Countdown to Doomsay

I wanted to post something positive for a change
I watched this on the Sci Fi channel several days ago & found it interesting. I was able to add a few more items to my list of 'end of the world' worries.
Here is the top 10 that the program noted.
Supervolcano (
Asteriod Impact
Global Pandemic
Mass Extinction
Giant Solar Flare (
Nuclear Terrorism
Global Warming
Gamma-Ray Burst (
Machine Rebellion
Alien Invasion (found this one strange)
Which one scares you? I'm partial to global pandemic, myself.

I watched this on the Sci Fi channel several days ago & found it interesting. I was able to add a few more items to my list of 'end of the world' worries.
Here is the top 10 that the program noted.
Supervolcano (
Asteriod Impact
Global Pandemic
Mass Extinction
Giant Solar Flare (
Nuclear Terrorism
Global Warming
Gamma-Ray Burst (
Machine Rebellion
Alien Invasion (found this one strange)
Which one scares you? I'm partial to global pandemic, myself.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm pulling for Machine Rebellion, it'd be so poetic to be wiped out by our own technological advancements. Maximum Overdrive.
Ha ha, indeed. This one creeps my husband out. Matrix, Terminator, I Robot, 2001 & 2010 (I don't think so, Dave). Hal was great.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Shouldn't 'Rapture' be on the list?
Ha ha, your question totally confused me as I was still focusing on the machine rebellion. Hmm, I'm not sure how to answer the question. I'm sure there are those that would certainly include this on their list of 'worries', but I'm pretty sure it was not a concern for the ones that participated in the program. Alien invasion was on the list, so why not.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
I suppose that the people who actually believed in the rapture wouldn't categorize it a fear of theirs. They'd probably be in favor of the world ending by rapture.
Alien invasion would be the flat-out coolest, but I won't be getting my hopes up.
Shit! Alien invasion combined with machine rebellion! Awesome.
You're right.
I dunno about cool, I guess it depends. The scientists on the program were talking about how silly most alien invasion movies are. They speculate, if the aliens are unfriendly or insensitive, that they would simply stay in orbit around the Earth and 'throw' rocks at us to cause chaos. It would be a little like asteroids hitting us & we probably would not even 'see' aliens before we were 'history'.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
We were being silly about the Rapture thing. Don't take everything you read literally
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Well, we are likely to cause social collapse and result in WW3. I'm not sure if it will result in nuclear war or not, I also don't think our species would be totally extinct after a nuclear war. So, I'd have to go with a cosmological event wiping out the entire planet.
Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake recording and releasing new albums.
That scares me more than anything else I can think of. Ugh.....makes me shake and gives me shivers.
Thanks for taking the fun out my robo-martian doomsday fantasy, scientists.
I want shiny suited humanoid lizard men to infiltrate society and ultimately either destroy the earth or colonize humanity. Is that too much to wish for? COME ON!
btw.. how much did those big fuckers have to eat?? how was there enough food? crazy
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Hey now, I'm trying to keep this thread positive!
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
So you think a cosmological event will do us in opposed to, say, a virus or, better yet, a supervolcano? Supervolcanos are quite interesting. Yellowstone is due for another eruption.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Your post has a familiar ring to it.............
and it wasn't Jesus who inflicted the birds, everyone knows it was bigfoot.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
and very inside
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Agree with Ahnimus here. Even a massive epidemic would not wipe out whole world. Have to be some sort of global collision with no hope of survival. Or aliens blow up are planet like Alderon
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
No, I think we have enough genetic variance to survive a epidemic like the Ebola Virus.
I don't see a supervalcano covering the entire planet in lava, and I know our species has already survived dozens of ice ages without any heating technology.
So, I'm going with someone like Nikola Tesla splitting the earth or a supernova.
BTW, did anybody else wonder about the fortuitous presence of an ideal oxygen environment on that prisn asteroid Vin Deisel was running around on in The Chronicles of Riddick ???
See, daily global warming with a total abscence of trees is nothing to worry about !!
Well we already have the Terminator governing a state so I think we're on the way.
Bah! You are both fools! Jesus IS Bigfoot!
We would survive Ebola, because it's not a very successful virus. But I know what you are saying. A successful virus would still leave some survivors. Viruses scare me because I work with them and I know the potential and probability of a pandemic is very likely. Asteroids & Aliens.....not so much.
No it wouldn't cover the planet in lava, but supposedly, if Yellowstone erupted, it would cover 1000 miles in lava and it wouldn't take too long for the rest of the world to be effected.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
This one is interesting, although I don't think it's very accepted in the scientific community
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Molecular nanotechnology goes awry!
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
global warming is already wiping us out.