The Reaming ...

how long will the american public take the reaming we are getting from our beloved government ,$ 4.00 gallon of gas ,food prices thru the roof ,housing market gone to shit,economy well enough said ,when is enough enough please discuss and good ol gubber bush just sitting there making more deals with the arab nations ......just had to rant folks it took 35$ to fill my tank this morning ....maybe i'm wrong
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
Post edited by Unknown User on
Do you drive a lawn tractor?
ha ha ha
Do we deserve cheap gas?
I think we've got a problem with lack of refineries, obviously and they can't refine heavy crude and they aren't as efficient as they should be but neither is our nation.
Essentially, this is something that we have been working on for years but should have had a lot more attention paid to it. People just ignored it because it wasn't in thier faces. Now it's in the front consiousness so perhaps it will get more attention now.
One thing is clear... Ethanol was a dumb idea. It would have been smarter to explore for more oil in the US before anyone listened to ADM on that shit.
Biodiesel is a better idea anyway for small supply.
35 bucks? Try 75.
I suppose this is what we got for signing the 'Contract With America' with the conservative Republicans back in 2000. It stated that they would 'Bring back dignity to the White House' after 8 years of sex scandals and lead America into the new milenium as the economic example for others to follow.
Can we sue for breach of contract?
Hail, Hail!!!
i agree we are in a bad state at the moment .....
"Fix" implies a problem. I see no problem here.
$35 to fill the tank?
Oh man that's like 3 - 4 years ago prices for me...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
what about Florida? It's a lot closer to the refineries in the Gulf. It costs a lot of money to ship that all the way down to the refineries.
Fuck up Alaska, great plan!
naděje umírá poslední
How would it do that?
As for Drilling for oil in Alaska. That reserve is labeled the Strategic Reserve for a reason. It was initially designated that during the Cold War because we needed fuel in case of a non-nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Now, there is no more Soviet Union... but do other nations pose a potetial threat to us? Russia? China?
I think they do pose a potential threat... not today... not tomorrow... but, 10 years from now? I do not trust Russia nor China. And I would rather have homegrown resources in our backyard in case we need to fire up our war machine, rather than having to secure resources in their neighborhood.
and I do not feel we should risk a future threat... just so we can continue our wasteful habit for about 4 years and the continue to hold the belief that cheap gas is somehow a birthright.
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm an environmentalist. Building unneccesary oil refineries so you can support your addiction to oil seems like a bad plan to me.
naděje umírá poslední
define unnecessary. Currently the entire US society is built on oil. Everything. In the short term there is no alternative.... we should be further along than we are getting to clean energy, but right now... it's an oil based economy for the near future until some sustainable technology changes that.
no one is arguing this addiction is ridiculous and should have ended years ago, but currently the technology needed to end the addiction is not on the market or even close to it.
There hasn't been a new refinery for over 30 years. That's got to be an environmental issue right there. Surely there is better more efficient more environmentally friendly technology on the market currently and we aren't even talking about Coal Gassification yet.
And this is just the US... Look at China and India... that's a HUGE issue.
The sun and it's immediate derivitives (wind etc) are the only real alternatives as well as maybe an amalgamation of locally grown fuels I guess.... but wow do we have a lot of work to do.
Alaska will not quench America's need for oil...would be a drop in a large bucket....
Like I said last week get used to the prices the reliance upon oil is so huge now that you need to import oil/gas/etc. which automatically is going to increase the costs....North Americans (specifically America the most) have paid sub-value rates for their gasoline....finally it is catching up...makes me shake my head that so many people are shocked......
and it keeps getting better ...
It will only get "better"....:)
Cheap oil is gone people....
The rich sure do seem to keep getting richer though...don't they.
There ain't gonna be any middle any more.
Weening one's self from addiction is not an easy task. Whether it is smoking or heroin or oil... you will go through withdrawals because life ain't easy. We are basically a carton a day smoker who has been at it since the mid to late 1940s... or worse, a heroin junkie who's been shooting up for 60 years. We should go through withdrawal pains... so, we finally learn to stop being so wasteful.
Hail, Hail!!!
ugh. Trainspotting here we come.
35?! geez, it took 63 the other day....shove it!
Ok, what's your principle here? No one should be hungry? No one should be rich? Both? The fact of the matter is that people were starving when oil was $10 a barrel. Furthermore, the logical extensions of most of your posts created some of the worst periods of human starvation in civilized history. Your post above is great for a bumper sticker, but not for any kind of reasoned debate about economics.
Oil is a limited commodity for which better alternatives now exist. Rising oil prices will help those alternatives come to market more quickly and will lead to the first great industrial leaps of this century, promising better and cleaner energy for both the rich and poor.
The fact that some people are "going hungry" and some people are "getting rich" is constant fact of human history. You can either sit there and bicker about which people are getting rich or going hungry, or you can recognize the paths by which greater numbers of people get rich and smaller numbers of people go hungry.
Just because you don't see a problem, doesn't mean that there isn't one.
naděje umírá poslední
That's very true! So is the reverse.
Indeed, problems seem to be subjective.
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