The Resume of George W. Bush

RavennaSeattle1911RavennaSeattle1911 Posts: 478
edited December 2006 in A Moving Train

The Resume of George W. Bush The Resume of George W. Bush
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You are here : home ⇐ politics ⇐ The Resume of George W. Bush.
RESUME for the Office of President of the United States
George Walker Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20520

Education and Experience
Law Enforcement

* I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1976 for driving under the influence of alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver's license suspended for 30 days.
* My Texas driving record has been "lost" and is not available.


* I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL. I refused to take a drug test or answer any questions about my drug use. By joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty in Vietnam.


* I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. I was a cheerleader.
* I was given an Masters of Business Administration degree at Harvard.

Past Work Experience

* I ran for U.S. Congress and lost. I began my career in the oil business in Midland, Texas, in 1975.
* I bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas. The company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock. The bin Laden family gave me money to try again, and I bankrupted that company too.
* I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money.
* With the help of my father and our friends in the oil industry (including Enron CEO Ken Lay), I was elected governor of Texas.

Accomplishments as Governor of Texas

* I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies, making Texas the most polluted state in the Union. During my tenure, Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most smog-ridden city in America.
* I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of billions in borrowed money.
* I set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history.

Accomplishments as President

* I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a criminal record.
* I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over one billion dollars per week.
* I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.
* I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.
* I achieved negative job growth for the first time in over a century. I did this partly with my agressive job exporting/outsourcing program.
* I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12-month period.
* I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.
* I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of the U.S. stock market. In my first year in office, over 2 million Americans lost their jobs and that trend continues every month.
* I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in U.S. history. My "poorest millionaire," Condoleezza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.
* I set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips by a U.S. President.
* I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving the most corporate campaign donations.
* My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best friends, Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy fraud in U.S. History, Enron.
* My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys to assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election decision.
* I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against investigation or prosecution. More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history.
* I presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed. I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.
* I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.
* I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any President in U.S. history.
* I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest bureaucracy in the history of the United States government.
* I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.
* I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.
* I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.
* I refused to allow inspector's access to U.S. "prisoners of war" detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.
* I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).
* I set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any President since the advent of television.
* I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year period. After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over the worst security failure in U.S. history.
* I garnered the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade Center attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the most hated country in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in world history.
* I have set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously protest me in public venues (15 million people), shattering the record for protests against any person in the history of mankind.
* I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut in duty benefits for active duty troops and their families — in wartime.
* I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and security.
* I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical Bunker Buster", a WMD.
* I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden to justice.

Records and References

* All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my father's library, sealed and unavailable for public view.
* All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public view.
* All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice-President, attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public review.

Please consider my experience when voting in 2004. Please send this to every voter you know.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    and yet he won.

    the other guy must've sucked even more
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    chopitdown wrote:
    and yet he won.

    the other guy must've sucked even more

    won by over a million votes actually.
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    miller8966 wrote:
    won by over a million votes actually.

    i know...maybe we should put an asterisk by John Kerry's name that says he lost but damn it was close...maybe that would help people feel better.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • Uncle LeoUncle Leo Posts: 1,059
    chopitdown wrote:
    and yet he won.

    the other guy must've sucked even more

    Thank goodness for term limits. 'Cuz he'd win in '08 if he could run.
    I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    miller8966 wrote:
    won by over a million votes actually.

    actually, the first time he had less votes than gore
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    a resume i put together myself:

    Bush claimed he would bring honor and integrity back to the white house. He also said he was a uniter and not a divider.

    -When people would claim he didn’t have enough experience he’d say to look at his record in Texas and often times threw in “and Texas STILL does not have personal property tax!” Which is true…but the part he’s leaving out is this measure was passed BEFORE Bush became Governor! What’s more it can not be repealed without a voter referendum. So he tried to take credit for someone else’s achievements.

    -Claimed he was for less government yet while he was Governor the state’s budget increased 34%

    -Claimed to have led the way in patient’s rights when in fact in ’95 he VETOED a patient protection act. A patient’s rights bill was eventually passed but Bush didn’t even bother to sign it.

