What's beneath the firings of the 8 U.S. Attorneys?

ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
edited February 2008 in A Moving Train
What are the House Judiciary Committee hearings on fired U.S. attorneys all about?

It's all about using the Justice Department for the purposes of stealing and influencing the 2008 elections for Republicans while covering up this fact by using the false premise that election fraud is rampant amongst Democrats. The ultimate goal is to create enough hysteria to get laws passed for voter ID cards. If and when that ever happens, Historians will be able to pinpoint the time and place that Democracy died in the USA. For now, it's on life support.

It's also not just about the theft of future elections, but about the theft of past elections. Anyone that wants to be fully informed should definitely read the chapter titled "The Con" in award winning BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast's bestseller "Armed Madhouse". Palast is an American who reports for the BBC because the corporate owned U.S. media has basically exiled his reporting from the United States. It should be noted that when University of Florida student Andrew Meyer was pleading "Don't tase me, Bro" and subsequently injected with 50,000 volts of electricity, he was clutching a copy of "Armed Madhouse" (and it never hit the floor).

If you do this and/or follow the links that I will post to several articles and videos available on the web, you might agree with my sentiment that allowing Karl Rove to be anywhere near Democracy is like leaving your child with a pedophile priest (where Rove is the Priest and Democracy is the child). This is also an incredible indictment of the corporate owned media and their responsibilty of keeping the public informed.

We should all be hopeful that the House Judiciary committee hearings will shed a light on this and what Rove and his henchmen are doing to the process. They have broken election and voting rights laws and the committee has the hard evidence. There most likely will be jail time for one or more of the conspirators and should become one of the biggest, if not the biggest stories of 2008/2009. If it doesn't, true democracy may not survive .

First start with this article by another writer (Barbara Bellows-TerraNova). It's posted on Greg Palast's website. At the bottom of the article are numerous links to other writings referenced in the piece, some of which I will post links for. The article organizes most of the information anyone needs to have for an informed opinion. It should be noted the American Corporate media hasn't been keeping the public informed. Why not?


[Here are some direct links to stories that the Bellows-TerraNova piece references]:








There's also a link to a text version of a story aired on "Democracy Now". However, the video is available and the set of links for that will be posted below.

One of the essentials to understanding the perversion of the elections process is the HAVA law. The HAVA law was basically signed into law and installed to provide a mechanism to avoid the "False felon purge list" problem that Greg Palast uncovered and reported on in 2000. This resulted in the birth of the "Provisional" ballot.

Here's a link to a Department of Justice page for the HAVA law (Help America Vote Act) -

Here's a link to the Wikipedia entry for "Caging list". Within that page are various links to other pages listed beneath the "References:" section. :

Some of the "Reference:" links of interest include a lengthy and frightening interview with Greg Palast done by BuzzFlash - http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/interviews/061

and a glimps into what's in store for the 2008 general election -

There's also a link to see some the emails that the GeorgeWBush "dot org" server collected that were mistakenly adressed and intended for GeorgeWBush "dot com" -

Here are links to a few videos that are available over the internet. Two of these are reports that aired over American television (as of today Feb 2, 2008, practically the only two that get to the heart of the matter). The other video is a little over an hour long and is from an event for Greg Palast's "Armed Madhouse (updated edition)" book tour on May 1, 2007 in NYC.

First, a story that aired on the PBS program "NOW" last spring. It's available on YouTube in 2 parts and is roughly 17 minutes altogether.

PBS - caging (Part 1)

PBS - caging (part 2)

The 2nd is video available on YouTube and is a report that aired on "Democracy Now", also last spring (May 2007). This video is in 3 parts and is roughly 25 minutes altogether. There is a couple of minutes of overlap at the end of segment 2 and the beginning of segment 3.

Democracy Now part 1

Democracy Now part 2

Democracy Now part 3

The 3rd and final video is available on google and is a little over 1 hour long. It's from an event in NYC as part of Greg Palast's book tour for "Armed Madhouse". The first part is Greg Palast giving an overview of a couple of chapters from his book. The 2nd part is a talk by Robert Kennedy Jr. In it he discusses the distribution of information for the public and other topics of interest. http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...769441262005

Lastly, here are 2 newspaper articles that were written about the 2004 election. The first was written about events preceding the election and the 2nd was written about events that occured on election day. These articles are intended to give a glimpse of what is in store for 2008 and I ask anyone to realize that Greg Palast claims that 2004 was only practice for 2008.

