For Those in the Republican Party

_Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
edited October 2008 in A Moving Train
What the F happened to our party?
Seriously, who are these socialist politicians that call themselves "Republicans?"
I voted for Bush in 2000 & in 2004 as he was the lesser of two evils in both elections, but that guy is further left than Bill Clinton!
And now between OCain & McBama (both of which are to the left of center) we are screwed. I believe Obama will win this election, not that he will be much worse than McCain.
America, we are in serious trouble. Why can't we come up with a solid conservative candidate?
I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • godpt3godpt3 Posts: 1,020
    Why can't we come up with a solid conservative candidate?

    Sarah Palin is your consolation prize. Quit complaining. Social conservatives have actually DESTROYED the GOP. What would Eisenhower think of all this bullshit?
    "If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
    —Dorothy Parker
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    Republicans have been more liberal than democrats for quite some time it would seem. With Reagan's neoliberalism, please.

    Corporate welfare is out of control and your worried about socialism? Its already here.
  • bingerbinger Posts: 179
    The fact that you voted for Bush TWICE really speaks volumes. Maybe you should sit this one out.
    I want to point out that people who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women -- once they organize and protest and create movements -- have a voice no government can suppress. Howard Zinn
  • _Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
    binger wrote:
    The fact that you voted for Bush TWICE really speaks volumes. Maybe you should sit this one out.

    As I said... the lesser of two evils. Two evils. Maybe you didn't catch that part. :confused:

    I do plan on sitting this one out. I cannot see myself voting for McCain or Obama even though I do think McCain will do the least damage to our country. But I don't like either one. In California, a vote for McCain doesn't make any difference.
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • As someone who doesn't really associate with either party, I would say the undoing--so to speak--of the Republican party was the exploitation of the religious and socially conservative base.

    Long gone is the belief in small government, a belief which was sold out in favor of a larger government to keep boys from kissing. Separation of powers as prescribed by the constitution have been traded for a strong, at times seemingly autonomous Executive branch. See also the expansion of Vice Presidential influence.

    In short, I feel like the party has become more about doing anything to grab a few votes than actually committing itself to sound policies. This time around, people seem to want the government to do so something, to tell them everything is going to be okay even if that isn't the truth. Thus, John McCain's desire to buy up $300B in private home loans and his party caving in on the Bailout is actually in line with what seems to be the unspoken Republican platform.
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    I was watching Meet The Press last Sunday and one of the speakers was a columnist from a Des Moines, Iowa newspaper. Dan/Dave Yepsen or Yepson???

    Anyway, he said that the idealogy and message of the Republicans don't strike a cord with the rural working class people like it used to anymore because of the economy. They're not too confine as they used to be, and are willing to listen to any new/other ideas that will help their living. He added that as long as the economy is down, they'll rather lean towards Obama regardless of their race/culture differences.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    The Republican party has betrayed me. I voted for Carter (because of all that Watergate crap)... I voted for Reagan (TWICE)... for George H.W. Bush(TWICE)... Clinton (because, come on... Dole??? Are you fucking kidding me... DOLE???)... Gore (because of that sleeping with the Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson crap)... Kerry (because of Bush... and mostly because of CHANEY).
    The Republican Party was hi-jacked by the Neo-Conservatives. What part of Conservative values is massive government spending? Sending our miltary in harm's way based upon choice, rather than necessity? Huge government? Huge INTRUSIVE Government? Soliciting gay sex in filthy public restrooms? Towelling off male interns in saunas? Imperialistic expansion? Politicizing the Judicial branch? Un-contested Executive powers? Lying?
    I still have Conservative values... regarding the adherence to the Constitution... not the shredding of it. I don't want the Government to watch over me... when I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't want America to employ Soviet Union/K.G.B. tactics because we are NOT the Soviet Union. I still believe in America... and I know that patriotism is an alliegence to the principles of my country, not my political party. I'm a law and order guy... in blind justice, not in partisan justice.
    It really pained me to vote for Gore in 2000... but, from where I stood... the Republican Party coerced me to. I did not leave the Republican party... they forced me out.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Politics. Too much of a team mentality(sp?) if you ask me. It is supposed to be about the people not the party. For the people, by the people died with JFK. (I know he was a dem. by the way)
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    And one of the things that really disgusted me was going after the Purple Heart and Navy Star in the 2004 Presidential Campaign. I don't care if it was John Kerry... but, making it sound like the U.S. Navy handed out Purple Hearts and Navy Stars to anyone one who wanted one... tarnished their meaning and their sacrifice and does a great dishonor to ALL recipiants of those medals. It was disgraceful. And anyone who bought up in that poltical bullshit should share the shame of that shameful accusation.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    What the F happened to our party?
    Seriously, who are these socialist politicians that call themselves "Republicans?"
    I voted for Bush in 2000 & in 2004 as he was the lesser of two evils in both elections, but that guy is further left than Bill Clinton!
    And now between OCain & McBama (both of which are to the left of center) we are screwed. I believe Obama will win this election, not that he will be much worse than McCain.
    America, we are in serious trouble. Why can't we come up with a solid conservative candidate?

    pretty much your party is out of touch. bush has made them that way. this is what happens when you do not listen to voices from the other side of the aisle and squelch dissention to gain a better hold on power. you elected a guy twice that can't put two sentences together to form a coherent thought. jesus christ could run as a republican and the majority would not vote for him based on what W has done. the public has awaken and are more willing to vote AGAINST YOUR PARTY than vote for your candidate. you republicans have nobody to blame but yourselves. do not tell me our country is fucked when the majority is willing to vote against the status quo of the last 8 years in favor of a political novice with a dream of something better.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • brandon10brandon10 Posts: 1,114
    When did Americans become so fucking stupid?
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    brandon10 wrote:
    When did Americans become so fucking stupid?
    I believe it was around the time we actually thought the President of the United States of America would take time off his busy schedule to come down to our one horse shithole of a town to the filthy dive that we call our 'Local Bar' and have a fucking beer with us.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    brandon10 wrote:
    When did Americans become so fucking stupid?
    think it was about the time the US military took over the Nazi propaganda machine and decided to use and expand on it.

    they can't control us with a stick so they need to control what we think.
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