Ron Paul - Common Sense Candidate?

He is a doctor by profession, OBGYN, and was a surgeon in the Air Force. Serves in Congress. He seems like a real outsider type of candidate, writing essays on the concept of power in politics, FDA regulation, the Federal Reserve, and war propoganda. Voted against the Patriot Act and has never voted to raise Congressional Pay.
I am intrgued, anyone else?
I am intrgued, anyone else?
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
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A lot of us are intrigued.
But the system won't let it happen.
watch the first debate where Giuliani tries to murder him with the "Having lived through 9\11, I find that comment dispicable. I urge the congressman to withdraw his remark and say he didn't really mean it." bullshit...
they will chew him up and spit him out.
and if he DOES win the vote ... they will outright assassinate him.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
But i thought america was a democracy.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
motorcade anyone?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If a candidate can't answer, "what comes next," he has no place in the white house.
So, I put to you, the fanboys, "If Ron Pauls wins the presidency, WHAT COMES NEXT?"
—Dorothy Parker
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
—Dorothy Parker
Nitwit, indeed. Comparing a Doctor and US Congressman to a professional wrestler? Please.
From the clips I have seen, his rallys seem pretty lively.
"what comes next" after what?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
what will Ron Paul's first 100 days agenda be, and how much of it do you really think will be accomplished? And, more importantly, what will the impact of that agenda be?
How many more bridges will collapse under Ron Paul's plan to completely gut the federal budget???
—Dorothy Parker
That being said, right now we have 2 branches of gov't that love to spend money... absolutely LOVE to spend money... I think Ron Paul's views are a bit far, but congress' actions will help bring him to a sensible point (like his policies will help reign in congress).
He would cut the transportation budget, but hopefully that will come at the expense of pet projects and pork instead of on infrastructure.
And lets be honest... our federal taxes would decrease, but I'm sure the state taxes would rise (especially if they aren't getting the fiscal help from washington). We would probably end up paying as much taxes as we do now, but the state level would have to provide services that the federal gov't currently does. At least we have more input to our state governements.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I think what is accomplished in RP's first 100 days would be commensurate with how willing the system (our congress and surrounding beurocracy) is ... how willing this system is to be run OF, BY, and FOR the people.
If under Ron Paul, the American people can not stand up and DEMAND ACTION on the parts of it's citizens and REFUSE action o on the part of the power hungry elite and their massive corporations ...
If we can not acomplish that fundamental shift in idealogy, and force people like you to drop their blanket cynicism, then yes, we ARE a doomed people. A doomed people in a doomed world.
If that can not happen, we may as well let the Taliban win ... because at least, as you say, they HAVE a plan ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Of course that will NEVER happen. The pet projects and pork are what gain congresscritters brownie points in their home districts. Asking them to give that up is like asking one of us to give up breathing. And, since congress controls the purse strings and the president only gets to vote or veto, you'll have President Paul vetoing everything that touches his desk (and you'll have congress overriding damn near every single veto). At which point you'll realize that the Ron Paul presidency will go down in history as even more pointless than the 8 years of Bush II. You'll have four years of gridlock in a place and age where action is needed.
Ron Paul will not make an effective leader. Period.
—Dorothy Parker
I'm a pragmatist, not cynical. I recognize the world for what it is, not what we idealize that it should be. I also ask questions about not just, "what," but also, "how."
"How?" is a question that Ron Paul cannot answer.
—Dorothy Parker
You know what WOULD BE EFFECTIVE though?
As president, Ron Paul would have amazing access to the MEDIA.
NEWS would be FORCED to pay attention to what he says, and his prime time addresses could be used to instill a new form of American patriotism in it's people ...
If RP could get on the bullhorn and rally people around the flag in an attempt to arm restle the government BACK IN TO IT'S PLACE as servant TO THE PEOPLE ... then his presidency WOULD be of consequence ...
what you fail to understand is that our democracy has been spiraling down the wrong track for decades ... at least since the end of WWII, the rise of the new american Suburban dream, and the start of the CIA ...
YOU DO NOT CHANGE THAT OVERNIGHT, or in 100 days ... insist that Ron Paul's presidency would be invalid or wasted, simply because he fails to overcome every ounce of inertia set in place in one of the LARGEST bureaucracies in the world for the course of decades, is to me the most disingenuine and cynical retorts to be made.