NY Times article written before the 2004 election ([Note: there'a also a 2nd page]) -

Seattle Times article written ffter the 2004 election -
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Does anybody get it?

    The vote is not being stolen on any significant level by the electronic voting machines (Diebold, etc). Rove, etal. don't mind anyone believing that the machines are evil so you won't figure out they're really doing it. In the fired U.S. attorney hearings, they are digging in their heels and won't ever admit guilt. Thankfully, there was questioning that opened the door for incriminating evidence to be subpoenaed. Now Conyers can get the rest of the committee up to speed. Read the links and watch the videos in the first post. This is FACT! FACT FACT! It's time to wake up. This will be bigger than Watergate, except that it appears the press is bought and paid for by the government. The concept of Democracy in the U.S. is at stake.
  • ndv180 wrote:
    Does anybody get it?

    The vote is not being stolen on any significant level by the electronic voting machines (Diebold, etc). Rove, etal. don't mind anyone believing that the machines are evil so you won't figure out they're really doing it. In the fired U.S. attorney hearings, they are digging in their heels and won't ever admit guilt. Thankfully, there was questioning that opened the door for incriminating evidence to be subpoenaed. Now Conyers can get the rest of the committee up to speed. Read the links and watch the videos in the first post. This is FACT! FACT FACT! It's time to wake up. This will be bigger than Watergate, except that it appears the press is bought and paid for by the government. The concept of Democracy in the U.S. is at stake.

    Yeah, I get it and it makes me sick.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Yeah, I get it and it makes me sick.

    Thanks for tuning in. I'm a little freaked out that the media is silent. I'm actually somewhat paranoid that my internet postings could lead to being labeled an enemy combatant. Seems unlikely and extreme, but who knows. I am at least fortified by the courage and integrty of someone like Greg Palast. But look what they've done and are doing to civil librerties. They have to be exposed and stopped.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Jim Lampley wrote this article that was put on Huffingtom Post in May of 2005. He was spot on and was ridiculed by the right (specifically Byron York) for it.


    Jim Lampley

    The Biggest Story of Our Lives

    At 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Election Day, I checked the sportsbook odds in Las Vegas and via the offshore bookmakers to see the odds as of that moment on the Presidential election. John Kerry was a two-to-one favorite. You can look it up.

    People who have lived in the sports world as I have, bettors in particular, have a feel for what I am about to say about this: these people are extremely scientific in their assessments. These people understand which information to trust and which indicators to consult in determining where to place a dividing line to influence bets, and they are not in the business of being completely wrong. Oddsmakers consulted exit polling and knew what it meant and acknowledged in their oddsmaking at that moment that John Kerry was winning the election.

    And he most certainly was, at least if the votes had been fairly and legally counted. What happened instead was the biggest crime in the history of the nation, and the collective media silence which has followed is the greatest fourth-estate failure ever on our soil.

    Many of the participants in this blog have graduate school educations. It is damned near impossible to go to graduate school in any but the most artistic disciplines without having to learn about the basics of social research and its uncanny accuracy and validity. We know that professionally conceived samples simply do not yield results which vary six, eight, ten points from eventual data returns, thaty's why there are identifiable margins for error. We know that margins for error are valid, and that results have fallen within the error range for every Presidential election for the past fifty years prior to last fall. NEVER have exit polls varied by beyond-error margins in a single state, not since 1948 when this kind of polling began. In this past election it happened in ten states, all of them swing states, all of them in Bush's favor. Coincidence? Of course not.

    Karl Rove isn't capable of conceiving and executing such a grandiose crime? Wake up. They did it. The silence of traditional media on this subject is enough to establish their newfound bankruptcy. The revolution will have to start here. I challenge every other thinker at the Huffington Post: is there any greater imperative than to reverse this crime and reestablish democracy in America? Why the mass silence? Let's go to work with the circumstantial evidence, begin to narrow from the outside in, and find some witnesses who will turn. That's how they cracked Watergate. This is bigger, and I never dreamed I would say that in my baby boomer lifetime.
  • ndv180 wrote:
    Thanks for tuning in. I'm a little freaked out that the media is silent. I'm actually somewhat paranoid that my internet postings could lead to being labeled an enemy combatant. Seems unlikely and extreme, but who knows. I am at least fortified by the courage and integrty of someone like Greg Palast. But look what they've done and are doing to civil librerties. They have to be exposed and stopped.

