Nightmare Racism from mexican supremists?
i wonder if this is true and how many think like that
Nightmare Racism and Open Call for Revolution:
Alex Jones Reports on Mexican Independence Day in Austin, Texas
Demonstrators’ Shirts Made Reference to the Plan of San Diego, a Genocide Operation against Whites over 16 | September 19, 2005
By Alex Jones
I am extremely depressed and have the feeling of being struck by a thunderbolt. Words cannot describe what I witnessed. For that reason, as the pain of what I’ve seen will take some time to percolate and dissipate, this is going to be part one of a three part series.
First off, anyone who knows me and the body of my work knows that I stand up for the little guy. Whether it’s innocent black farmers in Tulia, Texas being framed by racist white cops, or innocent Hispanic youth laboring in the modern slave fields of corporate prisons, I’m there standing up for them.
Earlier this year, when a young Hispanic man named Daniel Rocha was shot in the back for absolutely no reason by a female APD officer, I called for her indictment. I interviewed multiple organizations that were trying to get the word out about his tragic death.
I have protested the Klu Klux Klan at least 10 times – and by protest I don’t mean that I’ve trailed along in the back of a counter rally.
I have led demonstrations. I have bullhorned the toothless ne’er-do-wells at point blank range and have been the target of their death threats right in front of the police, who did nothing.
When a young black girl was falsely accused of abusing a baby, we rallied to her cause and she was found not-guilty. When US Marines shot the young Texas goat herder, Esequiel "Zeke" Hernandez, we sent cameras to the border and did dozens of reports on the case.
If I attempted to give you a bibliography of everything I’ve done in defense of the disadvantaged, it would fill a volume.
Texans for Freedom Announces a Rally in Support of American and Texas Sovereignty against MECHA and La Raza Demonization of Texan Heritage
Reconquista (Mexico)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
MEChA: Racists, Selfish, Jealous
The racist and anti-semitic roots ofMEchA's ideology
Plan of San Diego
VIDEO: News Coverage Roundup of the Rally at the Capitol
Mexican Independence Day parade becomes immigration protest
September 21, 2005
WinMedia: High | Low
Quicktime: High | Low
This Episode features footage of the Dies Y Seis rally along with video from previous events at which Alex Jones Protested rabid racists
Join today for more exclusive footage along with more weekly intel reports from Alex Jones
What is the point I’m making? I don’t have any guilt. I don’t dislike people because of where they’re from or because of their race. I work hard every day of my life to fight tyranny and corruption in places high and low to defend the dignity of the human spirit.
For many years, I have been aware of the Atzlan reconquista movement, which openly states that it wishes to take over the United States Southwest from California to Louisiana, reunite it with Mexico and forcibly drive out all whites, as well as many blacks, from these states.
Rabid hatred of America, Texas and whites is evident in over a third of Dies y Seis marchers personally poled by Texans for Freedom
Then I began to learn that Dies y Seis celebrations around the country, which in the past were simply fun equivalents of a Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day, were being infiltrated by extremist Mexican hate groups.
I talked to some of the groups that were planning to participate in the Dies y Seis parade through downtown Austin this year and it only reaffirmed my previous research that there was a powerful revolutionary core to these groups dedicated to overthrowing Texas and setting up a racial state.
Being a minority (that’s right, whites are now the minority in Texas and in five other states), this was of great concern to me. I put the call out a day before the parade to my radio listeners that all Americans who understood the threat of the reconquistas and their corporate funders in Washington should assemble in front of the Capitol to simply educate other well-meaning celebrants who hadn’t realized that the Atzlan crowd had co-opted their parade.
Our press release that was sent to the media clearly stated that we were there to expose racist groups that were preaching their message in the Hispanic community, and that these groups were creating division that was detrimental to everyone.
Of course, this meant absolutely nothing to the corporate media, who universally went with the line (in four different news stations’ reports and in different newspapers) that what happened was a clash between minutemen (there wasn’t one minuteman in attendance) and loving, wonderful, pure, sweet, innocent people who “just wanted to celebrate Mexican independence.”
The controlled media continued their lies by running multiple quotes by parade marchers and Congressman Lloyd Doggett that basically anyone questioning anything was a Klu Klux Klan member.
