The Flaw In the Constitution.

Maybe the best route to take on November 5, is to go to your local county registrar's office and remove your name from the census. It could prove to be to have a better impact.
Review the Howard Freeman (The Two Americas ) (worth some thought)
When America was founded, the Rothschilds were very unhappy because it was founded on the Common Law. The Common Law is based on substance, and this substance is mentioned in the Constitution as gold or silver. America is a Constitutional Republic--that is: a union of the States under the Constitution. When Congress was working for the Republic, the only thing it could borrow was gold or silver, and the Rothschild banks did not loan gold or silver. Naturally, they did not like this new government. The Rothschilds had a deal with the King of England. He would borrow paper and agree to repay in gold. But these united States, with their Constitution, were an obstacle to them, and it was much to the Rothschild's advantage to get the colonies back under the King. So the Rothschilds financed the War of 1812 to bring America back under England. Of course, that didn't work, so they had to find another way.
It was around the time of the American Civil War that they discovered a flaw in the Constitution. The flaw was Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. Remember that there are two nations called -United States.' What is a nation? See if you would agree to this definition: Whenever you have a governing body, having a prescribed territory containing a body of people. Is that a nation? Yes. We have a governing body in the Republic--the three branch government. There are the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches, with a constitution. There is a prescribed territory containing a body of people. This is a Constitutional Republic. But, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 gave Congress, which is the legislative branch of the three branch government, exclusive rule over a given territory known as the District of Columbia, containing a body of people. Here we have a nation within a nation. This is a legislative democracy within a Constitutional Republic. When Congress was a part of the Constitutional Republic, it had the obligation of providing a medium of exchange for us. Its duty was to coin gold or silver. Anyone who had a piece of gold or silver could bring it in and have it freely minted into coin. This was the medium of exchange for the Republic. But, in the Legislative Democracy (over Washington D. C.), Congress is not limited by the Constitution. Congress has exclusive rule over the District of Columbia. The legislators can make the law by a majority vote--that makes it a democracy; they have the authority to have administrative agents to enforce their own law; and they have courts in the legislative branch of government, to try their own law. Here we have the legislature making the law, enforcing the law and trying the law, all within the one branch of government. This is a one branch government within a three branch government. Under the three branch government, the congress passes law which has to be in harmony with the Constitution, the executive enforces the law passed by the congress, and the judiciary tries the law, pursuant to the Constitution.
THE THREE BRANCH CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and the ONE BRANCH LEGISLATIVE DEMOCRACY are both called THE UNITED STATES. One is the federal United States, and the other is the continental united States.
If you say that you are a United States citizen, which United States are you referring to? Anyone who lives in the District of Columbia is a United States citizen. The remaining population in the fifty states is the national citizenry of the nation. We are domiciled in various sovereign states, protected by the constitutions of those states from any direct rule of Congress over us. In the democracy, anyone who lives in those states known as Washington D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, or any of the other federally held territories is a citizen of the United States [D.C.]. We must be careful with our choice of words--we are not citizens of the United States. We are not subject to Congress. Congress has exclusive rule over a given territory, and we are not part of that territory. Where did Congress get the authority to write the Internal Revenue Code? It is found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Constitution. To pass that law, they only needed a majority vote. There is no other way that they could pass laws directly affecting individuals. Title 26, the Internal Revenue Code, was passed as law for another nation (remember our definition of 'nation'), but Title 26 is not consistent with the Bill of Rights. If you try to fight the IRS, you have no rights--the Code does not give you any of your constitutional rights. It simply says, -You failed to file an income tax form--you failed to perform in some specific manner.' Remember, under the Common Law, you are free to do whatever you want as long as you do not infringe upon the life, liberty or property of anyone else. If you do not want to perform, you don't have to. The only way you can be compelled to perform under the Constitution in the continental united States, is if you have entered a contract. But if you are not under a contract you can not be compelled to perform. How can you be compelled to file an income tax form, or any form? When Congress works for the Republic, every law it passes must be in harmony with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but when Congress works for the Legislative Democracy, any law it passes becomes the law of the land (remember, Congress has exclusive legislative control over federal territory). If you are charged with Willful failure to file an income tax 1040 form, that is a law for a different nation. You are a non-resident alien to that nation. It is a foreign corporation to you. It is not the Republic of the continental united States coming after you, it is a foreign nation--a legislative democracy of a foreign nation coming after you. If you get a Notice of Deficiency from the IRS, it is a presentment from the federal United States, and then you can use the UCC to dishonor it, and you can also mention that you are among the national citizenry of continental united States, and you are a non-resident alien to the federal United States. You never lived in a federal territory and never had any income from the federal United States. Furthermore, you cannot be required to file or pay taxes under the compelled benefit of using the Federal Reserve Notes, because you have reserved your rights under the Common Law through the Uniform Commercial Code at 1-207.
ORIGINAL INTENT OF THE FOUNDERS The Founding Fathers would never have created a government that was going to boss them around! There were 13 sovereign States. They were nations, and they joined together for protection from foreign enemies. They provided a means by which the union of the sovereign states could fend off foreign enemies. But they never gave the congress of the federal United States direct rule over any citizen of any state. They were not going to be ordered around by that government they set up.
Review the Howard Freeman (The Two Americas ) (worth some thought)
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
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does it line our coffers?
gov't and religion
violate god's intention...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
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