Nutricide: Bump

Your vote counts.
40 minutes of your time for you nutritional future.
We all wish to believe that officiated organizations are established for the betterment of a whole population and not to benefit a few. However, in history, some of the worst atrocities have been placed on people because
information was limited and actions for resolve occurred at the drop of a hat...(ie last week's vote for economic recovery)
A good example of this in the United States happened back in the 1930's with a campaign to criminalize cannabis...We all know that there are many benefits concerning this plant and it was even used for rope during WWII...They could not get enough farmers to grow this crop...and now it is a scheduled controlled substace...How is this done?
1st. A change
2nd. A plan is set.
3rd. A sense of urgency is created
4th. A promotional campaign is set
5th. Acceptance of such change.
6th. Change is in place
In our media, we are continuing to hear more stories of toxic foods. This past summer, tomatoes were banned from Mexico and we hear of milk contamination in China to cholera in Iraq. As our global community encloses on us, there will one day be guidelines for food being traded across borders. Which can be a prosperous event if handled properly.
I viewed this documentary the other night. The lecture was set at Domican College out of San Rafael College, which is highly accredited institution in the North Bay Area. The topic is Codex, an organization that is set to assist the World Trade Organization with guidelines of food safety and from what I viewed, I tend to question whether or not the voters of my country should support such measure.
I know that you are highly intelligent folks who I have great respect for and I hope that you will accept this gesture in the spirit of concern.
40 minute video about nutricide can be found here.
Beyond the information was attained by viewing this, I was highly surprised to hear that vote via web-post to any of our Congresspeople is worth 13,000 voices...
It is not my intent to create panic, but moreso to give this information to make your own choice...
Thank you.
40 minutes of your time for you nutritional future.
We all wish to believe that officiated organizations are established for the betterment of a whole population and not to benefit a few. However, in history, some of the worst atrocities have been placed on people because
information was limited and actions for resolve occurred at the drop of a hat...(ie last week's vote for economic recovery)
A good example of this in the United States happened back in the 1930's with a campaign to criminalize cannabis...We all know that there are many benefits concerning this plant and it was even used for rope during WWII...They could not get enough farmers to grow this crop...and now it is a scheduled controlled substace...How is this done?
1st. A change
2nd. A plan is set.
3rd. A sense of urgency is created
4th. A promotional campaign is set
5th. Acceptance of such change.
6th. Change is in place
In our media, we are continuing to hear more stories of toxic foods. This past summer, tomatoes were banned from Mexico and we hear of milk contamination in China to cholera in Iraq. As our global community encloses on us, there will one day be guidelines for food being traded across borders. Which can be a prosperous event if handled properly.
I viewed this documentary the other night. The lecture was set at Domican College out of San Rafael College, which is highly accredited institution in the North Bay Area. The topic is Codex, an organization that is set to assist the World Trade Organization with guidelines of food safety and from what I viewed, I tend to question whether or not the voters of my country should support such measure.
I know that you are highly intelligent folks who I have great respect for and I hope that you will accept this gesture in the spirit of concern.
40 minute video about nutricide can be found here.
Beyond the information was attained by viewing this, I was highly surprised to hear that vote via web-post to any of our Congresspeople is worth 13,000 voices...
It is not my intent to create panic, but moreso to give this information to make your own choice...
Thank you.
The new Codex laws are set for the Canadian Legislature to look at and pass in the Fall--well it's the Fall. All you Canadians, please start writing your representatives again, saying NO to Codex.
Meanwhile in the US, the FDA has begun recording any issues or complaints people have with suppliments. They never did this before. Any kind of complaint, valid or invalid, real or imaginary, is listed in the new statistics. In a short time, they have over 600.
The lady in the video is an MD specialist who gave up her practice to pursue fighting Codex. Her sacrifice was great. Stay tuned to the website for more updates.
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light