Great McCain Ad on Biden

JP2026766JP2026766 Posts: 1,125
edited August 2008 in A Moving Train
If you haven't seen it on TV, McCain came out with an ad against Biden and Obama. It's a clip from the debates where Biden says that Obama doesn't have the experience to be president. He then shows another clip where Biden says he would be honored to run with or against McCain. It's on McCain's website if you want to see. Pretty good ad, certainly makes you think.

Mansfield II '08

EV Solo Shows:


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  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    If you haven't seen it on TV, McCain came out with an ad against Biden and Obama. It's a clip from the debates where Biden says that Obama doesn't have the experience to be president. He then shows another clip where Biden says he would be honored to run with or against McCain. It's on McCain's website if you want to see. Pretty good ad, certainly makes you think.
    Hahahahaha makes you think?

    hahahahahaha. Seriously. Google and read the whole context of both conversations. That should get you thinking. Anyone can make a clip to look favourable with clever editing.
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    the only thing McCain should make you think of is what else you should be doing besides listening to his bullshit.
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    That ad was a home run. 99% of the viewers could care less about the context. This election was already over, so it does not matter, but that was a good ad.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • JP2026766JP2026766 Posts: 1,125
    Pj_Gurl wrote:
    Hahahahaha makes you think?

    hahahahahaha. Seriously. Google and read the whole context of both conversations. That should get you thinking. Anyone can make a clip to look favourable with clever editing.

    That's right. That's why it's a good ad. Did you google and read the context of both conversations? Most wont, and that's why it will be an effective ad for McCain. I'm not a member of either camp, just simply an observer.

    Mansfield II '08

    EV Solo Shows:

    NYC I

  • edpearsonedpearson Posts: 331
    Is it me or is McCain running a very negative ad campaign? Just about every ad I've seen him do is very negative towards his opponent. Unfortunately, it's actually effective so I expect more negative ads. Way to go, Maverick! You're a class act. I guess any day now we can expect Homeland Security issuing false terror alerts like they did in the 2004 Election, just to solidify your campaign.
    Rock on!

  • edpearsonedpearson Posts: 331
    That's right. That's why it's a good ad. Did you google and read the context of both conversations? Most wont, and that's why it will be an effective ad for McCain. I'm not a member of either camp, just simply an observer.

    It's unfortunate, but this is the reality of the majority of Americans. They're akin to be swayed by headlines or negative ads like these instead of actually reading more into the facts. Deception is a powerful tool in American politics.
    Rock on!

  • McCain is a dickface
    the Minions
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,307
    Well it will be interesting to see who McCain picks for his VP, because he if picks ANY republican he ran against...the same exact thing could be done against him. Doh!
    Romney, Huckabee, Guliani, doesn't matter. They all bad-mouthed McCain (especially Romney) during the rep. campaign.
    I knew the republicans would do that, but unfortunately they could very well see the same thing in about a week.
  • DixieNDixieN Posts: 351
    This ad makes me think that was then and this is now. McCain would say anything to win, practically without parameters. Watch the swift-boated become the swift-boater. It's just like watching the abused kid become the abuser.

    Biden said what he could to win, too. Gosh...were these a bunch of democrats running against each other to be the eventual winner? What???? They would try to criticize each others shortcomings????? Unthinkable.

    I swear, the Republicans think we're a bunch of idiots...probably due to the fact we helped elect King George once and allowed his installation the other time. But, even idiots learn from severe, unrelenting pain.
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    edpearson wrote:
    Is it me or is McCain running a very negative ad campaign? Just about every ad I've seen him do is very negative towards his opponent. Unfortunately, it's actually effective so I expect more negative ads.

    I haven't seen all of his ads, so I'm not sure. But he's got to start running a positive and offensive rather than defensive. It seems he's just reacting to Obama's jabs.
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

  • JP2026766JP2026766 Posts: 1,125
    drivingrl wrote:
    I haven't seen all of his ads, so I'm not sure. But he's got to start running a positive and offensive rather than defensive. It seems he's just reacting to Obama's jabs.

    Agreed. If McCain runs the right campaign, he will win. Obama keeps shooting himself in the foot, but McCain isn't taking advantage, although he margin in the polls is narrowing.

    Mansfield II '08

    EV Solo Shows:

    NYC I

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