The Daily Show and Colbert Report

I was just curious what the conservatives thought of these shows. Of course the Libs love them. I would think even if I were conservative I would find the shows amusing... possibly even enlightening!
I just haven't really seen any negative comments about their shows in the past and my conservative friends don't really seem to have anything negative to say either. Is this possible?!
I just haven't really seen any negative comments about their shows in the past and my conservative friends don't really seem to have anything negative to say either. Is this possible?!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Is there a conservative equivalent?
i've found skinheads to be quite intolerant. liberals?...not so much...not much gets them riled up aside from the ignorance, inequality, and hypocrisy. damn their open-mindedness!
of course they're funny. It would seem that conservatives actually have a sense of humor about themselves and aren't threatend when an opposing group makes a joke about them. I find the "possibly even enlightening" statement as fairly arrogant though. How come when conservatives have a view they are sheep or ignorant...but when a democrat has an opinion that's different (from a conservative viewpoint) they view themselves as capable of independent thought and truly enlightened?
It's a funny take on the news because you know where they stand obviously but they gig everybody and never miss a chance to poke fun at the events of the day.
You have to like a news show that dosen't take itself so seriously.
It's comedy central so it's not intended to replace hard news duh, but by that time in the evening I've heard about most of the events anyway so it's always fun to see thier take on what happened and get a laugh before I go to sleep.
No, because the liberals wouldn't watch it and tv folks wouldn't produce it. Conservatives wouldn't be able to watch TV at all if they got offended at every little thing. Well, maybe PAXtv and Fox News.
Are liberals tolerant of people's views to keep marriage between a man and a woman? Goes both ways sucka.
are you serious?
Conservatives aren't funny that show couldn't exist.
Arguing over who is more tolerant? Holy sound like 4 year-olds...
'I'm more tolerant"
"No, I'm more tolerant"
"NOOOOOO, I'm more tolerant"
stop it...I will NOT tolerate none if this sort of talk...!!!
Blue Collar Comedy hour?
I think they like to think of themselves as Libertarian-esque, but I'd say they skewer the left a bit more than the right. But they always find ways to make me laugh regardless. The show last night where Mrs. Garrisson was forced to teach evolution was classic. I really can't believe the stuff that show gets away with on Comedy Central.
right...... and we should have been more tollerant to keep the front of the bus for the white folk too.....
Apples and oranges.
Fact is that liberals are the ones that ask how can a conservative listen to Pearl Jam? How can a conservative like the Daily Show? That in itself shows who the open-minded ones are, and the close-minded ones.
that whole mindset is bullshit
Actually, I have a hard time imagining a conservative equivalent of The Daily Show and the Colbert Report. But then, my most tenacious stereotype of conservatives is that they're not all that funny (they certainly have no sense of irony).
South Park definitely tilts right on some issues, and I laugh when they do. Someone mentioned Blue Collar TV, and I think of them as being socially conservative, but I like them too. (Though there is the very real possibility that I'm laughing AT them, not WITH them.)
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Wasnt that called Beverly Hills 90210?
I love the Colbert and Daily show...good, good stuff
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
Exactly. Where is the "politically correct" bullshit coming from? Conservatives? Nope. It's the liberals who can't take a joke.
while they may possess some comedic qualities it's nowhere near the Colbert standard
Glenn Beck is hilarious but it's completely unintentional, same with Bill Kristol, Brit Hume and those types
I think the really funny thing is that there is no such thing as a liberal party in the states, I mean the democrats are really just the lesser of two evils but compared to anywhere else they are pretty right wing. I guess it's all relative. Besides anyone who has seen re. Fred Phelps knows that conservatives are hilarious, God hates fags? too funny.
Chris Cornell