Our crowd of about a hundred consisted of at least 15 Hispanics and 10 blacks. We have actual TV news reports that show some of these Hispanics and blacks who were with our protest in which they are falsely depicted as being with the other side. In one news clip by News 8 Austin, a young Hispanic girl is wearing an infowars "tyranny response team" t-shirt, but the clip implies that she was protesting us (while she’s talking on my bullhorn).
Why does the corporate media have such a stake in making this a white vs. brown debate? Answer: divide and conquer.
(Oh, by the way, if any damages are accrued by these lies, people are going to get sued. Folks who know our history know that’s not a bluff.)
What did we witness? Why am I so upset?
At least a third of the participants we talked to said that Texas was Mexico and that they were taking over. Of this third their responses ranged from a belief that our two countries would merge into one nation to that all whites would be killed and that the entirety of the Americas would only be for “indigenous peoples.”
Of course the haters shouting all of this had European Spanish blood coursing through their veins.
In parts two and three, I will detail the long trail of horrors that I witnessed as well as posting a lengthy video report documenting our claims. We have ten hours of footage from four cameras, which includes people frothing and screaming racist comments and then calling us racists for saying that we should all live together in peace.
Near the end of the melee, one of my Hispanic friends walked over to me and began pointing out people wearing shirts promoting the author of the Plan of San Diego. Another friend who has taken Latin-American studies pointed out another shirt directly mentioning the Plan of San Diego.
Folks, every time I think I know everything about Texas history, I learn how ignorant I am. I asked my friends what the Plan of San Diego was and they told me that it was a plan in Northern Mexico and throughout the Southwest hatched in 1915 that called for the genocide of all white males over 16.
I’ve known my friends for many years, but I couldn’t believe them. I got home and spent three hours on the Internet at the University of Texas’ historical website, at other universities’ websites in Mexico and Illinois, and on the website of the Hispanic Historical Society.
What I learned chilled me. They didn’t just write up a plan, they acted upon it, killing at least 21 white males in South Texas in cold-blooded murder. We’re talking helter-skelter, Charlie Manson-type cold-blooded murder of random white ranchers and farmers: cornering people and hacking them up.
I then found websites making excuses for it by saying, “well, whites did this to natives…” Yes they did. Select military units did, which should have been brought to justice for their actions. And I’ve spoken out against them, be it at Wounded Knee or in Waco.
Think about it: full-grown adult men with their families wearing shirts calling for the killing of all white males above 16. Will there be a genetic test? Will Hispanics who are more than half white be killed? How far will this racial state go?
This is the nightmare of tribalism. As this intensifies it’s only going to create friction on both sides. None of us are going to be safe, whether we’re from India, Mexico or Germany.
Speaking of Germany, the German government got wind of the plan of San Diego, endorsed it in 1917 and attempted to fund an insurrection in the United States during WWI. The same thing happened during WWII.
According to Hispanic Historical Society’s website, throughout most of early Texas history, Hispanics and whites got along wonderfully (this is obvious as many of the founders of Texas and its solders were Tejano) but after repeated wars and skirmishes with Mexico and the increased publicity of the plan of San Diego a racist sentiment against innocent Hispanics exploded.
We cannot let that happen here. We have got to get the Hispanic community to expose these vipers in their midst. The Federal government, in the name of “keeping us all safe from each other,” would love to use something like this as an excuse to set up an incredibly powerful police state.
I don’t want Hispanics looking at whites with fear, nor do I want whites looking at Hispanics with fear. We’re all human beings. Empires have always sought to "divide and conquer" their populations to manipulate.
The reconquista movement has big corporate funding. In almost every case we’ve researched, rich white men are behind the neo-Aztec movement. One businessman in California bought almost 700 signs telling the public that Los Angeles is now Mexico. This is an attempt to create false pride by which people can be easily steered.
Part Two coming soon.
Reconquista (Mexico)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Originally applied to the 700 year effort to retake Iberia from the Islamic Moors, Reconquista today refers to an explicit agenda of M.E.Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) to retake lands from the U.S. which once belonged to Mexico. This would include Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma, all of which were ceded by Mexico under terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
The primary method for this 'reconquest' is demographic. By means of legal and illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, and by means of high birthrates among non-White Hispanics, the non-non-White Hispanic population will be reduced to a minority which can be voted out of power and influence. While nominally nonviolent this will force African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans and European-Americans out of what will be called Aztlan.
