Found this email from a fellow fan in my Inbox
Posts: 8
Found it interesting ...
I cut the personal parts out and left the following for ya'll.
NOW for a politcal rant and society's indifference...Do some homework....
I don't think we're gonna get Bin Laden because if we do then what??? What can the gov't scare us with to take our eyes off the clusterfuck in Iraq? We killed the #4 on the list yesterday? I think and it's not even front page news at anymore. It's all about celebs/prez debates and other bullshit. Bush's mid-east visit was a joke...all his friends over there slapping him on the back. You might want to look up pics and video on that. Just a hint, Bush with Swords He didn't want to see what's really going on. Look up Palestine/Israel. Babies are dying everyday because of the bs. Women are dying at the border along with their unborn babies and kids are being shot and killed because of their beliefs or their parents beliefs rather.
*** Look up Muhammed al Durra. Why wasn't that ever on the news here? If it had been the other way around I'm sure it would have been.***
I"m not slamming the citizens of the U.S. but why aren't we holding our gov't. accountable for some of this?
I'm not sympathizing with Bin Laden or any other terorists but it's not as difficult to see why they're upset. 9/11 should have been a wake-up call for us yet we've hit the snooze button and rolled over. What if they used empty planes & wiped out the govt. (Congress, White House, Pentagon, TREASURY DEPT.:where our refunds come from btw.) instead of the WTC? Would we have paid attention then? Fuck we'd have had to start the whole govt. thing over. Maybe we'd have done a better job.
Al Qaeda's mistake was thinking destroying the WTC would cripple America. Did you have any $$$ tied up in investments at the time? I didn't and neither did alot of other Americans...yes the loss of life that day was tragic...but it didn't slow us down did it? Bush's answer, other than him and Cheney running and hiding while others died, was "go out and buy buy buy keep the economy rolling. It's your duty as an American citizen!!!!" