I, for one, am tired of all this PC bullcrap

I was watching football with a friend of mine a few weeks back and we noticed a couple of subtle things that could go by unnoticed, but we caught them and are both upset. Has our society become so fragile that we have to make sure nobody but white males can possibly be offended by anything?
Here are the 2 things we noticed....
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the McDonald's commercial where the guy puts the sign up outside the guy's party saying they charge a dollar. As the people go buy, he refers to each of them as an item on the McD's dollar menu. He used to refer to the redheaded girl as a "strawberry sundae," now he refers to her as a "sweet sundae" or something like that. Are you kidding me? Who in the hell did McDonald's have to appease with that one.
My buddy and I discussed this and went on to discuss how annoyed we are at everyone being too sensitive. Because of this, our attention was piqued and something else caught our eye that really infuriated us. I also assume you've all seen the airline commercials ( I believe it was Southwest) with the "Wanna get away?" tagline. There is one where the official forgets to bring the quarter to the coin toss, and ends up looking foolish, and the line chimes in "Wanna get away?" Can someone please tell me why last season the ref was black and this year he is white? Does somebody have to cry about everything in this country?
There is no excuse for this other than PC-crybabies having to have their way. Why else would an airline completely reshoot a commercial that was perfectly good to begin with?
Here are the 2 things we noticed....
I'm sure by now everyone has seen the McDonald's commercial where the guy puts the sign up outside the guy's party saying they charge a dollar. As the people go buy, he refers to each of them as an item on the McD's dollar menu. He used to refer to the redheaded girl as a "strawberry sundae," now he refers to her as a "sweet sundae" or something like that. Are you kidding me? Who in the hell did McDonald's have to appease with that one.
My buddy and I discussed this and went on to discuss how annoyed we are at everyone being too sensitive. Because of this, our attention was piqued and something else caught our eye that really infuriated us. I also assume you've all seen the airline commercials ( I believe it was Southwest) with the "Wanna get away?" tagline. There is one where the official forgets to bring the quarter to the coin toss, and ends up looking foolish, and the line chimes in "Wanna get away?" Can someone please tell me why last season the ref was black and this year he is white? Does somebody have to cry about everything in this country?
There is no excuse for this other than PC-crybabies having to have their way. Why else would an airline completely reshoot a commercial that was perfectly good to begin with?
I love my female wife...
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
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Honestly, I don't watch all that much either. But I do watch a good deal of football and I know they changed it because the black guy in the ad was funnier and had better delivery than the guy they have now.
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
the best southwest commercial is the one of the dude filling the container at the bank drive-thru with coins.
~Michael Bolton
Wow. I hardly notice what the fuck the commercial is selling most of the time, let alone a subtle difference between 'Strawberry' and 'Sweet' or the color of some insignificant actor playing a referee.
I guess I need to pay closer attention and quit changing the channel everytime an annoying commercial (which is basically, all of them) comes on.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hail, Hail!!!
Oh... lemme guess... contractual problems with the original production company or any of the actors?
I dated a gal that was in a Jurgens commercial... they change and re-shoot basically the same commercials with different actors (actresses) all the time.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well, I guess I'll be the one to break the news to you. Checkout the slang term for "strawberry sundae" on this website and maybe it will make more sense to you why they changed it. **Warning -- VERY graphic**
Okay... that makes sense... the pulling of the term, that is.
Hail, Hail!!!
STRAWBERRY SUNDAE: I guess flywallyfly answered this one. But had he not, my response would have been "how is this PC?" Were you thinking some readhead was offended? I don't even understand your complaint. I watch a lot of football (College, little pro) and have never seen the commercial, but that's beside the point.
COIN FLIPPIN REF: Your complaint is based on speculation that they switched it because they did not feel that they could "get away with" the dumb guy being black. And assuming your are not mistaken, I will tell you that it is my opinion that your speculation, while not necessarily true, is certainly possible. There are a lot of things like this on TV. When the Brady Bunch boys were in a contest against the girls, the girls always won. Care is usually taken to not have a black person "lose" some contest or be the jackass on TV. I guess you are right that it is PC. I notice some of this stuff. But I don't lose sleep over it.
There were a couple of them. A woman would say that she went from a junker, to a sports car, to a mini-van (with her kids), changed hair styles, etc, but there was one constant--she got her car taken care of at Car-X.
There was one variety of the commercial that I saw only once. And we are talking early to mid 1990s here, not 2003. It was a guy. "I've gone through a lot of changes" and then they show his cars, a woman companion, different clothes, a mustache or whatever it was. Then they showed him in the driver seat of his convertable with his arm on the passenger seat and he says something like "...but my muffler shop is always Car-X, no matter how my life changes" and another guy gets in and sits in the passenger seat and they both smile at the camera. It was boardering on revolutionary. And I never saw it again.
I can only guess that some people called and complained and it got pulled in a hurry. You need not be a liberal to act "PC".
Having worked in advertising you are 100% correct. When you hire an actor to do a photo shoot or a commercial you basically only buy the rights to use him/her for one year. If the commercial is a highly rated commercial the price for a second year can go up significantly, depending on the model or actor/actress, so it is cheaper to just recast. Has nothing to do with political correctness.
Also those VW commercial are great. I have always dreamed of working on that account.