    Yeah, the fact that the media is sort of silent on something such as this makes me wonder about things. Just a couple of years ago I would've labeled you as a wacko or something, but that was when I was more optimistic about other people actually having a conscience.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Yeah, the fact that the media is sort of silent on something such as this makes me wonder about things. Just a couple of years ago I would've labeled you as a wacko or something, but that was when I was more optimistic about other people actually having a conscience.

    Thanks again for replying. I've been feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness. For everyone else, check out the numerous links that are in post#1. This will allow you to become enlightened and follow what's going on with the House Judiciary Hearings. The committee is scheduled to convene this Thursday. Here is the schedule from their website


    Thursday 02/07/2008 - 10:00 AM
    2141 Rayburn House Office Building
    Full Committee
    Oversight Hearing of the Department of Justice

    By Direction of the Chairman
  • ndv180 wrote:
    Thanks again for replying. I've been feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness. For everyone else, check out the numerous links that are in post#1. This will allow you to become enlightened and follow what's going on with the House Judiciary Hearings. The committee is scheduled to convene this Thursday. Here is the schedule from their website


    Thursday 02/07/2008 - 10:00 AM
    2141 Rayburn House Office Building
    Full Committee
    Oversight Hearing of the Department of Justice

    By Direction of the Chairman

    Apparently everyone already agrees with what you are saying. Silence is acceptance, right?
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Apparently everyone already agrees with what you are saying. Silence is acceptance, right?

    At the moment, they probably think I'm a whacko. They should start paying attention eventually. If you clicked on the link in my previous post, There's information there that Conyers has asked Ken Blackwell to appear before the committee on Friday. Hopefully, these events lead the evening newscasts.

    I've actually posted this information (and more) on another unrelated forum. I provided the information a little at a time. At first, some rabid right-wingers put out their usual uneducated attacks. I began to engage them in some dialogue. After a while, the silence was deafening, but the thread views continued to rise.

    I've spoken with someone who's convinced that this administration was behind 9/11 (we all know some of these people) and explained it all to them. Their reply was that if the admin gets backed into a corner, they'll just engineer another terrorist attack and marshall law will be declared. I sure hope he's a wacko.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Here's another Greg Palast article that was written 3 weeks ago. It gives a glimpse of what they are up to and how they are perverting the process.


    Space Invaders: Five Million Aliens for Hillary
    Published January 10th, 2008 in Articles
    Will José Crow Voter ID Laws Pick Our President?

    by Greg Palast
    Thursday, January 10, 2008

    State Representative Russell Pearce of Mesa Arizona has warned us:

    “There is a massive effort under way to register illegal aliens in this country.”

    How many? According to the Congressman’s office, there are five million: Democrats, he says, who are not good Americans - they’re Mexicans!

    Really?! Holy Cow! The Senator has uncovered a conspiracy to flood the voter rolls with Brown Hordes who’ve swum the Rio Grande just for a chance to vote for Hillary Clinton?!

    Thank the Lord for vigilant citizens like Senator Pearce. His efforts, along with the work of other patriotic (Republican) politicians, successfully stopped 300,000 voters from obtaining ballots in 2004 - because these voters had brought the wrong ID to the polls. New ID laws in Arizona and half a dozen states blocked these voters at the polling-house door. Others with “wrong” ID’s were handed what are called ‘provisional’ ballots - which were then not counted.

    On Wednesday, the Republican majority on the US Supreme Court indicated it would vote to uphold these new voter ID requirements.

    And just in time. If not for these new ID laws, warns Senator Pearce and other Republicans across the nation, a dark wave of illegal aliens would vote again in our upcoming Presidential election.

    Or maybe not. Maybe there aren’t five million illegal voters for Hillary or Obama or Edwards. Maybe there are just five hundred. Maybe there are none.

