If Bush was a better liason between the government and its people, if he had made more of an effort in Iraq, if he had fired Rumsfeld... if he had been a little more open and honest about Iraq and accepted some due criticism - then the American public would have had more patience with him and the Republican party.
But Bush blew it. He is just a bad politician, with bad advisors. So the Democrats were handed a gift, a chip shot, a layup.
It would help this country if they acted this way, had some humility. Just becuase Bush doesn't have any, doesn't mean they have to sink to his level.
I'm an independent, and I'm glad the Dems won the house. It's a new, fresh start. I hope they extend the olive branch. However, I fear with Pelosi as speaker of the house and Howard Dean as chairman of the party - they will now become what the Republicans have been for the past 6 years.... for the sake of our country I hope I'm wrong.
Bush was right to go to Iraq, but both him and his administration have proved incompetent at winning the war they brought us into.
There is a better chance that our government will fix it's problems with Democrats holding some power, as opposed to a rubber stamp congress for George Bush.
So Democrats should cheer that they won, but they better realize that America doesn't like them any better than they like the Republicans. This was George Bush's election to lose, not the Democrats election to win.
If Bush was a better liason between the government and its people, if he had made more of an effort in Iraq, if he had fired Rumsfeld... if he had been a little more open and honest about Iraq and accepted some due criticism - then the American public would have had more patience with him and the Republican party.
But Bush blew it. He is just a bad politician, with bad advisors. So the Democrats were handed a gift, a chip shot, a layup.
It would help this country if they acted this way, had some humility. Just becuase Bush doesn't have any, doesn't mean they have to sink to his level.
I'm an independent, and I'm glad the Dems won the house. It's a new, fresh start. I hope they extend the olive branch. However, I fear with Pelosi as speaker of the house and Howard Dean as chairman of the party - they will now become what the Republicans have been for the past 6 years.... for the sake of our country I hope I'm wrong.