hey McCain you brought up joe the plummer up 1st >>>

josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
edited October 2008 in A Moving Train
asshole damm what an embarrasesment this war hero is talk about spinning a web ....now hi's blaming Obama for joethedummy getting this negative publicity ......i wouldn't vote for this old bag if he was the only candidate ....
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    The Joe the Plumber example is still valid, though.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    know1 wrote:
    The Joe the Plumber example is still valid, though.

    i'm not arguing that point i'm saying why is McCain trying to put the blame on OBAMA about this joe characters privacy ...he McCain was the one that mentioned this 21times on the debate what did he think would happen ,that the media would not try to dig dirt and find out everything about this dummy ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,106
    i'm not arguing that point i'm saying why is McCain trying to put the blame on OBAMA about this joe characters privacy ...he McCain was the one that mentioned this 21times on the debate what did he think would happen ,that the media would not try to dig dirt and find out everything about this dummy ....

    Exactly, he should have known that the media would not talk about the points, but go after the individual. I would bet what is left of my 401k that if Joe the Plumber was a Democrat the media would not have dug into (or reported) his real situation.
  • Exactly, he should have known that the media would not talk about the points, but go after the individual. I would bet what is left of my 401k that if Joe the Plumber was a Democrat the media would not have dug into (or reported) his real situation.

    Oh noes, itz a conspiracy!! Stupid liberal media reporting the stupid facts.

    Amazing how some people conveniently forget how massive a propaganda machine the media at large was throughout the majority of the Bush administration.
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  • And speaking of the media being a propaganda machine, I would just like to know if anyone else is furious about the extensive coverage of the plumber on the news but not a single mention of the veteran who got his face stomped on by a fucking horse at the debate?! Please someone tell me I'm not crazy...
    "In this cause I too am prepared to die. There is no cause for which I am prepared to kill" -Gandhi

    Iraq Veterans Against the War
  • building your entire debate strategy around someone you dont know and have never even met is the height of stupidity.

    its such a silly dialogue anyway:
    Mcain: Obama will raise everyone's taxes.
    Obama: no i wont
    McCain: he's a liar, just ask Joe the Plumber.
    Obama: Joe doesnt know what he is talking about. and he doesnt pay taxes anyway.
    McCain: no u r n00b
    Obama: no u lol rotfl
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Joe the plumber is an idiot. He owes like 12k in back taxes. He doesn't deserve a tax break. He doesn't pay anyways.
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