    -Claimed to have cared about health care when Texas had the highest number of uninsured children (i.e. they ranked 50th. They ranked 49th for uninsured women)

    -Claimed air was cleaner since he became Governor. Which is indeed what his handpicked panel to look into these things (who are all corporate friendly) reported, yet the EPA’s report shows that there was a 10% increase in industrial emissions since Bush has been Governor. What’s more the EPA’s report also says Texas ranks 1st in number of days with health threatening ozone levels, airborne carcinogens and toxic air release.

    -Says he did something about education but SAT average for the state of Texas has actually dropped since Bush became Governor while the National Average has gone up.

    -Gave a $45 Million tax break to gas and oil companies while Governor

    -After the Enron scandal broke he claimed he did not meet Ken Lay (head of Enron) until ’94, which is a lie. Lay had lead or been heavily involved in Daddy Bush’s political career, which may not be enough to mean they met then BUT…. Bush ran an oil company called Spectrum 7 who were co-owners of a well with Enron in ’86. This would not require them to meet either but it seems odd that a head of a company would not want to meet the other head, especially when they happen to be son to the current president whom they supported greatly. Also Lay and other Enron execs met with white house officials on several occasions and 17 energy policies were influenced by and/or financially benefited Enron.

    -Spectrum 7 was bought by Harken. Bush became an executive there and was on the Audit Committee. Shortly before Harken got caught for making phony transactions and other schemes to inflate their profits (which being on the audit committee had to have this information available to him) Bush sold the majority of his stock in Harken. He filed this transaction with the SEC EIGHT MONTHS PAST THE DEADLINE. The chairman of the SEC (who was appointed by Daddy Bush) found there was no reason to investigate Bush, jr for this. After Enron broke Bush made pretty speeches against the very things he himself did. As another point of interest while Cheney was head of Halliburton (you know, the company that got all those no-bid contracts in Iraq) the SEC warned them about their accounting flaws (Arthur Anderson of Enron fame was their accounting firm)

    -Bush shook hands with McCain and swore to not use negative campaigning and would not attack anyone. He was above this. Until, of course, McCain started winning primaries. Shortly before the South Carolina Primary, and after a McCain victory, Bush held a rally there to a host of retired vets. During the rally Bush had a disabled vet come on stage and tell the crowd that McCain was “always opposing veteran legislation” including measures concerning Agent Orange, health care and the Gulf War. “He was the leading opponent in the Senate!” After his speech Bush shook his hand and said “Thanks Buddy”

    The problem is this is a lie. McCain actually CO-SPONSORED the Agent Orange act as well as testified in favor of legislation to provide compensation and health care to Gulf War vets suffering from unexplained illnesses.

    -Bush claimed McCain pandered to lobbyists and corporations yet Bush raised FIVE TIMES MORE than McCain from lobbyists and corporations.

    -Bush claimed he did not poll and made jokes about Gore using polls too much. He passed himself off as not relying on these types of measures when in fact he used focus groups and people-metering (had people listen to past speeches and turn a knob one way if they liked what he said and the opposite if they did not)

    -Attacked Gore for being Pro-Choice now but Pro-Life in the late 70’s-early 80’s. yet Bush is Pro-Life now but in ’78 said he thought the decision was up to the mother. Now he says he is against is except for the cases of incest, rape and the life of the mother. Yet he also supports the Republican Party’s platform which make no mention of any circumstances like those. When told by a reporter that it does not say “with the following 3 exceptions…” Bush replied “Well, it doesn’t say without these 3 exceptions, either.” What kind of bullshit, weasel answer is that? When asked if he would suggest they be added to the platform he replied “I’m going to recommend the platform stay the same.”

    -Said he really wanted to fight in ‘Nam but checked ‘Do NOT Volunteer’ for the overseas assignment part of the Air National Guard’s application (which he seemed to have gotten in when there was a waiting list…) he also lost his flight status by going AWOL for over a year and not getting the annual physical. He claimed his doctor was not able to give him one but everyone who has been in the military knows these have to be done by military doctors.

    -Florida law calls for a recount if the victory is half a percent or less. Bush beat Gore in Florida by .03% so the recount was legal. Bush said we must follow the law and not argue against it just to benefit yourself. Until the Florida Supreme Court voted for a recall, then he bitched and moaned until the Supreme Court overturned the ruling. Despite Bush and his aides many lies there NEVER was a real recount.