Reconquista is not integrationist or assimilationist, but rather is separatist and explicitly racial. M.E.Ch.A.'s motto translates as, 'Everything for the race. Nothing outside the race.'
MEChA: Racists, Selfish, Jealous
The racist and anti-semitic roots of MEChA’s ideology
The Irvine Review | Marc
i wonder if this is true and how many think like that
Nightmare Racism and Open Call for Revolution:
Alex Jones Reports on Mexican Independence Day in Austin, Texas
Demonstrators’ Shirts Made Reference to the Plan of San Diego, a Genocide Operation against Whites over 16 | September 19, 2005
By Alex Jones
I am extremely depressed and have the feeling of being struck by a thunderbolt. Words cannot describe what I witnessed. For that reason, as the pain of what I’ve seen will take some time to percolate and dissipate, this is going to be part one of a three part series.
First off, anyone who knows me and the body of my work knows that I stand up for the little guy. Whether it’s innocent black farmers in Tulia, Texas being framed by racist white cops, or innocent Hispanic youth laboring in the modern slave fields of corporate prisons, I’m there standing up for them.
Earlier this year, when a young Hispanic man named Daniel Rocha was shot in the back for absolutely no reason by a female APD officer, I called for her indictment. I interviewed multiple organizations that were trying to get the word out about his tragic death.
I have protested the Klu Klux Klan at least 10 times – and by protest I don’t mean that I’ve trailed along in the back of a counter rally.
I have led demonstrations. I have bullhorned the toothless ne’er-do-wells at point blank range and have been the target of their death threats right in front of the police, who did nothing.
When a young black girl was falsely accused of abusing a baby, we rallied to her cause and she was found not-guilty. When US Marines shot the young Texas goat herder, Esequiel "Zeke" Hernandez, we sent cameras to the border and did dozens of reports on the case.
If I attempted to give you a bibliography of everything I’ve done in defense of the disadvantaged, it would fill a volume.
Texans for Freedom Announces a Rally in Support of American and Texas Sovereignty against MECHA and La Raza Demonization of Texan Heritage
Reconquista (Mexico)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
MEChA: Racists, Selfish, Jealous
The racist and anti-semitic roots ofMEchA's ideology
Plan of San Diego
VIDEO: News Coverage Roundup of the Rally at the Capitol
Mexican Independence Day parade becomes immigration protest
September 21, 2005
WinMedia: High | Low
Quicktime: High | Low
This Episode features footage of the Dies Y Seis rally along with video from previous events at which Alex Jones Protested rabid racists
Join today for more exclusive footage along with more weekly intel reports from Alex Jones
What is the point I’m making? I don’t have any guilt. I don’t dislike people because of where they’re from or because of their race. I work hard every day of my life to fight tyranny and corruption in places high and low to defend the dignity of the human spirit.
For many years, I have been aware of the Atzlan reconquista movement, which openly states that it wishes to take over the United States Southwest from California to Louisiana, reunite it with Mexico and forcibly drive out all whites, as well as many blacks, from these states.
Rabid hatred of America, Texas and whites is evident in over a third of Dies y Seis marchers personally poled by Texans for Freedom
Then I began to learn that Dies y Seis celebrations around the country, which in the past were simply fun equivalents of a Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day, were being infiltrated by extremist Mexican hate groups.
I talked to some of the groups that were planning to participate in the Dies y Seis parade through downtown Austin this year and it only reaffirmed my previous research that there was a powerful revolutionary core to these groups dedicated to overthrowing Texas and setting up a racial state.
Being a minority (that’s right, whites are now the minority in Texas and in five other states), this was of great concern to me. I put the call out a day before the parade to my radio listeners that all Americans who understood the threat of the reconquistas and their corporate funders in Washington should assemble in front of the Capitol to simply educate other well-meaning celebrants who hadn’t realized that the Atzlan crowd had co-opted their parade.
Our press release that was sent to the media clearly stated that we were there to expose racist groups that were preaching their message in the Hispanic community, and that these groups were creating division that was detrimental to everyone.
Of course, this meant absolutely nothing to the corporate media, who universally went with the line (in four different news stations’ reports and in different newspapers) that what happened was a clash between minutemen (there wasn’t one minuteman in attendance) and loving, wonderful, pure, sweet, innocent people who “just wanted to celebrate Mexican independence.”
