atlanta ban on baggy pants and underwear showing

wow now the government is going to help dress people too!
i hate them myself but is this really necessary?
i hate them myself but is this really necessary?
Oh dear dad
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Post edited by Unknown User on
Still, I think if more guys knew where the style originated they'd be hiking them pants up right quick!
Peace and Love
no kidding! some place in Louisiana did this a few months back....citing people for indecent exposure....while Katrina victims are still living in trailers!
What if your bra strap is too loose (it happens), and it slides off your shoulder. Can you be fined for that too?
and...i agree...
-Big Fish
Of course not silly...unless is happens on a black girl!
Why is that? Are you saying that only black guys wear their pants like that? Cause I gotta say around here its only the poser white boys that are doing it primarily.
Peace and Love
no dice, a black politician is the one behind this.
but yeah granted, if a white guy had done it, they would be screaming racism, I tend to think this is more about age than race but whatever.
Some of the most racist people in the country are black politicians in Atlanta.
In this instance I think the guy is trying to force the community (black white green brown what have you) into being more civilized and cultured. Good Luck some of the worst schools in America are right here and the people seem to relish ignorance. This is a really stupid way to try and achieve his objective but... that's just how it is.
Wow, that surprises me!
excerpt from CBS news article.
Martin, who is black, said he plans to hold public hearings and vet the proposal through churches, civil rights groups and neighborhood organizations.
"The purpose of the paper is to generate some conversation to see if we can find a solution," Martin said. "It will be like all the discussions we've had around the value of the hip-hop culture. We know there are First Amendment issues ... and some will say I'm just trying to put young black men in jail, but it's going to be fines."
The penalty would be a fine in an amount to be determined, Martin said.
Any legislation that creates a dress code would not survive a court challenge, Seagraves said.
I don't know, it's like anything else, knuckleheads in all walks of life.
that's true
It's playing off emotions.... it's a vote buying campaign that's the extent of it. Pathetic really.