FINALLY someone did something about it.

They're gonna tell you where to walk
When to smile and just what to say
They say have your own fun...
Need vinyl, doggs.
When to smile and just what to say
They say have your own fun...
Need vinyl, doggs.
Post edited by Unknown User on
That's fucking disgusting.....
You deserve a sign pointing towards your house -- F**KHEAD IN NEIGHBOURHOOD!
Imagine how the kid with the disability feels (hopefully he can't read!). Fuck I hate the word RETARD.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Exactly! Why on earth who anyone let their child, who has the mentality of a 3 yr old, roam around the neighborhood by himself!! He could really get hurt not mention harming others. The poor child...
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
♬♪♫ and I will not, grow tired of crayon stars and fire
♬♪♫ cause a soldier's death is so much better than defeat just hanging around
Low Traffic CIO MIW
And thats when things get fucked.
that's the first thing i noticed too.
thankfully, the child in question cannot read...b/c while sure the parents should look after their child more thoroughly, it is also a hateful thing to do.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
By the way, didn't that guy just look like the type of person who would do something like this? :rolleyes:
Knowing the way those kinds of people act, he's probably raised his kids to be as angry and ignorant as him.. i bet his daughter harasses the hell out of that little kid..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Yeah, I've never understood why people use "'s" in completely incorrect contexts. Is it not easier to just use an "s"?
I love it when people don't recognize things like the plural possesive when the apostrophe is after the s and then try to correct you too..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Better ways to deal with it than putting up a sign. You're telling me the best course of action is to put up an awful spray-painted sign like that? That's the adult thing to do?
It's no different - and I'm going to apologize in advance for typing the words -
Caution: Faggots in area.
Caution: Niggers in area.
I can't believe some of you condone this...
EDIT: BTW, I think the family probably needs to keep the kid on a tighter chain, so to speak - but that sign just makes me sick.
I never condoned it. I think the childs parents need to be more responsible.
Yeah - hence my edit - I agree with that... someone up there said something like "I'd probably put a sign like that up too"
EDIT: And now I see that the guy who made the a-hole comment clarified his stance a bit.. so I apologize for getting fired up...
I guess this doesn't have to do anything with the sign really. It's hard to tell by not actually being there. I don't know if the parents are watching the kid walk around everywhere or if they're neglecting the kid. If they were just letting him wander around freely and not paying any attention to him at all I'd call some authorities and let them know that these people weren't properly taking care of their children, and potentially letting him get in harms way. I believe neglect is considered child abuse in some places. I guess the story didn't make that part too clear, since it was about the sign and not that. That's what I was upset about. He may be 13, but with the mind of a 3 year old.. you wouldn't let a toddler out wandering around the neighborhood unattended.
Dee dee dee!!
There are plenty of children, and some adults, with the mentality of a 3 year old walking the streets. Shit, there's even one in the White House. What's the big deal? Kids are kids! They throw rocks. So some uptight girl went crying to her parents? Get over it.
The next time someone here asks for some sympathy about a situation, I'll just post a comment similarly. What about that one woman who has autistic sons who I've seen regularly post here? Would you dare post something like that?
I have a an older 16-year-old brother with Down syndrome who suffered a stroke after one of 5 open heart surgeries and also has the mentality of maybe a 5-year-old. He's jumped the fence in our yard before. Let most of you have the responsibility of caring for someone like that and see if things don't happen. Half of you couldnt handle it because you'd be too busy bithcing about how you didnt get a fucking poster at a concert because damnit, those are the important things to stand up for?
I've had people who have literally just walk right up to us at a playground and say just the nastiest things. I guess no one here is above that.
I could go on but honestly, those responses stand for themselves. You guys look like assholes.
whatever happened to speaking to someone when there is an issue/danger? even if that doesn't work, there are other avenues to take...and none of them include displaying such ignorance/intolerance as a sign such as that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Seriously, I cannot believe some of the people here think this hatred is warranted. It's absolutely on the same level of hatred as racism.
At the same time, this white trash asshole with the sign still has the right to express himself. But hopefully the good people of this po-dunk town will shun him for his idiocy....or show up with pitchforks and burn the fucker's house down.
For those of you who say that the parents are shitty parents and need to keep closer watch on the kid, keep in mind that the only thing you've heard about the kid roaming and throwing rocks is coming from some white-trash piece of shit who's willing to put up such signs in his yard. I barely consider that asshole to be a human.
Also, walk a mile before you spout off your ignorant opinions. Kids with disabilities are extremely difficult to parent. I'm not just talking about keeping track of them and keeping them on a "shorter chain." They need some level of independance that varies like mad depending on the kid. A 13 year old with the brain of a 3 year old still cannot be treated like a regular 3 year old. These are very difficult situations we're talking about and it's not at all fair to judge the parents here. I do however reserve the right to judge that fucking prick who hung the sign and refuses to take it down.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I mean, the guy claims that all of the neighbors already know about this kid... and I'm guessing the kid's parents already know of his inabilities... it the sign supposed to warn the mailman? The Johovah's witnesses? The Publisher's Clearing House Awards Van? Who?
And I don't know the whole story, so I can't say... maybe the neighbors have already talked to the parents, who don't give a shit and the guy just made the sign out of frustration... or maybe he's just a mean person... I don't know. But, it sounds like those people don't know about living together. The parents have a responsibility regarding their kid's actions and the neighbors need to try to understand.
And like it has been said, this is a total Jerry Springer situation.
Hail, Hail!!!
As I often do I find myself on the fence here so I have no position on this, just wanted to bump this baby so the masters could look deeper into the underlying complex issues going on here....or not Haha. Again, way to raise the bar...