Free cervical cancer vaccine now available in Australia

The Australian government has recently provided funding to make the HPV vaccine 'Gardasil' available for free to women aged 18 - 26, and has started a program to vaccinate school girls against the virus.
So, watch out for the new wave of hyper promiscuous sex-crazed nymphomanic Australian women that are about to take over the world! Oh hang on, apparently the vaccine only has that effect in Texas. . .
An appreciable number of Sydney school girls were given the anticipated cervical cancer vaccine.
Gardasil injection was given to 260 students from Fort Street High School as a part of the national immunization program in the presence of Premier Morris Iemma.
According to Mr. Iemma at the official state launch of the vaccine, more than 230,000 students would be given the vaccine within the space of the next two years.
He said, "Over the course of this year, school students in years 10, 11 and 12 will receive the necessary three injections, while girls in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be given the vaccine next year,"
The role Gardasil ranges from protection against four strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), common sexually transmitted viruses that can cause skin warts, genital warts to 70 per cent of cervical cancer.
The Federal Government’s cervical cancer website stated that majority of women with HPV will not develop cervical cancer, but a higher risk of cervical cancer occurs when certain HPV infections take longer than usual to clear.
The vaccine which was developed by the Australian professor Ian Frazer would be administered in three specific doses within a period of six months
An estimate of about 2.2 million Australian girls and women aged 12-26 will be qualified for the free vaccination under the program.
Women within the age range of 18-26 will also be eligible to the free vaccine from their GP from July until June 2009
Studies has proven that 212 women died of the disease in Australia in 2004 and there were 689 new cases of cervical cancer found in Australia in 2002
So, watch out for the new wave of hyper promiscuous sex-crazed nymphomanic Australian women that are about to take over the world! Oh hang on, apparently the vaccine only has that effect in Texas. . .
An appreciable number of Sydney school girls were given the anticipated cervical cancer vaccine.
Gardasil injection was given to 260 students from Fort Street High School as a part of the national immunization program in the presence of Premier Morris Iemma.
According to Mr. Iemma at the official state launch of the vaccine, more than 230,000 students would be given the vaccine within the space of the next two years.
He said, "Over the course of this year, school students in years 10, 11 and 12 will receive the necessary three injections, while girls in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be given the vaccine next year,"
The role Gardasil ranges from protection against four strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), common sexually transmitted viruses that can cause skin warts, genital warts to 70 per cent of cervical cancer.
The Federal Government’s cervical cancer website stated that majority of women with HPV will not develop cervical cancer, but a higher risk of cervical cancer occurs when certain HPV infections take longer than usual to clear.
The vaccine which was developed by the Australian professor Ian Frazer would be administered in three specific doses within a period of six months
An estimate of about 2.2 million Australian girls and women aged 12-26 will be qualified for the free vaccination under the program.
Women within the age range of 18-26 will also be eligible to the free vaccine from their GP from July until June 2009
Studies has proven that 212 women died of the disease in Australia in 2004 and there were 689 new cases of cervical cancer found in Australia in 2002
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
-C Addison
-C Addison
Post edited by Unknown User on
When I first learned about it I told all the women I know. None of them have gone to get vaccinated. Makes me sad :(
Some more facts on HPV
70% of people come in contact with the virus
30% of people have the virus
The immune system can defeat it, but that's quite the risk to take.
Men cannot be vaccinated in Canada, it's not available to men, it's considered harmless.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I wish the HPV strain that causes warts on the hands would become a thing of the past! I've been trying to get rid of a collection of warts on my hand for about two years now. Still can't shake the bastards off.
But, as I'm sure everyone here will be pleased to know, my testicles are completely wart free, and always have been.
I'll shut up now.
-C Addison
Try covering them in super-glue.
hehe! LMAO!!
Have you tried the dry ice? Or whatever it is the doctor calls it? I've found that if you get them to work on them fairly consistantly they can be erradicated. Bit of a nuisance to be back and forth to the doctor regularly but it does work eventually.
I wonder if the vaccination would have any effect on that strain?
Be interesting to find out. Maybe like that researcher that swallowed the h-polori (?) to see if it was what caused ulcers.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Is that a medical opinion lucy?
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:rolleyes: Der!! That's it!! Thanks ahnimus!
I could see the canister and all the smoke coming out of it just couldn't remember the damn name.
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* Imiquimod (Aldara®) a topical immune response cream which can be applied to the affected area
* A 20% podophyllin anti-mitotic solution, which can be applied to the affected area and later washed off
* A 0.5% podofilox solution, applied to the affected area but should not be washed off
* A 5% 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cream
* Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
* Pulsed dye laser
* Liquid nitrogen cryosurgery
* Electric or Laser cauterization
You can do some cool tricks with liquid nitrogen
Yes, I remember having to pretend to "drink" it once from a goblet, on stage, while dressed in a Lion costume! And then somehow get up, lick my lips and sing!