    I called Senator Pearce’s office to get a couple of the names of these illegal voters. After all, it should be easy as pie to catch them: they have to give their names and addresses to register and vote. Odd thing, out of five million illegal registrants, the Senator, after a week of looking, couldn’t provide me the name of one. Not one.

    Another Republican politician, this one in New Mexico, the sponsor of the voter ID law there, said on the floor of the State Legislature that she had the names of two illegal voters. Well, that’s a start.

    I called her, Representative Justine Fox-Young (yes, that’s her name, and she has the ID to prove it).

    Q. Justine, you’ve uncovered felony criminals [illegal voting is a jail-time crime in every state]. Do you have the names?

    A. Oh, yes!

    Q. Really? Wow! Did you turn these names over to the US Attorney?

    A. Well, no ….

    Q. You had evidence of a crime and you didn’t have the bad guys arrested?

    A. Not exactly ….

    Fox-Young promised to send me the names of the illegal voters. The names never arrived. But shortly thereafter, based on her claim, the Legislature passed, and Governor Bill Richardson signed, a voter ID law certain to knock out Hispanic citizens. (In fairness to Richardson, I should note that he forced the Republicans to drastically alter their bill.)

    Our investigations team talked to some of New Mexico’s allegedly illegal voters.

    In 2004, the Catholic Church organized a bus and caravan to take newly registered Chicano “low-riders” to a Roswell, New Mexico polling station. The white officials turned away several of the young Hispanics for presenting the wrong ID. Maybe the middle initial on the voter form was missing from the driver’s license, or “Jr.” was added. No perfect match, no vote: a gotcha! set of rules that seemed to apply only to voters of a darker hue.

    One of the rejected young Chicanas said she wouldn’t return to try again to vote; one round of humiliation was enough. “They don’t want me to vote there anyway,” she said. And they don’t.

    But hey, what’s wrong with requiring voter ID? I’ll give you a million reasons. Since 2004, when 300,000 citizens lost their right to vote because of ID challenges, the number of states that have passed voter ID laws has quadrupled. Expect the challenges to quadruple as well, to over a million in the upcoming 2008 presidential election. Does ID challenges make a difference? In New Mexico, George Bush’s victory over John Kerry by 5,900 votes can be completely accounted for by minority provisional ballots rejected. ID was the key.

    In Louisiana, the law says voters may be asked to produce a photo ID. A study conducted by the US Department of Justice discovered that Black voters are only one-fifth as likely to have photo ID’s as white voters. (That figure may be optimistic - as Justice took the survey before Black voters’ ID washed away with Hurricane Katrina.)

    In New Mexico, in Louisiana, in Georgia, in Alabama and in Florida, it’s the same story. It’s not a random set of voters who lose out on ID challenges; it’s voters of color.

    Four years ago, the Jim Crow era ended when biased impediments to voting were struck down by the courts and Congress: poll taxes, “literacy” tests, citizenship tests that blocked Blacks more than whites. From that time until now, almost every state has accepted your signature matched to prior records as proof you’re a legal voter. Now we’re going to change this system to prevent the crime of folks voting more than once and the crime of aliens voting. The odd thing about these crimes: they virtually don’t exist. Yet to prevent crimes that aren’t committed, we are allowing elections officials to commit a greater crime: stopping legal voters - especially new, young, Hispanic voters - from having their piece of our democracy.

    Who was behind these viciously undemocratic, racist José Crow attack on brown-skinned voters? His initials are Karl Rove. In 2006, I smelled out the link to Rove, then White House political chief, when I reached out to the US Attorney for New Mexico.

    That US Attorney, David Iglesias, had indeed investigated the “illegal” voters identified by Fox-Young, working from a list of 150 sent to him by Republican officials. After marching all over the mesas with the FBI, Iglesias found exactly zero cases to prosecute.

    So, finding folks innocent, Iglesias did not arrest them. That was a mistake - at least for his career. Karl Rove, visiting New Mexico, heard from the state’s Republican Party chiefs that Iglesias was not bringing prosecutions and would not continue the witchhunt for “illegal” voters. Iglesias contends that Rove took the Republican complaint to the Oval Office. There, a man who goes by the alias, “The Decider,” decided to fire Iglesias and other US Attorneys who wouldn’t agree to phony prosecutions of innocent voters.

