during a flood hide money in refrigerator

who is the guy in loiusina who was relected after he was caught with 90000 in refrigetor? seems weird
maybe jefferson is his name
the fools elected naggin too after he took the guns form non criminals-what a jerk
maybe jefferson is his name
the fools elected naggin too after he took the guns form non criminals-what a jerk
Post edited by Unknown User on
He wasn't re-elected. He was indicted. Big difference.
the courts are nuts citing european law -ridiculous
they keep overiding the legislatures or congress yet they suck anyway-the whole country is a lost cause anyway of dumbed down morons who dont even know what real freedom is
they think freedom is working 3 jobs and giving illegals free everything
maybe in 25 years switzerland will join the usa's "new world order" and theyll join our troops in irag , rag a-tag like we rag tag all da doom day doomsday all da year long while we wait for elickshuns run bi komputerdsz!!!
90 grand in the freezer. Nice job Jefferson. This is the main reason there's no money for all the infrastructure projects that actually matter. It happens everywhere, I'm by no means picking on just Jefferson Parish but come on, you have to boot guys like this out. 90 grand in the freezer, he's not looking out for you guys.
Why the fuck would you re elect this piece of shit?