Sinn Féin adopts resolution in support of Leonard Peltier

from a friend on myspace...many thanks to Sinn Féin for their continued support. 
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007
From: Dave Bailey
Subject: Sinn Fein Ard Fheis Article
The I’s Have It
Unanimous Vote for Peltier/ Native American Inmates at Sinn Fein Ard Fheis
March 2007 Report from Dave Bailey
Sinn Fein’s Ard Fheis (ard-esh), on Friday 2 March and Saturday 3 March was a huge success. It was an absolute thrill to be a part of it. I left the conference full of enthusiasm and doubly determined to do everything within my power for the advancement of Native American issues and in the campaign for the release of Leonard Peltier. If asked to describe the conference with one word, that word would be ‘Solidarity'. In the article <i>International Solidarity a Key Theme</i>, in the 8 March edition of <i>An Phoblacht*Sinn Fein Weekly</i>, Eoin O Broin wrote, “Solidarity was the key theme in this year’s EU and International Affairs section. Motions extending solidarity to the peoples of Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Kurdistan, the Basque Country, Cuba and South America were prominent, as was support for the release of Leonard Peltier and for the struggles of Native American peoples.” (An Phoblacht, 8 March 07).
First things first; the vote was a resounding ‘YES!’ Motion 17*which was introduced both by Derry Sinn Fein as well as a Sinn Fein Cumann (branch) in Dublin *read as follows: This Ard Fheis sends solidarity greetings to Native Americans and supports them in their campaigns for: A. The right of American Indian inmates to practice their spirituality unimpeded and unencumbered, on the same basis as other prisoners and B. the immediate and unconditional release of Leonard Peltier
Speaking in support of the Motion were former political prisoner Charlie McMennamen and a leader of Ogra Shin Fein (Sinn Fein’s youth branch). Sinn Fein member of Irish Parliament Aengus O Snodaigh spoke to propose a separate Motion, but said that he was also endorsing, and asked all delegates to do the same, Motion 17, adding that the case of Leonard Peltier is one that he has been aware of and supportive of for many years. Mr. O Snodaigh, TD, has been one of many people that have been the most supportive of me in my time here in Ireland. Both Aengus O Snodaigh and Caoimhgin O Caolain, both TDs (Members of the Irish Parliament), have gone out of their way to assist me when I’ve needed it. They’ve taken the time out of their very busy schedules to meet with me, both in government offices and elsewhere, on a number of occasions. Furthermore, their secretarial staffs have moved heaven and earth for me on many occasions. In fact, Wendy Lyon, from Mr. O Caolain’s office, was responsible for the recommendation of Motion 17 from the Dublin Sinn Fein Cumann. Ms. Lyon is also responsible for securing my invitation to the conference. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude.
I mentioned that Motion 17 was proposed not just from Dublin, but also from Derry. In Derry, I have to thank Liam McConway, Charlie McMennamen, and Daisy Mules (among many others). As always, a big thank you goes out to Brian and William. To them all, as well as those behind the scenes, let me say very sincerely ‘Go Raibh mile, mile maith agaibh!’ Each of these life-long activists has gone above and beyond to support Leonard Peltier, and to support me in my campaign for Leonard. Speaking to the Ard Fheis, former political prisoner and good friend Charlie McMennamen (who’s responsible for all the photographs in this report) read a speech he’d prepared before arriving at the conference. Afterwards, he gave me a copy of the speech, upon my request, and agreed for me to be allowed to reprint it here for the purposes of this update. I’d like to enclose the full text of his speech here. It speaks volumes and helps you all to understand exactly what is meant when Sinn Fein says ‘support'. His speech follows:
Leonard Peltier’s case highlights the worst excesses of political policing something of which we in Ireland are only too well aware. For three decades Leonard Peltier has been denied justice, denied freedom and denied due process.
He is now imprisoned as a political prisoner longer than Nelson Mandela. His case is littered with all of the corruption and injustice that would normally be associated with the old Apartheid regime in South Africa.
The details of Leonard Peltier’s case will be well known to most of the people in this room. But knowing about the case, and acting against the injustice are not the same thing.
This party has long-held policies expressing solidarity with Leonard Peltier and calling for his freedom. Now we need to go further. It’s time to act in every situation; to speak in ever forum; to tell the world at every opportunity that Leonard Peltier deserves freedom. He was fitted-up by the FBI and a corrupt court process. He should be freed by global action from determined democrats. We should demand that every Sinn Fein representative lends their backing at every opportunity to Leonard Peltier’s campaign.
We are grateful to have Dave Bailey, a representative of Leonard Peltier’s campaign; with us tonight (I received a round of applause from the panel and the audience) Let us give them and political prisoners everywhere our active and continued support.
Well spoken Charlie. Nea’esemen’o, Aho, Pila Maya, Muchos Gracias,
agus Go Raibh maith agut!
After all the motions under “EU and International Affairs” were discussed and debated they were each put to a vote. On Motion 17, I am very excited to be able to say…THE VOTE WAS UNANIMOUS!!!!
Let that ring in your ears and soak in for a minute. Now that it’s sunk-in (if it hasn’t yet, take more time if you need to), let me answer the obvious question. What does it mean? Well, it means two things. The first and most basic thing it means is that Sinn Fein has now adopted a formal resolution calling for Leonard Peltier’s release and with regard to Native American inmates’ spiritual rights. Beyond that, it means that they have agreed that the cause is important enough to take a personal interest in. However, I have to say this: This is purely a formality. The reality is that <b>SINN FEIN HAS SUPPORTED LEONARD PELTIER AND AMERICAN INDIAN ISSUES FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS!!!!</b>
I’ve listed examples in previous updates of the kinds of support I’ve received from members of the Republican Movement in Ireland since I’ve been here. The outpouring of support, solidarity and hospitality has been amazing and even humbling. Also, I’ve quoted articles that are several years old which testify to certain things, like the fact that Gerry Adams twice asked Bill Clinton in the White’s House to pardon Leonard Peltier. The support has always been there. The passing of Motion 17 merely formalizes it.
One of the most gratifying aspects of being at the conference came from a rare ability to interact with the representatives of struggling people around the world. I can honestly say that I never in a billion years thought I’d be meeting with a person who was part of the anti-Apartheid campaign in South Africa alongside Nelson Mandela. Nevertheless, it was my great pleasure to talk with Ronnie Kasrils for thirty minutes during a lunch break on Saturday. Mr. Kasrils joined Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC) in 1960. In 1961 he became a part of the ANC’s military wing, known as the MK, or ‘Umkhonto weSizwe'. In 1963 he was forced to flee for his safety and go on the run from police after wanted notices were posted declaring him “armed and dangerous”. While on the run, he joined the ANC in exile and for the next 27 years served their cause in London, Luanda, Maputo, Swaziland, Botswana, Lusaka and Harare. After the fall of Apartheid and the release of Nelson Mandela, Kasrils was allowed to return to South Africa without the fear of imprisonment or execution. He remains active within the ANC and currently serves on its National Executive Committee. In 1993, he published his autobiography “Armed and Dangerous; My Undercover Struggle Against Apartheid". Finally, on 27 April 2004, he was appointed to President Thabo Mbeki’s cabinet as Minister for Intelligence Services, a position which Mr. Kasrils continues to hold at present. Needless to say, it was an honor to meet him, let alone be able to sit and talk with him during lunch.
One of the things I pointed out to Mr. Kasrils was the fact that we as Native Americans are only 1% of the overall US population and, as such, have no recourse available to address our grievances other than to seek outside help and support. At that point, Mr. Kasrils jumped in by saying, “I can assure you of our support and solidarity in helping you address your grievances.” Later, after pointing out that Nelson Mandela is a long-time supporter of Leonard Peltier, Mr. Kasrils said to me, “I’m going to talk to him (Nelson Mandela) about him (Leonard Peltier) and see what we can do. Maybe we can get a resolution in support of him (LP) from the South African government.” He then invited me to stay in-touch with him after giving me his business card.