The controlled media continued their lies by running multiple quotes by parade marchers and Congressman Lloyd Doggett that basically anyone questioning anything was a Klu Klux Klan member.
Our crowd of about a hundred consisted of at least 15 Hispanics and 10 blacks. We have actual TV news reports that show some of these Hispanics and blacks who were with our protest in which they are falsely depicted as being with the other side. In one news clip by News 8 Austin, a young Hispanic girl is wearing an infowars "tyranny response team" t-shirt, but the clip implies that she was protesting us (while she’s talking on my bullhorn).
Why does the corporate media have such a stake in making this a white vs. brown debate? Answer: divide and conquer.
(Oh, by the way, if any damages are accrued by these lies, people are going to get sued. Folks who know our history know that’s not a bluff.)
What did we witness? Why am I so upset?
At least a third of the participants we talked to said that Texas was Mexico and that they were taking over. Of this third their responses ranged from a belief that our two countries would merge into one nation to that all whites would be killed and that the entirety of the Americas would only be for “indigenous peoples.”
Of course the haters shouting all of this had European Spanish blood coursing through their veins.
In parts two and three, I will detail the long trail of horrors that I witnessed as well as posting a lengthy video report documenting our claims. We have ten hours of footage from four cameras, which includes people frothing and screaming racist comments and then calling us racists for saying that we should all live together in peace.
Near the end of the melee, one of my Hispanic friends walked over to me and began pointing out people wearing shirts promoting the author of the Plan of San Diego. Another friend who has taken Latin-American studies pointed out another shirt directly mentioning the Plan of San Diego.
Folks, every time I think I know everything about Texas history, I learn how ignorant I am. I asked my friends what the Plan of San Diego was and they told me that it was a plan in Northern Mexico and throughout the Southwest hatched in 1915 that called for the genocide of all white males over 16.
I’ve known my friends for many years, but I couldn’t believe them. I got home and spent three hours on the Internet at the University of Texas’ historical website, at other universities’ websites in Mexico and Illinois, and on the website of the Hispanic Historical Society.
What I learned chilled me. They didn’t just write up a plan, they acted upon it, killing at least 21 white males in South Texas in cold-blooded murder. We’re talking helter-skelter, Charlie Manson-type cold-blooded murder of random white ranchers and farmers: cornering people and hacking them up.
I then found websites making excuses for it by saying, “well, whites did this to natives…” Yes they did. Select military units did, which should have been brought to justice for their actions. And I’ve spoken out against them, be it at Wounded Knee or in Waco.
Think about it: full-grown adult men with their families wearing shirts calling for the killing of all white males above 16. Will there be a genetic test? Will Hispanics who are more than half white be killed? How far will this racial state go?
This is the nightmare of tribalism. As this intensifies it’s only going to create friction on both sides. None of us are going to be safe, whether we’re from India, Mexico or Germany.
Speaking of Germany, the German government got wind of the plan of San Diego, endorsed it in 1917 and attempted to fund an insurrection in the United States during WWI. The same thing happened during WWII.
According to Hispanic Historical Society’s website, throughout most of early Texas history, Hispanics and whites got along wonderfully (this is obvious as many of the founders of Texas and its solders were Tejano) but after repeated wars and skirmishes with Mexico and the increased publicity of the plan of San Diego a racist sentiment against innocent Hispanics exploded.
We cannot let that happen here. We have got to get the Hispanic community to expose these vipers in their midst. The Federal government, in the name of “keeping us all safe from each other,” would love to use something like this as an excuse to set up an incredibly powerful police state.
I don’t want Hispanics looking at whites with fear, nor do I want whites looking at Hispanics with fear. We’re all human beings. Empires have always sought to "divide and conquer" their populations to manipulate.
The reconquista movement has big corporate funding. In almost every case we’ve researched, rich white men are behind the neo-Aztec movement. One businessman in California bought almost 700 signs telling the public that Los Angeles is now Mexico. This is an attempt to create false pride by which people can be easily steered.
Part Two coming soon.
Reconquista (Mexico)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Originally applied to the 700 year effort to retake Iberia from the Islamic Moors, Reconquista today refers to an explicit agenda of M.E.Ch.A. (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) to retake lands from the U.S. which once belonged to Mexico. This would include Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma, all of which were ceded by Mexico under terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.
