ronald reagon/alzheimers

a friend told me recently that ronald reagon had alzheimer's disease DURING his preidency, but it was kept a secret. i was pretty young when he was president, so i don't remember much about it. but she told me it would take 30 seconds for him to answer a question. apparently he just looked and acted very presidential and that's how he got elected. he was a perfect puppet president. true??
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Really? Lincoln, kennedy? I wouldn't have classed these people as puppets.
On the subject of mentally ill Presidents, I wonder if Dubya is suffering from mental retardation?
I have wondered if W is smarter than we think he is...honestly acting like a complete ignoramus may actually work.
no it isn't. if those in his administration kept his alzheimer's a secret from the american public, what does that tell you?? obviously you don't want someone with alzheimer's as the leader of the free world. and if he wasn't calling the shots, someone else was, which makes reagon a puppet.
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i don't think clinton was a puppet, either. he was too smart.
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O.k, sorry. Mis-read ya!
He looked and acted very presidential and that's how he got elected. That is the stupidest thing I have heard today. The people I have met with Alzheimer's disease would have a pretty rough time looking and acting presidential. I would love to know where your source got this information, because it just seems really ridiculous.
i didn't say that he had full-blown alzheimers when he was in office. i just said he had symptoms and was in the early stages, perhaps??? it's like someone said about their grandmother having it and he/she could think of early warning signs of it. i don't think it's a disease you get overnight. it developes over time. so i was just asking if reagon had shown signs of it while he was still in office. but remember, the man was 69 years old when he was elected president. he's the oldest person ever elected to the presidency. that prolly didn't help, either. shit, people retire at 65, wtf was he doing running the country?? shoulda been fishing or something.
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i heard forrest gump is his favorite movie.
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Except when his libido came into play
he had a puppet penis??
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I've been around people with the beginnings of memory loss. They can be quite competent on very many things, and in my opinion are far from being puppets.
"If" is a very important word..."if those in his administration...." The possibility of something is quite different than a fact.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
with all due respect, the people you've "been around" weren't in charge of running their country, were they?? in my opinion, that might not be a good combination.
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Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
well, hopefully he had his wits about him.
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