tell congress No Independence For Kosovo
No Independence For Kosovo
We, the signatories of this petition urge members of Congress to vote no on House Resolution 36. We do not support the United States position that Kosovo-Metohija, 15% of Serbia's territory should be taken away from her to appease Muslim insurgents who support Al-Qaeda and a thriving criminal element that imports illegal drugs and which also engages in human trafficking.
Such a position will most definitely contribute to instability in the area and in those regions in Europe and Asia that are watching the Kosovo debate very closely. To continue to flagrantly disregard International Law which provides for the respect of the sovereignty of nations and for the right of such nations to non-interference in internal affairs will usher in an era of unprecedented lawlessness between nations states. Therefore, we urge you to respect the constitution of Serbia which the people of Serbia recently approved and which reflects the will of those who voted for it: that Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.
We urge you to be mindful of the historical integrity of the Balkan region and the legacy of Josef Tito. Tito encouraged, during and after WWII, state sanctioned oppression of the Serbian peoples. He sought to displace Serbians in 1944 and in 1974 in an effort to create an Greater Albania at the expense of the Serbian peoples. He encourage illegal land grabs, disenfranchising the native Serbian peoples from their homes and their livelihood. It is telling that one of Tito's first acts after becoming the President of Serbia was to execute the Allied Forces greatest supporter against the Nazi regime, Draza Mihailovich. We urge you not to continue Josef Tito's legacy of oppression against the Serbian people with House Resolution 36.
We urge you to commit to supporting a principled solution to Kosovo which would be acceptable to both sides.
We urge you to respect the United States commitment to promoting peace in the world. We urge you, therefore to respect the United Nations Security Council votes on Kosovo-Metohija. We expect the United States to behave honourably in behalf of its citizens in this regard and to respect the legacy of both Theodore Roosevelt the first American to win the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts in the Portsmouth Treaty, and Eleanor Roosevelt one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights of the 100,000 remaining Serbian population is at stake. As a member of the United Nations, you have pledged to be a supporter of the rights of all humans not only of some. Any acts outside of this will mark the United States as a violator of human rights.
Therefore, we urge you to support a principled solution that is aligned with International Law and aligned
No Independence For Kosovo
We, the signatories of this petition urge members of Congress to vote no on House Resolution 36. We do not support the United States position that Kosovo-Metohija, 15% of Serbia's territory should be taken away from her to appease Muslim insurgents who support Al-Qaeda and a thriving criminal element that imports illegal drugs and which also engages in human trafficking.
Such a position will most definitely contribute to instability in the area and in those regions in Europe and Asia that are watching the Kosovo debate very closely. To continue to flagrantly disregard International Law which provides for the respect of the sovereignty of nations and for the right of such nations to non-interference in internal affairs will usher in an era of unprecedented lawlessness between nations states. Therefore, we urge you to respect the constitution of Serbia which the people of Serbia recently approved and which reflects the will of those who voted for it: that Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.
We urge you to be mindful of the historical integrity of the Balkan region and the legacy of Josef Tito. Tito encouraged, during and after WWII, state sanctioned oppression of the Serbian peoples. He sought to displace Serbians in 1944 and in 1974 in an effort to create an Greater Albania at the expense of the Serbian peoples. He encourage illegal land grabs, disenfranchising the native Serbian peoples from their homes and their livelihood. It is telling that one of Tito's first acts after becoming the President of Serbia was to execute the Allied Forces greatest supporter against the Nazi regime, Draza Mihailovich. We urge you not to continue Josef Tito's legacy of oppression against the Serbian people with House Resolution 36.
We urge you to commit to supporting a principled solution to Kosovo which would be acceptable to both sides.
