Bill Bennett Gives Dubya A Run For His Money

Consider the following passage from a Q & A:
Why has the rest of the world pretty much lost faith in our democracy and government?
Joaquin Garweg, Houston, Texas
BENNETT: I don't think the rest of the world has lost faith in our democracy and government.
It is fashionable in some precincts to condemn the United States. We have not been popular in the Middle East for many years, and the university class (in Europe, especially) has a "sophisticated" view that is aped by academia in much of the U.S. professoriate.
But many millions of people around the world love America, Americans and the things America represents. If [people] virtually anywhere in the world ... saw a group of soldiers coming over the hill and could pick which flag they were carrying, the American flag would still be the choice of many.
Why has the rest of the world pretty much lost faith in our democracy and government?
Joaquin Garweg, Houston, Texas
BENNETT: I don't think the rest of the world has lost faith in our democracy and government.
It is fashionable in some precincts to condemn the United States. We have not been popular in the Middle East for many years, and the university class (in Europe, especially) has a "sophisticated" view that is aped by academia in much of the U.S. professoriate.
But many millions of people around the world love America, Americans and the things America represents. If [people] virtually anywhere in the world ... saw a group of soldiers coming over the hill and could pick which flag they were carrying, the American flag would still be the choice of many.