    -in ’02 Bush made a speech and said “I would like to remind you that when the inspectors first went into Iraq and were denied, finally denied access, a report came out of the Atomic -the IAEA- that they were 6 months away from developing a weapon. I don’t know what more evidence we need.” Which was an outright lie. After this speech the chief spokesman for the IAEA said “There’s never been a report like that from this agency.” In fact what the IAEA report DID say was “Based on all credible information to date the IAEA has found no indication of Iraq having achieved a nuclear weapons program or of Iraq having retained a physical capability for the production of weapon-useable nuclear material or having clandestinely obtained such material.”

    -Claimed Iraq not following what the UN said was reason enough for war, yet he has repeatedly blocked making the use of Depleted Uranium weapons illegal even after UN scientists have written reports outlining why they should be banned, opposing the Kyoto Protocol (Bush swore he’d make his own protocol that exceeded Kyoto….we’re all still waiting), pulling out of the International Criminal Court, boycotting a UN conference on a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty, refusing to ratify the UN Convention on Rights of the Child, rejecting a UN agreement to enforce a biological weapons ban, opposing a UN initiative against torture….just to name the recent ones (and there’s plenty of older ones like vetoing the UN’s resolution on international terrorism in ’87).

    -Ignored the advice from the heads of Homeland Security and EPA to force the 120,000+ chemical plants to have enough security to prevent terrorist attacks which could spread toxic gasses throughout populated areas. Instead Bush let the industry create their own safety standards and then allowed them to be VOLUNTARY which in effect did absolutely nothing to make us safer.

    -Blamed the CIA for letting the Iraq/Niger claims get into his and other administration member's speeches. 10 days later multiple memos from the CIA to the White House, NSC and speech writers outlining mulitple points they disagreed with dating back to almost a year before war with Iraq. When these were brought up his first reply was people want to 'rewrite history' The next day the story changed to everyone was busy and the memos slipped their minds.

    -When asked by a reporter if he was misleading with the banner in May that said 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED'? His reply was for them to question the Navy as they were the ones who hung it up, not him or anyone in his staff. But they happened to be the ones who had it made and brought it to the carrier...?

    -Graduated high school with a C average yet got into Ivy League schools.
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • Dirty MosquitoDirty Mosquito Chicago Posts: 621
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    Thank goodness for term limits. 'Cuz he'd win in '08 if he could run.

    That's hysterical!! Thanks for making me laugh today, it's been boring at the office. I think not!
    Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
    Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
    Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
    Lollapalooza 08-05-07
    Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
    Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
    Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
    PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
    Wrigley Field 07-19-13
    Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    Thank goodness for term limits. 'Cuz he'd win in '08 if he could run.

    Thats true - because he is pretty representative of the average american.. candidates will learn from him.. we may be in for more of the same from the next guy too.
  • Uncle Leo wrote:
    Thank goodness for term limits. 'Cuz he'd win in '08 if he could run.

    Yeah he probably would win. With the Democrats not having a strong candidate, I don't think it would be that difficult for him.
  • Dirty MosquitoDirty Mosquito Chicago Posts: 621
    That's hysterical!! Thanks for making me laugh today, it's been boring at the office. I think not!

    Actually, I stand corrected. He would win. He lost the first two elections and still made it in office, so yes, he would win. There would be some new scheme to somehow loose hundreds of thousands of votes and he would be in office once more to prove that any person in America no matter what your IQ level is, or personal problems are can become president. Especially if you come from a wealthy family and are backed by oil companies and fraudulant corporations.
    Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
    Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
    Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
    Lollapalooza 08-05-07
    Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
    Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
    Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
    PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
    Wrigley Field 07-19-13
    Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    even with a 30 percent approval rating?

    someone is paddling down the ol' river of denial.

    It would depend upon his opponent, no? If the Dems put up someone with a 25 percent approval rating, then 30 percent looks like a winner. That's the beauty of our 2 party system. Both parties put up assholes nobody likes, and everybody holds their nose and votes for one of them.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • even with a 30 percent approval rating?

    someone is paddling down the ol' river of denial.

