What is a neo-con?

What is a neo-con?
Is there any difference between a conservative and a neo-con?
Or is it just a name to get under their skin?
Is there any difference between a conservative and a neo-con?
Or is it just a name to get under their skin?
I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
You can (for the most part) see the difference between a neo con and a regular conservative by the issues, support of the war, israel and such.
Bush,chenney,Reagan,nixon would/do fall under neo conservatism.
it's a bit more complex than what i'm making it out to be of course.
--Bill Hicks
Check out the names of the undersigned... check the date... then, go through the website. Although, in light of today's current events, many of the pre-September 11, 2001 papers regarding Iraq are no longer posted.
Hail, Hail!!!
~Ron Burgundy
neo-cons, neo-liberals
the use of labels to get into power, meaning. they are neither liberals or conservatives, they don't want people to discover true identities until they are king.
this tactic was used in medieval ages.
In reaction to the G.H.W.Bush and Clinton policies of the 1990s military base closings, Paul Wolfowitz proposes methods to re-establish forward bases of operations so America's miltary power can be projected globally. This is where the infamous 'New Pearl Harbor' comment emerges.
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions."
This report was written in September of 2000. This leads me to believe that this administration used the September 11, 2001 attacks to put their plan into motion. I do not believe they planned or executed the attacks (they are far too bumbling and inept and have too many leaks in their system to pull it off), but they used this event to create those forward bases... primarily, in Iraq.
Hail, Hail!!!
if it isn't true it mine as well be. In reference to the swift change of WMD hunt to Democracy spread.
thank you! I know now what sums up a neo-con:
Historically, neoconservatives supported a militant anticommunism, tolerated more social welfare spending than was sometimes acceptable to libertarians and mainstream conservatives, supported civil equality for blacks and other minorities, and sympathized with a non-traditional foreign policy agenda that was less deferential to traditional conceptions of diplomacy and international law and less inclined to compromise principles even if that meant unilateral action.
Indeed, domestic policy does not define neoconservatism — it is a movement founded on, and perpetuated by an aggressive approach to foreign policy, free trade, opposition to communism during the Cold War, support for Israel and Taiwan and opposition to Middle Eastern and other states that are perceived to support terrorism. [citation needed]
Believing that America should "export democracy," that is, spread its ideals of government, economics, and culture abroad, they grew to reject U.S. reliance on international organizations and treaties to accomplish these objectives. Compared to other U.S. conservatives, neoconservatives may be characterized by an idealist stance on foreign policy, a lesser social conservatism, and a much weaker dedication to a policy of minimal government, and, in the past, a greater acceptance of the welfare state, though none of these qualities are necessarily requisite.
Untill their will grows tired
I think the most important difference between a neo-con and an old-fashioned conservative is that neo-cons do not AT ALL support minimalistic government intervention. If you don't understand why this is important, read "1984" (Orwell) or "Brave New World" (Huxley) or "We" (Zamyatin).
I believe that this point in time will be pointed as the point where the United States first began to relinquish the Super Power reigns and global leadership role to China. We forfieted manufacturing and economic lead to China and we will get to the point where a war with China is certain death... dispite our nuclear capabilities.
I have a feeling that future U.S. History courses will not be kind to George W. Bush.
Hail, Hail!!!