    Iglesias told me, “This voter fraud thing is the bogeyman. It was designed to scare up, rile the [Republican] base. I looked into [the fraud allegations] …We didn’t find the evidence.”

    I met with Iglesias at the park overlooking the Statue of Liberty in New York. The wistful ex-prosecutor, who has returned to his former post with the Navy as a JAG lawyer, said, “Looking back, I mean I feel like I was set up; that they really felt that I would go forward with some half-baked prosecutions and hope for a guilty plea. That’s not what a legitimate federal prosecutor does.”

    (Rove won’t respond to BBC’s requests for his views - nor respond to a subpoena from Congress to explain his involvement in the firings.)

    Whatever Rove’s political motives, I did have to ask if there’s a legitimate reason for these new ID laws. I challenged the leader of the New Mexico Catholic Charities voter drive, Santiago Juarez, to answer Ms. Fox-Young’s charge that, without voter ID, his new citizens could steal elections by voting more than once using someone else’s name.

    Santiago replied, “How do you organize thousands of people to vote twice? Hell, it’s hard enough organizing them to vote once!”

    Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers, Armed Madhouse and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Obtain the film on DVD of Palast’s investigations of US elections, including exclusive interviews with fired US Attorney David Iglesias, at http://www.GregPalast.com Watch the trailer for The Election Files here.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    This is the one of the biggest stories of our lives and this has fallen deep into page 2. There's nothing wrong with being in front of the journalists. Will Karl Rove be learning "gay marraige" first hand?
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    ndv180 wrote:
    This is the one of the biggest stories of our lives and this has fallen deep into page 2. There's nothing wrong with being in front of the journalists. Will Karl Rove be learning "gay marraige" first hand?

    ok buddy, without giving us endless cut and pasting....give us the cliff notes version.

    whats the problem? and why should rove go to jail?
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    jlew24asu wrote:
    ok buddy, without giving us endless cut and pasting....give us the cliff notes version.

    whats the problem? and why should rove go to jail?

    whats wrong with reading it like the rest of us? no need to be a hater here.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    whats wrong with reading it like the rest of us? no need to be a hater here.

    I'm not being a hater. but I have better things to do with my time then to go through the 18 links and 5 documentaries. if the poster sees this as a huge issue that he will fulfill my request. if not, he can continue to bump it every few days and it will continue to be ignored.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    jlew24asu wrote:
    ok buddy, without giving us endless cut and pasting....give us the cliff notes version.

    whats the problem? and why should rove go to jail?

    You could click on some of the links in the first post. everything you need to know is in there. There's no cutting and pasting, it's just links to other articles and videos available on the internet.

    It's a little complicated to explain and a challenge to do in a few paragraphs, but I'll try.

    Anyway, for the 2004 election, the Republicans led by Rove put together a multi-million dollar scheme to suppress 2 to 3 million Kerry votes. The scheme involved the production of something called "caging" lists. "Caging" lists by themselves are not illegal. However, if they are based on race and used for voter suppression, it's a violation of the voting rights act and a go-to-jail felony. If you've been following anything related to the hearings on the firing of the 8 U.S Attorneys, you should know that there are millions of missing email that both the House Judiciary and House Ways and Means committees have subpoenaed.

    White House employees were using the RNC headquarters computers to conduct all their illegal activity. The didn't use the White House computers because all emails and information is saved and can't be destroyed. In the event that they were going to get caught, they could delete everything from the RNCHQ computers, and they did. This in itself is probably a crime. I know they've pissed off a lot of people.

    To continue, not all incriminating email was destroyed. In Oct 2004, about 500 emails had several email accounts in their recipient list. Most of the recipients had their addresses "@rnchq.org". One of the recipients email was intended for an address "@GeorgeWBush.com", but was mistakenly addressed "@GeorgeWBush.org". GeorgeWBush.org was a parody site whose owner got all the emails in an undeliverable bin. These emails were then forwarded to the worlds greatest investigative journalist and Bush nemesis Greg Palast. He wrote all about it in his 2006 bestseller 'Armed Madhouse".

    Eventually the investigation in the U.S. Attorney firings got underway. John Conyers had read the book and knew Greg Palast. Answers to questions then opened the door for Palast's evidence to be subpoenaed.