About an hour later he was addressing the Sinn Fein National Conference to wild applause and multiple standing ovations. I sat in the second row, on the aisle, when Mr. Kasrils concluded his speech by presenting Gerry Adams with a plaque which was signed by South African President Thabo Mbeki. Afterwards, Gerry Adams stood proudly on stage with Ronnie Kasrils and his wife, each of their arms intertwined and triumphantly raised while being showered in a flurry of flashing lights and TV camera close-ups. It was one of the greatest moments I’ve experienced thus far in my life.
So, now the stage is set and it’s time for us to take these important endorsements and move forward. I have been assured that support, as embodied by the passing of Motion 17, will be put into action in a number of measures that will greatly enhance my campaign for Leonard Peltier in Ireland. Talks are currently underway that will lead to Sinn Fein’s two Members of European Parliament proposing a document that I’ve written and submitted to them which will, hopefully, result in a renewed EU resolution calling for the release of Leonard Peltier. Furthermore, the possibility of my addressing the European Parliament in person has been suggested and is being explored. I have a meeting with Sinn Fein MEP Mary Lou McDonald scheduled for two weeks time.
Aengus O Snodaigh, TD, has agreed to meet around the same time-frame to discuss my addressing the Human Rights Sub-Committee within the Irish government regarding a formal resolution from Ireland. In order to do so, Mr. O Snodaigh has agreed to solicit help from outside the party in order to make this possible. That point alone goes, I believe, greatly to his credit. His staff and the staff of Caoimhgin O Caolain, TD, have agreed to help me in soliciting a positive reply from Irish Minister of Justice Dermot Ahern. Mr. Ahern has the power to liaise with his US counterparts as an advocate of Leonard Peltier. Thus far, he has been reluctant to do so. I am writing to him at present and the staffs of both Sinn Fein TDs have agreed to assist me with follow-up measures. Many other very big things are in the works, all of which will be revealed in due time.
As I said, the stage is set and the work is being done. I am enormously grateful and encouraged. However, a word of caution is merited here. I never want to be accused of going back to the well too many times. Support from Sinn Fein is great, and I’m honoured to have it, but it can never be a substitute for us doing the work ourselves. There’s a fine line, which I do not intend to cross, between accepting help from someone and asking them do the work for us. Therefore, I will continue to do everything I can from Ireland and England, drawing on Sinn Fein’s support when needed, but only when needed. In addition, it is always a pleasure to participate in their actions as a representative of another struggle and thus signifying to them, by my presence at their functions, that solidarity is a two-way street and that it is more than mutual from us to them and vice versa.
Once again, I want to thank everyone who have helped and are continuing to help Leonard Peltier, my efforts on his behalf from Ireland and England, and the overall subject of Native issues. Let me assure each of you, members of Sinn Fein and the Republican Movement as well as Mr. Kasrils, the ANC and the government of South Africa*as the representative for Leonard Peltier in Ireland and England and on behalf of the Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, the Confederation of Autonomous Chapters of the American Indian Movement (AIM), Native Americans everywhere and the more than 20 million supporters of Leonard Peltier world-wide* we see what you are doing for us and our brother Leonard Peltier and we are, in our hearts, humbly grateful! Let us assure you now that your expressions of solidarity with us are greatly appreciated and more than mutual. In effect, dido and, in closing, UP THE REPUBLIC! AHO!!!!
In the Spirit of Little Wolf, Dull Knife, Roman Nose and Bobby Sands,
Dave Bailey
Northern Cheyenne
Leonard Peltier Defence Committee Representative in Ireland and England.

Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007
From: Dave Bailey
Subject: Sinn Fein Ard Fheis Article
The I’s Have It
Unanimous Vote for Peltier/ Native American Inmates at Sinn Fein Ard Fheis
March 2007 Report from Dave Bailey
Sinn Fein’s Ard Fheis (ard-esh), on Friday 2 March and Saturday 3 March was a huge success. It was an absolute thrill to be a part of it. I left the conference full of enthusiasm and doubly determined to do everything within my power for the advancement of Native American issues and in the campaign for the release of Leonard Peltier. If asked to describe the conference with one word, that word would be ‘Solidarity'. In the article <i>International Solidarity a Key Theme</i>, in the 8 March edition of <i>An Phoblacht*Sinn Fein Weekly</i>, Eoin O Broin wrote, “Solidarity was the key theme in this year’s EU and International Affairs section. Motions extending solidarity to the peoples of Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Kurdistan, the Basque Country, Cuba and South America were prominent, as was support for the release of Leonard Peltier and for the struggles of Native American peoples.” (An Phoblacht, 8 March 07).
First things first; the vote was a resounding ‘YES!’ Motion 17*which was introduced both by Derry Sinn Fein as well as a Sinn Fein Cumann (branch) in Dublin *read as follows: This Ard Fheis sends solidarity greetings to Native Americans and supports them in their campaigns for: A. The right of American Indian inmates to practice their spirituality unimpeded and unencumbered, on the same basis as other prisoners and B. the immediate and unconditional release of Leonard Peltier
Speaking in support of the Motion were former political prisoner Charlie McMennamen and a leader of Ogra Shin Fein (Sinn Fein’s youth branch). Sinn Fein member of Irish Parliament Aengus O Snodaigh spoke to propose a separate Motion, but said that he was also endorsing, and asked all delegates to do the same, Motion 17, adding that the case of Leonard Peltier is one that he has been aware of and supportive of for many years. Mr. O Snodaigh, TD, has been one of many people that have been the most supportive of me in my time here in Ireland. Both Aengus O Snodaigh and Caoimhgin O Caolain, both TDs (Members of the Irish Parliament), have gone out of their way to assist me when I’ve needed it. They’ve taken the time out of their very busy schedules to meet with me, both in government offices and elsewhere, on a number of occasions. Furthermore, their secretarial staffs have moved heaven and earth for me on many occasions. In fact, Wendy Lyon, from Mr. O Caolain’s office, was responsible for the recommendation of Motion 17 from the Dublin Sinn Fein Cumann. Ms. Lyon is also responsible for securing my invitation to the conference. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude.
I mentioned that Motion 17 was proposed not just from Dublin, but also from Derry. In Derry, I have to thank Liam McConway, Charlie McMennamen, and Daisy Mules (among many others). As always, a big thank you goes out to Brian and William. To them all, as well as those behind the scenes, let me say very sincerely ‘Go Raibh mile, mile maith agaibh!’ Each of these life-long activists has gone above and beyond to support Leonard Peltier, and to support me in my campaign for Leonard. Speaking to the Ard Fheis, former political prisoner and good friend Charlie McMennamen (who’s responsible for all the photographs in this report) read a speech he’d prepared before arriving at the conference. Afterwards, he gave me a copy of the speech, upon my request, and agreed for me to be allowed to reprint it here for the purposes of this update. I’d like to enclose the full text of his speech here. It speaks volumes and helps you all to understand exactly what is meant when Sinn Fein says ‘support'. His speech follows:
Leonard Peltier’s case highlights the worst excesses of political policing something of which we in Ireland are only too well aware. For three decades Leonard Peltier has been denied justice, denied freedom and denied due process.
He is now imprisoned as a political prisoner longer than Nelson Mandela. His case is littered with all of the corruption and injustice that would normally be associated with the old Apartheid regime in South Africa.
The details of Leonard Peltier’s case will be well known to most of the people in this room. But knowing about the case, and acting against the injustice are not the same thing.
