For those that oppose the war in Iraq...

If U.S. troops pull back from Iraq, what do you think will happen in that country? Obviously I'm in favor of the troops being there, but I'm not trying to bait anybody. I'm just curious as to how you guys see this scenario playing out if they leave. In fact I'm not going to post any more in this thread - I just want to see what you guys think.
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then UK troops would still be there along with all the U.N. troops and other nations that have sent forces... its not just US forces that are there.
If the troops pull out now the country will disintegrate in a way worse than anything we saw in Yugoslavia. The fact many people believe that the troops need to remain in Iraq to prevent and all out bloodbath doesn't justify the occupation. The invasion and occupation were wrong to begin with. The long terms consequences of that monumental fuck-up are now anyone's guess.
Let them sort it out. Are we going to see anything worse then what we are now? NO!
so you want everyone to leave and let a bloothbath happen out of spite?
I didn't say we should.
U.S troops aren't under daily attack in Germany though.
Nor do they have a policy of aggression there.
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that was only to keep an eye on Russia/USSR
the US has bases on every corner of the world... purely to keep an eye on people, countries, whatever
I agree with this post...
I guess we can play the game of "what if"...A wise man once told me "If if were a fifth, we'd all be drunk"...I say let them sort it out...
I'm thinking that the powers that be and those who support the US staying are more concerned about the "what if's" pertaining to Iraq becoming a place that is unfriendly to the US...well, they should have thought about that years ago...our credibility is this point, there is little we can do to change that...
it's time to pull back and punt...
From day one this mission has been a failure because we approached it in the wrong manner and we continue to do so only making slight changes to our plan, if you can call it a plan, that really aren't having the necessary effects. We either need to completely change course, start instituting politicals solutions to the problem, or get the hell out. We can't be expected to fix a country where so many of it's people don't want to fix anyway.
...and Germany...and Japan...
out of the 158,902 troops currently in Iraq 150,000 are american. thats roughly 95%
i wouldnt call that egotistical, i would call that the facts
edit: not to mention the 200,000 mercenaries on the ground as well. again probably approx 95% of them are american
The same thing that'll happen when the American military leaves Iraq in 2009... or 2019... or 9012... You can only point a gun at two people that want to kill each other and make them NOT kill each other for so long.
Now.. let me ask you a question... or two. I hear that the cost of freedom isn't Free... how much does it cost?
And at what number of dead American soldiers do 'acceptable' losses become 'unacceptable'?
Hail, Hail!!!
....and this would only happen if enough anger shakes the very wealthy status quo, which means it won't happen at all....
What will happen is that we won't pull back our troops from Iraq until after the Primary Elections. And even that won't be a large enough pull back.
What will happen until that point is that Bush will do everything he can to maintain the status quo.
Any questions?
The planning of US bases in Iraq was in the works in GB I's time. Maybe before. This is a long-term money maker...everything else (the politics) is just fluff.
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Or is that Hal?
tell me yoooour answer true...
i'm half crazy...
all for the LUB of YOUB
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
How long is too long? How are you planning to MAKE Shi'ites and Sunnis end their 1200 year old religious based hatred of each other? Do we need to station 140,000 combat ready troops there... or can that number be drawn down? How do we exit? Can we quietly sneak out the back door when no ones looking? Won't they notice that we've gone and start their bullshit all over again?
And I know Conservatives hate throwing good money on bad money... I know I do... how much is too much? When is it going to be seen as 'waste'? We're just past the half a trillion (TAXPAYER) dollar mark... are we good for a Trillion? Two Trillion? What?
Hail, Hail!!!
It won't happen though, they've got another whatever how many billion to keep bullying the Iraqi people around for awhile. Woohoo! And, apparently, they're taking away guns from the citizens as of January, per the puppet prime minister or president, or whatever the fuck he is. Does anyone here even know the name of the "democratically" elected leader of Iraq right now?
Fucking Bush and Cheney need to be taken out to the woodshed.
And shot.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
This is Gold Rush days for the Neocons. They're moving at a speed faster than we dare to comprehend. This is their element, this is their time.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Everybody that still supports our involvement in Iraq should volunteer 1 year of their life and go over there and see if they can sort things out.
Any takers?
I'm calling you out c'mon...
get up and do something instead of risking others lives.
True. They'll cash in regardless. People like Paperplates et al will benefit in no way whatsoever from this war. The fat cats at Halliburton will get rich out of it whatever happens. And that's the whole point. The U.S Government and the big corporations - is there any difference? - don't give a fuck about the U.S men and women over there dying and getting maimed every day. This is a gold rush for them, pure and simple. I'd go so far as to say that anyone who supports the Bush Administration is a traitor to their people.
Any particular reason you chose to use my name here? Do you have a man-crush on me>?
Your name is representative of a particular type on this message board. Fortunately there's only a few of you. Most people on the board are decent, reasonable types - like Jlew for example, who, despite having opposing views to myself, doesn't feel the need to resort to personal abuse whenever he happens to be challenged on anything.