Bury James Brown Allready !!!!

when will this poor soul be buried i guess we could start a petition ok let's make this the official "BURY BROWN PETITION " .anyone any comments......??
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
Post edited by Unknown User on
What the hell are they waiting for?
maybe they could mummfy him like sylvester in the shoppe in seattle old curosity shopp on waterfront
maybe papa wants a brand new body bag
i still love you
It is a cultural thing for a deceased black person to remain unburied longer than a white person, but this is a little extreme.
i suppose JB was old and so it could be 'expected' to a degree.. whereas ANSmith is a bit more tabloidy... you know, drugs (allegedly) just had a baby, her son died days after that baby, the baby has 4 dads, she used to marry grandads... and she 'got them out'
we love to aid the untalented celebs these days dont we?
-Big Fish