The primary method for this 'reconquest' is demographic. By means of legal and illegal immigration from Mexico and Central America, and by means of high birthrates among non-White Hispanics, the non-non-White Hispanic population will be reduced to a minority which can be voted out of power and influence. While nominally nonviolent this will force African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans and European-Americans out of what will be called Aztlan.
Reconquista is not integrationist or assimilationist, but rather is separatist and explicitly racial. M.E.Ch.A.'s motto translates as, 'Everything for the race. Nothing outside the race.'
MEChA: Racists, Selfish, Jealous
The racist and anti-semitic roots of MEChA’s ideology
The Irvine Review | Marc
Post edited by Unknown User on
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
yeah, i wish you'd give it up. we're not gonna join your witchunt.
just ignore the hate from them unless its from the whites
real smart and fair
When I was living in San Diego, I once said to a Mexican that Mexicans, while having a substantial presence in San Diego, were not quite yet the majority. This was a few years ago and, according to Encarta, hispanics were 49% of the population in San Diego.
This genuinely offended her. She refused to believe that Mexicans were less than 51% of the population. To her, it was like how dare I not acknowledge the authority of Mexicans in San Diego. Of course, I can't say her views represented that of the Mexican population in San Diego.
But, as they say, there is safety in numbers. And I don't blame any Mexicans for feeling more comfortable in their own skin when in an environment of like-skinned people. Racism is a self-preservation reflex.
worldwide anglos are the true minority probably
Damn you got us pinned. That is the hispanic master plan, to conquer all of the Americas. So once we are done with the US we are coming after you Canada. This has to be the dumped most completely ignorant comment I have seen on this board in a long time. I don't give a damn what you say your heritage is. your words show your true nature and you are nothing but a hatefull racist. Complaining about illegal immigration is one thing but you have started a campaign, on here, to portray hispanics in the worst possible light. I pity someone like you because you must be such a miserable wretch with all that pent-up hatred.
Out of what was posted, this line really stuck out for me:
"Why does the corporate media have such a stake in making this a white vs. brown debate? Answer: divide and conquer."
That seems to always be the way. We need to come together, to find common ground and all start working together. If all this hatred wasn't passed down from generation to generation, if we started to think fresh and with love in our hearts, we could begin to make this planet a much kinder, happier, gentler place to live. We've been conditionned to think divided (right wing, left wing, catholic, prodestant, democrat, republican, black, white...), that peace is an impossibility, a dream of fools. Such a shame.
I personally treat everyone I meet equally and have a circle of friends that include many races, religions, beliefs and what have you. I smile a lot and and I am generally a happy person and, I do believe it has a lot to do with just living and letting live. No, I don't know how to change the whole world but, you gotta start somewhere so, start with yourself.
I challenge everyone to put their predjudices aside for a day, smile at everyone you meet (even if they glower back) and make an effort to be kind and understanding. There really is power in positivity. I feel that there is no need to hang on to negativity or you'll just bring yourself and those around you down.
Anyway, this post just prompted me to air my feelings on the subject of hate. Here's hoping everyone who reads this does their best with my little challenge! You might be surprised at how good you feel at the end of the day and you may even make someone else's day.
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
youre full of crap not racist -they are -well only some
im saying i like english and usa culture which can mean english american indian or black blues
mexicans come here well some ,and only speak english and listen to mexican music -i listen to all types of music
i even like costa rica and sort of want to move there
they like spanish to be their language and we like english
get a life you namecaller-youre pretty reactionary and pathedic
you have great attitude, but there are nazis who hate jews and hispanics who hate anglos the same way
skin color?where did i mention skin?
there are people in the filipeans or china who love english and american stuff and there are mexicans who hate english and every thing anglo or american thing from the past 300 years,probably because they lost that war
skin color doesnt have whats to do with it i dont think
Yeah, I know I went a little off topic but, my point was just getting at hate in general.
Now, imagine a hater took my cue and turned his hate off for a day. That, say, an Arab looked at a Jew and a Jew, an Arab and they didn't have any labels or preconceived notions of past hatered in their eyes--they just saw another person standing before them, smiling...