America is suffering from SEVERE MENTAL DISORDER, and DOCTOR RON PAUL may be it's only chance at, if nothing else, at LEAST a SENSIBLE DIAGNOSIS ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
There are plenty of answers. You got some above. You just don't like the answers.
If enough people voted for Ron Paul to elect him president, that would send quite a message to congress. They would need to work together to start trimming.
I'm cynical. I'm cynical about the 2 major parties. What sense does it make to elect a republican or democrat at this point? If you want status quo, go for it. 4 more years of tax and spend. A statist's dream.
Some guy named Hitler told the German people pretty much the same thing. Let me know how that turned out, would ya?
Rhetoric is cheap.
—Dorothy Parker
Tell that to Ghandi and MLK.
Idealistic vision is capable of CHANGING REALITY.
If you fail to recognize that, your aren't much of a pragmatist.
Sounds like your take on pragmatism is really no more than idle resignation to a predestined fate -- a fate chosen for you by the power structure that wants you to believe that IT is the only way ... and that your thoughts, dreams, and desires are all foolhearted and irrelevant.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Did Hitler, or did hitler not GET A LOT ACCOMPLISHED?
(all you PC fools, i am NOT condoning the man, this is a point of argument only) ...
Answer me that, before you site the fellow, and follow it with "Rhetoric is cheap" ... did Hitler or did Hitler not take action on nearly EVERYTHING he stated in speech ...
and did his empassioned rhetoric or did it not engage the people themselves to take action and follow, near blindly, his every wish and command?
How can you draw that reference and not see the glaring irony?
Lets be clear about this.
I view that as one of the major plagues of our Nation right now. We have NO ONE to give voice to our deepest human dreams and desires (namely, peace, sustinance, and justice) ...
what little "vision" we do get is clouded by the minds of warped Warmongers who use great words like Peace and Trade and Justice to put forward only AGENDAS OF WAR AND OCCUPATION and of CORPORATE RULE ...
this vision comes down from the top ... the President ... it is echoed daily in the news briefings from the White House and adminstration interviews, and it is reinforced ad infinitum by THE GLOBAL MEDIA and it's dire need to keep a stranglehold on the imagination, spirit and free will of the people.
All you serve to do with your "pragmatism" is enforce and condone this ill directed ideological monopoly.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
No. Idealistic vision without ACTION won't change a damn thing. (ask the hippies why the 60s failed.)
And Ghandi and King accomplished what they did because they backed up their beliefs with action.
—Dorothy Parker
This is true, and the easy way out discussing politics that I got sick of in '04... While I had plenty of problems with Kerry, I got so sick of people saying that he didn't have a plan for this issue or that issue... The guy could have gave an hour long speech on what he would do about health care (or any issue) and that night, the republican talking points would be that he didn't have a plan about health care... Instead of picking it apart and debating it, it was much easier to say he didn't have one...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
So again, i'm not sure what your point is.
Are you insinuating that Ron Paul does not intend to take action, or are you simply saying that the "establishment" will refuse the actions he attempts?
Regarding the 60's : Civil Rights, Womens Liberation, and the Sexual Revolution, Rock & Roll As Pertinent Free Speech, Acceptance of Non-Conformity (har har) ...
These were all failures, huh?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm saying that Ron Paul isn't capable of taking action, not only because of the "establishment," but also because Ron Paul is unable to see the larger picture and understand the implications of his actions.
I imagine RP absolutely sucks at chess.
—Dorothy Parker
Oh he's probably ok at chess, he's just doesn't like using the bloody mangled corpses of children as the pieces and force himself to feel indifferent about it.
That's noble in itself though.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i was all for him, until i saw your post that he was an OBGYN... any man who is an OBGYN has gotta be more than a little fucked in the head...but, then again, anyone running for president is more than fucked in the head...
Charlotte 1996
Alpine Valley 1998
San Francisco 2000
Denver 2003
St.Paul 2003
St.Paul #1 2006
St.Paul #2 2006
Are you actually saying that Ron Paul could be any worse than the sorry excuse piece of crap that you have as a talking puppet now?
What exactly has the talking puppet done for america other instill fear and take you into another pointless war.
You guys should try voting for change and stop listening to republican propaganda.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
godpt3, who do you plan to vote for and why?
F-ing Rambo action for real...then fly that flag highhh (makes me laugh, and want to cry at the same time)
Picture yourself and your entire family dying of starvation...then imagine I stole (or have) your/the last bit of food. What would you do?
Want answers? look to the animals...they will show you how it really is.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)