    Read chapter 4 of his book, and at least check out the links in post#1. Like I mentioned in other parts of this thread, the press is nowhere to be found.

    Here are some audio links to an interview that Greg Palast did on the radio last spring. He explains Karl Rove's connection to the story.

    Part 1 (9 min)

    Part 2 (6 min)

    Part 3 (9+ min)

    Part 4 (9 min)
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    whats wrong with reading it like the rest of us? no need to be a hater here.

    It's ok, I'm not offended. If you are reading and going through it, what your take?

    BTW, in the YouTube audio links I just posted, They play "Gimme Some Truth" as some outro music early in part 4.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    ndv180 wrote:
    It's ok, I'm not offended. If you are reading and going through it, what your take?

    BTW, in the YouTube audio links I just posted, They play "Gimme Some Truth" as some outro music early in part 4.

    seriously, If you want more discussion about this, break up the endless information you posted. some people dont have time to go through all of it.
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    jlew24asu wrote:
    seriously, If you want more discussion about this, break up the endless information you posted. some people dont have time to go through all of it.

    First of all, there's a great deal of information to process to get a grip on this thing. I understand that. To be truly informed, people are going to have to go through it. I'd suggest to watch the news, but the media is nowhere to be found. I consolidated the stuff for the most part.

    As I mentioned a few posts ago, I started posting this information on another forum on a politics board. It started out as a result of some very uninformed attacks against me when I talked about unfair elections and election fraud. I decided to enlighten these clowns. I posted peices of information once or twice a day and after a few days, the attacks stopped and the silence was deafening.

    With the committee hearings scheduled to resume on Thursday, I thought it was a good idea to post here and get people informed (the press isn't doing it). I consolidated much of the info and put the links in post #1. If you, or anyone are too lazy, I recommend just looking at the first 2 videos. That being the PBS story and the Democracy Now story. Those should take you less than 45 minutes. At that point, anyone can chooses to learn more by looking through the written articles and the watching the 1 hour video of the NYC event with Palast and RFKjr (who gives a brilliant speech).
  • jlew24asu wrote:
    seriously, If you want more discussion about this, break up the endless information you posted. some people dont have time to go through all of it.

    Sometimes I just don't get you jlew. When people don't post links backing up their position your complain, but then when people have an abundant supply of information backing up their statements you complain as well. Can you explain to me, what the perfect way to not get a complaint out of you would be?
  • ndv180 wrote:
    Does anybody get it?

    The vote is not being stolen on any significant level by the electronic voting machines (Diebold, etc). Rove, etal. don't mind anyone believing that the machines are evil so you won't figure out they're really doing it. In the fired U.S. attorney hearings, they are digging in their heels and won't ever admit guilt. Thankfully, there was questioning that opened the door for incriminating evidence to be subpoenaed. Now Conyers can get the rest of the committee up to speed. Read the links and watch the videos in the first post. This is FACT! FACT FACT! It's time to wake up. This will be bigger than Watergate, except that it appears the press is bought and paid for by the government. The concept of Democracy in the U.S. is at stake.

    Yeah, the machines count the votes, its just no one knows how....except the software engineer at Diebold who votes republican. :)
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    Yeah, the machines count the votes, its just no one knows how....except the software engineer at Diebold who votes republican. :)

    Obviously, you didn't check out any of the links that I posted and are therefore completely uninformed. I'm very disappointed with your laziness. You quoted text that I wrote that specifically says that the vote wasn't stolen in any significant way by the machines you reference. It's really a mind boggling response from you.
  • Yeah, the machines count the votes, its just no one knows how....except the software engineer at Diebold who votes republican. :)

    don't forget the former CEO who himself was a convicted ATM hacker felon.

    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • ndv180ndv180 Posts: 80
    don't forget the former CEO who himself was a convicted ATM hacker felon.


    Another one that's completely missing the point of the information I'm providing in this thread. Are you people intentionally trying to clutter this thread with these useless posts?

    KNOW THIS... The machines are not the problem. If anything, the notion that they can't be trusted is part of the "Sleight of Hand" to get you to look the wrong way and not recognize how they are really stealing elections. Pay fucking attention.
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