This party has long-held policies expressing solidarity with Leonard Peltier and calling for his freedom. Now we need to go further. It’s time to act in every situation; to speak in ever forum; to tell the world at every opportunity that Leonard Peltier deserves freedom. He was fitted-up by the FBI and a corrupt court process. He should be freed by global action from determined democrats. We should demand that every Sinn Fein representative lends their backing at every opportunity to Leonard Peltier’s campaign.
We are grateful to have Dave Bailey, a representative of Leonard Peltier’s campaign; with us tonight (I received a round of applause from the panel and the audience) Let us give them and political prisoners everywhere our active and continued support.
Well spoken Charlie. Nea’esemen’o, Aho, Pila Maya, Muchos Gracias,
agus Go Raibh maith agut!
After all the motions under “EU and International Affairs” were discussed and debated they were each put to a vote. On Motion 17, I am very excited to be able to say…THE VOTE WAS UNANIMOUS!!!!
Let that ring in your ears and soak in for a minute. Now that it’s sunk-in (if it hasn’t yet, take more time if you need to), let me answer the obvious question. What does it mean? Well, it means two things. The first and most basic thing it means is that Sinn Fein has now adopted a formal resolution calling for Leonard Peltier’s release and with regard to Native American inmates’ spiritual rights. Beyond that, it means that they have agreed that the cause is important enough to take a personal interest in. However, I have to say this: This is purely a formality. The reality is that <b>SINN FEIN HAS SUPPORTED LEONARD PELTIER AND AMERICAN INDIAN ISSUES FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS!!!!</b>
I’ve listed examples in previous updates of the kinds of support I’ve received from members of the Republican Movement in Ireland since I’ve been here. The outpouring of support, solidarity and hospitality has been amazing and even humbling. Also, I’ve quoted articles that are several years old which testify to certain things, like the fact that Gerry Adams twice asked Bill Clinton in the White’s House to pardon Leonard Peltier. The support has always been there. The passing of Motion 17 merely formalizes it.
One of the most gratifying aspects of being at the conference came from a rare ability to interact with the representatives of struggling people around the world. I can honestly say that I never in a billion years thought I’d be meeting with a person who was part of the anti-Apartheid campaign in South Africa alongside Nelson Mandela. Nevertheless, it was my great pleasure to talk with Ronnie Kasrils for thirty minutes during a lunch break on Saturday. Mr. Kasrils joined Mandela’s African National Congress (ANC) in 1960. In 1961 he became a part of the ANC’s military wing, known as the MK, or ‘Umkhonto weSizwe'. In 1963 he was forced to flee for his safety and go on the run from police after wanted notices were posted declaring him “armed and dangerous”. While on the run, he joined the ANC in exile and for the next 27 years served their cause in London, Luanda, Maputo, Swaziland, Botswana, Lusaka and Harare. After the fall of Apartheid and the release of Nelson Mandela, Kasrils was allowed to return to South Africa without the fear of imprisonment or execution. He remains active within the ANC and currently serves on its National Executive Committee. In 1993, he published his autobiography “Armed and Dangerous; My Undercover Struggle Against Apartheid". Finally, on 27 April 2004, he was appointed to President Thabo Mbeki’s cabinet as Minister for Intelligence Services, a position which Mr. Kasrils continues to hold at present. Needless to say, it was an honor to meet him, let alone be able to sit and talk with him during lunch.
One of the things I pointed out to Mr. Kasrils was the fact that we as Native Americans are only 1% of the overall US population and, as such, have no recourse available to address our grievances other than to seek outside help and support. At that point, Mr. Kasrils jumped in by saying, “I can assure you of our support and solidarity in helping you address your grievances.” Later, after pointing out that Nelson Mandela is a long-time supporter of Leonard Peltier, Mr. Kasrils said to me, “I’m going to talk to him (Nelson Mandela) about him (Leonard Peltier) and see what we can do. Maybe we can get a resolution in support of him (LP) from the South African government.” He then invited me to stay in-touch with him after giving me his business card.
