The awful truth behind 5 items probably in your grocery list
I'd heard about the United Fruit Company but not the others. Gotta love capitalism!
I'd heard about the United Fruit Company but not the others. Gotta love capitalism!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sounds about right.
As far as corporate chicanery goes though, these are pretty tame. Lets start talking about some of the oil company murders during protests and the cess pools they leave in the amazon.
I LOVE this image though:
that was fucking classic.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i think i am doing a damn good job too...
scary shit when you do a little digging..
OMG... thats it... no bananas... gonna shoot myself
BTW, the harvesting of bananas is still manual labor. Toured a Dole plantation in Costa Rica back in January.
do you have a list of fair trade coffee?
I get some really good fair trade coffee at a place called Garner's Market but they aren't on the net. But here's the brand I buy:
Also, I couldn't find any fair trade coffee at Whole Foods last time I was in there. Kinda disappointing.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yeah, I've bought Newman's before but didn't really care for it. It should be easy to find in any grocery store, though.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
What brand was it? I couldn't find any there and was really surprised.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
To order in the United States:
Fax: 406-862-7680
Next time I go there I'll let you know. They had a pot brewed to taste. It was okay but was kind of lacking in flavor. There are a handful of just organic or just fair trade coffees available there. Then you have the dilemna of which is better, having a coffee with traces of pesticides grown by farmers that get a fair price or coffees grown on plantations by peasants that was grown organically. This stuff never ends. Sometimes it sucks to have a conscience.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
What Our Investigator Found: Iams’ Den of Horrors
Iams dogs dumped on cold concrete flooring after having huge chunks of muscle cut out of their thighs
dogs and cats gone stir-crazy from confinement; dogs and cats in windowless, dungeon-like buildings
a coworker who instructed her to hit the dogs on the chest if they quit breathing; another coworker who talked about an Iams dog found dead in his cage, bleeding from his mouth
a dog who limped in pain from Lyme disease
cruel studies done by Iams involving sticking tubes down dogs’ throats to force them to ingest vegetable oil
Iams dogs with such severe tartar buildup on their teeth that it was painful for them to eat
vet technicians with inadequate training and experience performing invasive procedures
coworkers who talked about a live kitten who was washed down a drain
coworkers who talked about how they had to go home because the ammonia fumes in the animal trailers were so overpowering that it made their eyes burn (try being one of the animals in those cages!)
cats kept in a cinderblock room with crude wooden “resting” boards that had nails sticking out of them; one of the boards fell on a cat, crushing her to death, while our investigator was there yet the lab director did not remove the boards when the cat was crushed—he removed them when he was told that the lab was going to be inspected because he knew they were illegal
I'm so for that -- let's stick to some 20-year old stereotypes and then let's tax and regulate our US and Brit companies outta existance so we just have to answer to:
Saudi Aramco
NIOC (Iran)
Qatar Petroleum
Gazprom (Russia)
PDVSA (Venezuela)
I'm sure THEY have the best interests of humanity and our planet in mind! But honestly, sorry if it was indeed this above list you were referring to (and all western companies don't even add up to ONE of these five) for these "national" oil companies (i.e. owned by the state) surely ARE still murdering and leaving cess pools in their wake -- but western companies are quite awake and aware these days, and slandering them with claims of murder and cess pools doesn't quite add to the debate.
Just wanna say, the Exxon, Shell, BP et al employees are all on your side.
Ok, sorry, back on topic -- ewww, bananas!
well that video really showed none of that except maybe a dog with electrical tape on it. i dunno how much i believe of that. its probably a big exxageration. it did look a little cruel but i don't belive anything like that until i see proof.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
I know what you mean, but you've gotta think this person probably didn't have a lot of opportunities to videotape these things, being undercover and all.
all oil companies have done in the last 20 years is hired better pr firms and learned to leave no trace of their doings ... but you can be sure their role in crimes around the world are no less evil ...
If I did a little digging I'd probably find it here in Houston. We're a big city but there aren't an abundance of good coffee houses here. At least in the burbs. It's all chain stores, as far as the eye can see. And health food stores? No way. Okay, they did just build a Whole Foods Market in Sugar Land, which is the burb next to me.