What should be done about the Darfur conflict?

the Islamic government will soon be kicking out most or all foreign AID workers which will open the door for the Islamic militants to kill every black african they can find.
will the world stay by and watch? Should America step in, with allies, and stop this from happening? or will we just be another occupier and the devil bush just wanting to drill the fields for oil.
Personally I hope the United Nations steps in and sends troops to protect these people. Isn't that their job?
here is the history from Wiki
will the world stay by and watch? Should America step in, with allies, and stop this from happening? or will we just be another occupier and the devil bush just wanting to drill the fields for oil.
Personally I hope the United Nations steps in and sends troops to protect these people. Isn't that their job?
here is the history from Wiki
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At a news conference at the United Nations on Tuesday, Bashir said the Khartoum government would approve an extension of the AU force but adamantly rejected an eventual transition to a U.N. force, saying it was a cover for aiding Israel.
"It is very clear there is a plan to redraw the region," he said. "Any state in the region should be weakened, dismembered in order to protect the Israelis, to guarantee the Israeli security."
20,000 peacekeepers seems like a low number to me though..they need to make thier presence strong from the get go
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I figure why put any troops in harms way. They will only have an agenda and be biased anyhow.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I don't get it. How does America = the UN? Israel would have had the "piss" bombed out of them? Huh?
Israel would have the piss bombed out of them? by who exactly?
You mean the illegal war?
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even in a thread looking for suggested solutions to a very serious problem, people still find time to bash america
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Islamic militants! Damn, they are all over the place. Such a peaceful group. Someone needs to step up and help these people. Too bad they are of dark skin, if they were white, it would be over by now.
I assume given that that the goal of the war on terror is to eliminate every Muslim in the world (kill em all).
The problem is working itself out. I just saved the US a bunch of bombs.
yes, I'm being sarcastic.
sort of.
That's just plain dumb.
well that's a good arguement. Your high school debate skills are coming in handy.
Other than my rather partisan way of stating it what is it you disagree with and why?
That's exactly right. Sadly so.
its not muslims being slaughtered. nice try
Posts such as yours do not deserve a reasoned response. If you must ask what I disagree with, your baseless allegation that the goal of the war on terror is to eliminate every Muslim in the world is a start. That comment is ridiculous. Did you ever think that maybe the goal is to eliminate every Muslim terrorist? Maybe???
That too.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I think he'd be lambasted for wasting further resources on a country that had no resource worth controlling.
before you say no let me say one word to you
in darfur a majority of the people are muslim. Muslims are being slaughtereed and are doing the slaughtering. The Arab muslims are killing the african "black" muslims for land and the resources. Here's an interview from Mohamed Yahya http://www.cvillepodcast.com/feeds/wina/rn_yahya_060731.mp3 it's a long interview but very interesting and worth a listen.
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They'll either bitch because we don't help, or bitch how we do help. Once again, La'Merica is damned if we do, and damned if we dont.
The government of (North) Sudan are in conflict with seperatists in South Sudan. A big ethnical showdown I understand. Little to do with religion.
Get a peacekeeping force with some muscle, and force the buggers to negotiate and get along. And start disarming the myriad militias that are fucking it up for the civilians.
Well, buhbye for the weekend. I'm off to Berlin for my favorite band.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
It's the way it is though, can't argue that.
perhaps it's reckless and overstated for dramatic and incindiary affect, but I wouldn't say "baseless". Either way this "war" is a sham. Bushco doesn't seem overwhelmingly concerned with wrongly imprisoning people without charge or trial or killing a bunch of innocent muslims with bombs to kill a few terrorists.
Using an Army to battle rouge fighters is like using a flamethrower to find a needle in a haystack. It's not working
That would actually work:D
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not from the hays perspective
it's actually a better analogy than I thought