Gaza crowds loot strongholds of Fatah

I must say I am surprised at how much hatred the Palestinian people have for each other, let alone Israel. I am also starting to think the problems come from within. or is this Israel's fault too?
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - On Hamas' first day of full rule in Gaza, crowds looted strongholds of the rival
Fatah on Friday — stripping the home of one of the party's strongmen down to the flower pots — and militants sent a man plunging to his death from a rooftop.
But the violence was sporadic and Gaza's streets, deserted in the past week of fighting, were crowded with cars, pedestrians and triumphant fighters with the Islamic militant group.
At Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' captured seaside office in Gaza City, a gunman sat down at the Fatah leader's desk, picked up the phone and pretended to be calling Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice. "Hello, Rice?" the gunman said. "Here we are in Abu Mazen's office. Say hello to Abu Mazen for me." Other gunmen rifled through Abbas' belongings in a bedroom behind the office, lifting up a mattress and searching through drawers.
Hamas' military takeover of Gaza, after five days of battle, formalized the separation between Gaza and the
West Bank, which lie on either side of
Israel. The moderate government Abbas plans to appoint will have no say in Gaza, but stands a stronger chance than the Hamas-Fatah coalition it replaces of restoring foreign aid to the West Bank.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - On Hamas' first day of full rule in Gaza, crowds looted strongholds of the rival
Fatah on Friday — stripping the home of one of the party's strongmen down to the flower pots — and militants sent a man plunging to his death from a rooftop.
But the violence was sporadic and Gaza's streets, deserted in the past week of fighting, were crowded with cars, pedestrians and triumphant fighters with the Islamic militant group.
At Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' captured seaside office in Gaza City, a gunman sat down at the Fatah leader's desk, picked up the phone and pretended to be calling Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice. "Hello, Rice?" the gunman said. "Here we are in Abu Mazen's office. Say hello to Abu Mazen for me." Other gunmen rifled through Abbas' belongings in a bedroom behind the office, lifting up a mattress and searching through drawers.
Hamas' military takeover of Gaza, after five days of battle, formalized the separation between Gaza and the
West Bank, which lie on either side of
Israel. The moderate government Abbas plans to appoint will have no say in Gaza, but stands a stronger chance than the Hamas-Fatah coalition it replaces of restoring foreign aid to the West Bank.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It reminds me of an exponentially more inflamed situation of the race problems in this country. Groups like the naacp do some admirable things to help lift the black community, but at the same time their blaming and victim mentality does as much to suppress them.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
This reminds me of the U.S. soldiers behavior in Saddam's palaces. I know, I know... Saddam bad man, Fatah good. This is all the fault of Bush (had to throw that one in here as well).
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
The behavior in Abba's office. (I'm not saying the soldiers and thesze palestinians are the same, just the headquarters behavior-- to the victor goes the spoils behavior)
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Incidentally, is it just me, or does the Arab world have basically NO desire to do anything to help this situation? For all their bitching about foreign interference, they seem pretty content to do nothing about this.
Excellent post.
it's not just you...I think you're 100% correct...
Its just striking ... For once, and probably only once, the U.S. and allies cannot touch the situation. This would be their chance.
And? ... Nothing.
I'm sure that it's easier for us to see the big picture because we have access to all the information from every side. I can only imagine what daily life for the average person in the arab world is, but I'm willing to bet that they don't really see anything except propaganda, and everything western that they do see is probably portrayed as going against allah or whatever.
The ones in power have no desire to help the situation because they are just living well off of foreign aid money and have all of the power.
The only solution to this is education... in the terrorism-scared mode we're in, we are cutting down on student visas, but we should be inviting more people from that region to this country to learn and to see what the rest of the world has to offer. There was a great article in Newsweek last week by Fareed Zakaria about when he came to this country as a student from India in 1982 and how reality in the US was so entirely different than the perception at that time. It's these people who will go back home and improve things...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Agreed. The more that positive interactions between people from these countries and people from other parts of the world are encouraged, the weaker extremism gets.
Also... you wanted Democracy in the Middle East... you got it. What else do you think people in a country where the majority of people hate Israel, America and the West are gonna do if given the chance to participate in a legitimate free election? If you guessed, "Vote for people who hate Israel, America and the West as their leaders"... then, give yourself a Gold Star. The LAST PLACE you want to 'Spread Democracy' to is Pakistan. They already have nuclear weapons and tested delivery systems and are basically one assassination away from becoming the Taliban. Yeah... giving them money and weapons today is a good thing... right? I mean... after all... they ARE the enemy of my enemy today. What harm is it giving them money and weapons?
Hail, Hail!!!
much of the arab world are supporters of US policies or at least their leaders are ... and the current situation is what works for the US ...
Uh huh ... I know Palestinians did elect Hamas. However, what Hamas just did was not democratic, it was just more bad behavior from a bunch of terrorist crybaby gun nuts. Fatah was also a legal institution. They didn't like it, so in tried and true Palestinian fashion they decided to kill everyone and riot in the streets with their fruity green flags and funny pictures.
Since I do not subscribe to the conspiracy theories about a U.S. military-industrial complex pulling everyone's strings, you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that a radical Palestine is in either the U.S.'s or its Arab allies' best interests. Particularly the latter. Most of those governments are secular and quite capitalist in nature. Why do they want radical Islam to get stronger?
If only the world really was the cartoon you imagine it to be.
Fascinating! Truly fascinating!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
and for the record, the reality in palastine is to eliminate the opposition.
I like your approach of instead of debating specific things, just making snippy, aghast comments after things you don't agree with.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I was thinking the same thing. Now would be the perfect opportunity for Fatah and Israel to start working towrads some sort of comprehensive peace plan. If they are able to achieve it hopefully more Palestinians, specially those left in Gaza, will start to realize that terrorism is not the proper channels to use to achieve one's goals.
Because only the Palestinians engage in Terrorism, right? Israel is a benevolent, peaceful force, whilst the Palestinians are nothing but a bunch of unruly terrorists.
What an incredible job the Western media has done.
Fascinating! Truly fascinating!
I might have mentioned this once or twice , myself.
The Palestinian crisis began when the Arab states like Saudi Arabia promised to sweep Israel into the sea when it was pronounced independent.
The refugees were escapong that war, which of cours failed to achieve it's aim, and the shit is still there today.
Thank you for that concise, and illuminating view of Middle Eastern history. You are wrong.
remind you of anybody else? just with bigger guns.
nope. it's not just you. it amazes me how blase the region appears to be. you(and me) also seem to be under the delusion that just because other arabs are involved that there is some sort of commonality. we lump all the 'arabs' together simply because we see them as the 'other' and therefore assume they are a nice homogenous lump?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say