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
Reactionary you say. All you do on this board is spew negative comments about hispanics. Just look at some of your posts it like a damn witch hunt you are trying organize. It's a moot point even trying to convey this message to you. You are a lost cause. Have fun breeding more hate in this world.
i ignore hate from whites as well. they're just as marginal and stupid and unthreatening. those spicks have you really scared dont they? you sound like you're about to piss your bands for fear they'll come rushing across the border and rape, pillage, and plunder. it would be laughable if it wasn't so saddening that people as bigoted as you and M.E.Ch.A. still exist. that's right, you are as bad as them.
i dont hate ,they do
i never said to hate anyone
no, you didnt outright say it cos you dont have the guts to be honest about your views. but your hatred and fear of latin-americans is clear in every post you make.
reallllly!? and how is that? i dont plan killing them or march in rallies calling for deaths as they do
thats what this post is about, not what i said , and i dont say murderous things anyway, as they do
dont you get it? they hate anglos ..i dont.. youre a piece of work
i bet you hate whites to ,so why am i talking to you
are you going to talk about what this post is about or make assumptions ?i bet you wont ,because you sympathize with scum i bet
i see little reason to talk to you and i bet few do in real life
Thats racism !
send this post to lupe, maybe shewill help you get over your hate of real americans
yeah a lot of whites suck too i guess who get to be cops or guards -too much brutality
You may not say the actual words but the implication is there. If you hate rasicm so much why not post articles about the Arian Nation, The Arian Brotherhood, The Nation of Islam, The Nation of Gods and Earth, New Black Panther, United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, Nation of Yahweh, Jewish Defense League, KKK, etc... I can go on for days listing the number of hate groups in this country, all of which I am against but you focus only on two La Raza and Nation of Aztlan. You have called Mexicans nazis. You have made outrageous claims that hispanics want to take over our country. Not once have I seen you say anything positive about hispanic culture. In my opinion you are no different than the hispanic organizations you post about and it doesn't mean jack shit that you are a quarter this or a fifth that you are still a racist. I akm proud to be a hispanic and I will not sit here and let someone drag my ethnicity through the fucking mud. Hell I wouldn't sit here and let anyone drag any ethnicity through the mud. So if I offended you by calling you a rasict, tough shit. I call them as I see them.
im curious what your race is ,or ethnic thing
ive said im white and native american
if you are latin and whites were in rallies saying kill latins i bet you would also be mad
so are you going to adress this issue or argue nonesense?
really-i said i have mexican relative and like costa rica so much i feel like moving there ,i also like brazil
i like cuban and puerta rican music
the post isnt about mexican people but about the racists that were in the marches
did you read the article or what i posted??!!!
i cant seem to make it more clear or can i? when did i say i hate hispanics?
one more time-heres the article
"I don’t want Hispanics looking at whites with fear, nor do I want whites looking at Hispanics with fear. We’re all human beings. Empires have always sought to "divide and conquer" their populations to manipulate."
For many years, I have been aware of the Atzlan reconquista movement, which openly states that it wishes to take over the United States Southwest from California to Louisiana, reunite it with Mexico and forcibly drive out all whites, as well as many blacks, from these states.
Rabid hatred of America, Texas and whites is evident in over a third of Dies y Seis marchers personally poled by Texans for Freedom"
so he says over a third are bigots
so maybe 55 to 65 % are nice hispanics ,in texas anyway
go to costa rica and people are ok
americans are crazy and the whites take it lying down
im white... mostly irish with a bit of french. but im not worried about these idiots, just like im not worried about the kkk or the black panthers. cos they're a tiny minority of a large population and yeah, maybe they're marching around talking about killing people. but you know what? they're not going to. they're all talk. can you find any articles where a member of any of these groups actually killed someone in the last 20 years? they're just looking for something to rally around and be angry. they pose no threat to anyone. the second one mexican crosses the border and kills a white man, he will go right to jail and probably to the chair. this is not some dangerous movement. it's a couple of loonies trying to get their name in the paper. the fact that they've got you running scared shows that either 1) they're doing a decent job of it or 2) you're a bigoted fool whose looking for reasons to justify your anger at hispanics. given your obsession with what they're doing and the fact that nobody but you has ever even heard of these nonsense groups (including most hispanics) indicates that the second option is more correct. for some reason you hate mexicans and so you've started scouring the internet looking for reasons to justify it. just like there are a handful of mexicans who hate whites and spend a lot of time looking for reasons to justify it. you and they are the same.
if you're not calling for killing or stopping these people, what is your point in posting this nonsense eh? do ou have one?