IIWP Worldwide Peace Prayer

IIWP Worldwide Peace Prayer
Hello Beloved Peacemakers,
You may have heard about a series of wildfires that are currently burning, many of them out of control, in southern California in the U.S. We are writing with an invitation to join together for a special moment in time to send our loving thoughts down to this particular area of the planet, and to all the people and conditions that are present, with a purpose of showering forth a
greater peace and calm to the area.
For all of us who are choosing to join in, see us all together, regardless of time zones, holdinghands and encircling our beautiful blue planet.
We join together in our prayer for peace:
Take a moment now to attune to the Peace that is Present.
Focus on your breathing.Let your body relax, and be aware of the sounds
around you. Whatever you hear, focus on your breath as it moves in and out, Bringing you into the here andnow.
This is where loving and peace reside.
Relax into the loving.Be aware of peace radiating through you and
extending out from you, To the planet earth and all of God's creation in
your loving care,We gather together as Peacemakers focusing in upon
Southern California and all the people, animals,plants and earth there,
And we chant:
I Love You,
God Bless You,
Peace Be Still.
I Give You My Peace.
Just now we become aware of any againstness we maybe running. We let it go. We let God. We relax.
And now we envision the dawning of peace, risinglike a golden sun over the rim of the planet,spreading forth its Light until all of the planet is encompassed in the Light of Peace.
With Loving and Peace, Beth and Joan
Institute for Individual and World Peace®
IIWP Worldwide Peace Prayer messages are a periodic e-mail intended to uplift readers and give them pause to reflect on Peace in their daily
lives. We invite you to share these messages with others. It is a free service provided by the Institute for Individual and World Peace® (IIWP).
IIWP's mission is to identify and present theprocesses that lead to peace.
You can contact IIWP at peaceprayer@iiwp.org Or visit our web site at http://www.iiwp.org
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light