But I have seen it when you drip it onto a piece of paper and watched it roll around like a ball.
And you can use like they did in Terminator!! Now that was cool!!
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er, yeah. . . that must be why they're mostly on my left hand, or something.
thanks mr wikipedia
I have tried the liquid N2 treatment. It did knock a couple of them off, but the larger ones come back and need several treatents over a period of a couple of months. I got sick of paying the $40 consulatation fee every couple of weeks just to go in and be subjected some fairly intense pain, and then have to put up with a hand that is so sore it can hardly be used for several days.
I've also tried a salicylic acid based paint, which was working until I got lazy about putting it on everyday and covering them with plaster. They're really giving me the shits now, so I'll give it another go. Apparently using duct tape instead of the plaster can help. There's something about the glue on the tape that irriates the wart tissue and stimulates the immune system to fight the virus.
Interesting story - I've had one wart on the index finger of my left hand for several years now. It never really grew, and it was annoying, but I couldn't be bothered doing anything about it. Then one day I was fishing from my kayak in the dam up here. I hooked a sizeable trout and got it to the side of the boat. When I put my hand down to grab the lure and unhook it, it struggled, and managed to impale my middle finger on one hook, and the palm of my hand just below the little finger on the other hook. I now had a rather hefty and pissed off trout pinned to my hand in two places. I tried to carefully lift it out of the water so that I could unhook it and then go about unhooking myself when it struggled again, falling back into the water, and ripping the hooks, which were both in well past the barb, back out of my hand. With copius quantities of blood dripping from the two holes that had been torn in my hand, I managed to free the fish and then paddle to the shore. I borrowed some plastic six pack wrappers from some guys that were fishing (ie drinking beer) on the bank, tied them around my fingers to stop the bleeding, and went back and caught another couple of fish before I went home. How the hell does this heroic story relate to warts you ask? Well, the two places where I was hooked healed up, leaving small scars, then a month or two later, warts appeared on those exact spots, eventually covering the scars. That was about two years ago, and the damn warts are still there.
What's the moral of the story? I have no idea. Maybe avoid angry trout and six pack wrappers or else god will smite you with irritating skin conditions. . .
-C Addison
Knew there'd be a plausible explanation!
They do tend to pop up where there is broken skin. I think the virus hides out in my cuticles when they split sometimes. I've found the old ti tree oil is handy for killing them when they are little spots. But once they get to full grown, well it's the doctor all the way. Although you'd think if it was a continuing treatment the doctor could bulk bill you scott? That would at least be a bit more helpful. Have you tried Wartner? I'd be curious to see if it was effective. OH and if you're looking for like the BEST tape, you can't go past GAFFA! That stuff can do ANYTHING!!
As to the angry trout, well it sounds like he had his revenge! But OUCH! that musta hurt a bastard. :eek:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The trout was a female from memory, and yes, she well and truly got her revenge on me. I hope somebody else caught it and barbequed the bastard.
Yeah I'm a big fan of gaffa tape. Anyone who spends enough time in whitewater kayaks soon develops a close relationship with it. That dr surgery won't bulk bill. I've kind lost faith in that doctor now anyway, after I stacked my bike and he decided that my leg must have been fractured. When the x-ray showed no signs of a fracture he had no idea what to do. I discovered later from a physio what the real problem was, and she fixed it in no time.
-C Addison
:rolleyes: How on earth you can determine the sex of a fish that's stapled to your hand I'll never know!
Most of my sets are held together with the mighty gaffa! I love the stuff! There's NO END to what you can do with it! It fixes damn near everything.
That doctor sounds like a total tool. Good thing you are not playing with him anymore, who knows what he'd manage if something REALLY serious came up?! :eek:
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Anyway, back to the topic of this thread. . . americans being a bunch of stupid puritanical morons that would rather see their daughters die than. . ., oops, I mean, cervical cancer vaccines.
I'm glad that its been made available for free here. Finally this government has done something they can be proud of.
-C Addison
I'll take your word for it scott! I've never been good at determining the sex of animals.
I never thought I'd see the day when this government did something that I could commend them for but I have to say I'm highly impressed with them for funding this vaccination program. I only hope that other countries can put their views on sexual activity aside and simply introduce the vaccine as the excellent health promotion that it is.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Well I guess a career as a chicken sexer isn't for you then?
-C Addison
Look! I might be hard up scott but I'm hardly gonna start doing nasty things to poultry!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Has anyone else heard anything about this?
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-C Addison
BUT that was just a news bite on GOLD so :rolleyes: that's what made me post the question coz I wondered if you'd heard anything else.
Anyway, I've found this article on google. It appears to be the only one so far. I'm really hoping that it doesn't completely ruin this whole program.
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