We urge you to respect the United States commitment to promoting peace in the world. We urge you, therefore to respect the United Nations Security Council votes on Kosovo-Metohija. We expect the United States to behave honourably in behalf of its citizens in this regard and to respect the legacy of both Theodore Roosevelt the first American to win the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts in the Portsmouth Treaty, and Eleanor Roosevelt one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights of the 100,000 remaining Serbian population is at stake. As a member of the United Nations, you have pledged to be a supporter of the rights of all humans not only of some. Any acts outside of this will mark the United States as a violator of human rights.
Therefore, we urge you to support a principled solution that is aligned with International Law and aligned
Post edited by Unknown User on
im not sure why this is any of our business anyways...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Freedom for all right? There is nothing left of the Yugoslavia that we knew from school, all countries are separate now, they have different ethnicities, recently Montenegro also decided to split from Serbia. If they wish to be a sovereign state please let them.
In 1929 the Kingdom was transformed into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia which the Yugoslav nationality unifying all Kosovan Slavs. The territories of Kosovo were split among the Banate of Zeta, the Banate of Morava and the Banate of Vardar. The Kingdom lasted until the World War II Axis invasion of 1941.
The greatest part of Kosovo became a part of Italian-controlled Fascist Albania, and smaller bits by the Nazi-Fascist Tsardom of Bulgaria and Nazi German-occupied Kingdom of Serbia. Since the Albanian Fascist political leadership had decided in the Conference of Bujan that Kosovo would remain a part of Albania they started an ethnic cleansing campaign of the non-Albanian population in the Kosovo.[citation needed] The infamous SS Division Skanderbeg committed crimes. [citation needed]. Tens of thousands of Serbs lost their lives and around 75,000 Serbs fled Kosovo during the war.[citation needed] Hundreds of thousands more would leave in the following decades, following the shift of power in Kosovo. [citation needed]
Prior to the surrender of Fascist Italy in 1943,
they like to say the serbs are the killers but ignore what albanians do
the hog hauge does this with gusto -they murdered molosvic i bet in prison
to hell with nato
Ravenna, we just had this conversation. The hands of your Serbian buddies aren't exactly blood free either.
And what's the problem with Kosovo independence? They've been having successful elections since 2000. Secular fighting is not really evident any more. The economy has risen, the occupation has thinned it's forces over a span of almost a decade. Local police and fire are ready to take control, it's time we leave and let those people vote on what they want to do with themselves.
Are you going to bring this argument up when we get ready to leave Iraq?
you wanna bomb them too as nato bombed serbs?
if they did do bad that doesnt mean bombing in the answer at least not civilian targets
yes maybe there could have been atrocircies on all sides -why do you ignore the others atrocirites?
what makes you think people stopped thinking about it since 1999 or 2000?
i think tito imported the albanians possibly
kosovo is an ancient serb area
In any case, after all that has happened, I think the only sensible solution is for the people there to decide. And if the large majority are muslim albanians wanting independence, then so be it. Forcing them to return to Serb rule after a decade of de facto independence can get real nasty. Whether a territory has belonged under a nation for a long time, is no argument for them retaining it no matter what happens today or who lives there now. Under that "first right" principle, the US should be handed back to the remaining indians, Norway would be justified to invade Iceland, Greenland and parts of Sweden and it goes on.
In such a complicated issue, I say let the people decide. Just as the people of Montenegro decided they wanted out.
Besides from that that petition is a big pile of bullshit, and historical revisionism. I for one think that a Kosovo returned to Serb control will be more unstable than an independent one. But maybe the scare is having a *gulp* muslim state in Europe. As we know, muslim means Al Qaeda-supporting...
(edit) and no, I'm not saying that there aren't albanians deserving of some blame as well, and that they dont have their own shady characters.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Yugoslavia was a mistake from the get go. Another map drawing fuck up by the European powers after World War 1. I do agree with Ravenna, having read quite a bit about, and travelling to Croatia, Bosnia, and Montenegro. Historically there has been barbarity on all sides in that region. The Croats have as much blood on their hands as the Serbs. The Serbs have been guilty more recently though.
Read up on the Croat Ustase and you might get a better understanding of the Serbs.