About an hour later he was addressing the Sinn Fein National Conference to wild applause and multiple standing ovations. I sat in the second row, on the aisle, when Mr. Kasrils concluded his speech by presenting Gerry Adams with a plaque which was signed by South African President Thabo Mbeki. Afterwards, Gerry Adams stood proudly on stage with Ronnie Kasrils and his wife, each of their arms intertwined and triumphantly raised while being showered in a flurry of flashing lights and TV camera close-ups. It was one of the greatest moments I’ve experienced thus far in my life.
So, now the stage is set and it’s time for us to take these important endorsements and move forward. I have been assured that support, as embodied by the passing of Motion 17, will be put into action in a number of measures that will greatly enhance my campaign for Leonard Peltier in Ireland. Talks are currently underway that will lead to Sinn Fein’s two Members of European Parliament proposing a document that I’ve written and submitted to them which will, hopefully, result in a renewed EU resolution calling for the release of Leonard Peltier. Furthermore, the possibility of my addressing the European Parliament in person has been suggested and is being explored. I have a meeting with Sinn Fein MEP Mary Lou McDonald scheduled for two weeks time.
Aengus O Snodaigh, TD, has agreed to meet around the same time-frame to discuss my addressing the Human Rights Sub-Committee within the Irish government regarding a formal resolution from Ireland. In order to do so, Mr. O Snodaigh has agreed to solicit help from outside the party in order to make this possible. That point alone goes, I believe, greatly to his credit. His staff and the staff of Caoimhgin O Caolain, TD, have agreed to help me in soliciting a positive reply from Irish Minister of Justice Dermot Ahern. Mr. Ahern has the power to liaise with his US counterparts as an advocate of Leonard Peltier. Thus far, he has been reluctant to do so. I am writing to him at present and the staffs of both Sinn Fein TDs have agreed to assist me with follow-up measures. Many other very big things are in the works, all of which will be revealed in due time.
As I said, the stage is set and the work is being done. I am enormously grateful and encouraged. However, a word of caution is merited here. I never want to be accused of going back to the well too many times. Support from Sinn Fein is great, and I’m honoured to have it, but it can never be a substitute for us doing the work ourselves. There’s a fine line, which I do not intend to cross, between accepting help from someone and asking them do the work for us. Therefore, I will continue to do everything I can from Ireland and England, drawing on Sinn Fein’s support when needed, but only when needed. In addition, it is always a pleasure to participate in their actions as a representative of another struggle and thus signifying to them, by my presence at their functions, that solidarity is a two-way street and that it is more than mutual from us to them and vice versa.
Once again, I want to thank everyone who have helped and are continuing to help Leonard Peltier, my efforts on his behalf from Ireland and England, and the overall subject of Native issues. Let me assure each of you, members of Sinn Fein and the Republican Movement as well as Mr. Kasrils, the ANC and the government of South Africa*as the representative for Leonard Peltier in Ireland and England and on behalf of the Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, the Confederation of Autonomous Chapters of the American Indian Movement (AIM), Native Americans everywhere and the more than 20 million supporters of Leonard Peltier world-wide* we see what you are doing for us and our brother Leonard Peltier and we are, in our hearts, humbly grateful! Let us assure you now that your expressions of solidarity with us are greatly appreciated and more than mutual. In effect, dido and, in closing, UP THE REPUBLIC! AHO!!!!
In the Spirit of Little Wolf, Dull Knife, Roman Nose and Bobby Sands,
Dave Bailey
Northern Cheyenne
Leonard Peltier Defence Committee Representative in Ireland and England.
Post edited by Unknown User on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
others, like yourself, have made it abundantly clear that you couldn't care less about other human beings. why do you continue to post useless crap like this when we've already gone over this ages ago in page after page of you arguing, only to admit in the end that you really didn't care either way.
one would think that it would be wise for you to keep your holier than thou mouth shut. no one gives a fuck what you think or what you have to say, and the fact that you stand for nothing is clearly an indication of your cowardice.
edit: i'll just put you on ignore, rather than to have to continue to see your bullshit.