    I honestly don't put too much into those approval polls. I just don't see a Democrat that could rally the troops against President Bush. I think his toughest competition would come from within his own party.
  • Actually, I stand corrected. He would win. He lost the first two elections and still made it in office, so yes, he would win. There would be some new scheme to somehow loose hundreds of thousands of votes and he would be in office once more to prove that any person in America no matter what your IQ level is, or personal problems are can become president. Especially if you come from a wealthy family and are backed by oil companies and fraudulant corporations.

    The whole votes lost scheme is old. If they did it in '04 why didn't they do it in '06?
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    i find nothing beautiful in that scenario.

    the lesser of 2 evils is still evil, after all.

    Sorry, "beauty" was said sarcastically. I completely agree with your last line, which is why I always vote Libertarian for pres.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • Dirty MosquitoDirty Mosquito Chicago Posts: 621
    The whole votes lost scheme is old. If they did it in '04 why didn't they do it in '06?

    They did do it in 2006. There was a lot of crazy shit that happened in both of those elections
    Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
    Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
    Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
    Lollapalooza 08-05-07
    Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
    Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
    Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
    PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
    Wrigley Field 07-19-13
    Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,138
    so would it be fare to state that this president will go down in our present history as the worst ever ??......
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Dirty MosquitoDirty Mosquito Chicago Posts: 621
    so would it be fare to state that this president will go down in our present history as the worst ever ??......

    We shall see in 25 years when all of this Bullshit becomes available to the public through the freedom of information act and we can see how F-d up he really was.
    Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
    Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
    Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
    Lollapalooza 08-05-07
    Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
    Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
    Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
    PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
    Wrigley Field 07-19-13
    Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
  • They did do it in 2006. There was a lot of crazy shit that happened in both of those elections

    Oh ok thanks, I guess they just didn't do enough to win the '06 election.
  • Dirty MosquitoDirty Mosquito Chicago Posts: 621
    Oh ok thanks, I guess they just didn't do enough to win the '06 election.

    I don't know my friend. I don't care if there's a Republican or Democrat in office, as long as this country gets it's head out from its ass. Things are really f-d up right now.
    Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
    Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
    Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
    Lollapalooza 08-05-07
    Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
    Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
    Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
    PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
    Wrigley Field 07-19-13
    Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
  • The whole votes lost scheme is old. If they did it in '04 why didn't they do it in '06?

    Because they don't want to be too obvious. A cheater always knows when to pull out the tricks. If he always wins every hand, people will get suspicous a lot quicker than if he picked which hands would win him more money. They are definitely playing for the long run. It's a smart move to quiet these accusations now, making it look like nothing was ever there. When these stories quiet down and all but disappear they'll be back at it again when the stakes are quite higher.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    The whole votes lost scheme is old. If they did it in '04 why didn't they do it in '06?

    they really don't need to...they have been getting enough slack for all their fuck there will be deadlock b/c while the dems may have hte majority they do not have the required # of votes to override a presidential now there's 2 years to get nothing accomplished so they can point and say 'they had 2 years and couldn't do anything!'

    you really see nothing wrong w/ what happened in 2000 when ppl were put on felon lists w/ FUTURE arrest dates? or ppl that were never even in trouble?? have you even looked into any of it or do you just dismiss it as soon as it comes into your head? what about the voting machines that deleted thousands of votes in NC in 04?
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • miller8966miller8966 Posts: 1,450
    El_Kabong wrote:
    they really don't need to...they have been getting enough slack for all their fuck there will be deadlock b/c while the dems may have hte majority they do not have the required # of votes to override a presidential now there's 2 years to get nothing accomplished so they can point and say 'they had 2 years and couldn't do anything!'

    Great democratic propaganda right here.......
    America...the greatest Country in the world.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    miller8966 wrote:
    Great democratic propaganda right here.......

    except i'm not a democrat and didn't vote for a democrat in this last election....interesting you left out my 2nd paragraph, tho ;)
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    he could run, coach and play for the knicks.
  • nuffingmannuffingman Posts: 3,014
    Voting Bush in the first time was a mistake. Voting him in for a second term was downright careless. It's going to take a long time for the US to get over this embarassment.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Uncle Leo wrote:
    Thank goodness for term limits. 'Cuz he'd win in '08 if he could run.

    nah, if we didnt have term limits bill clinton would still be in office and we wouldn't be in this mess.
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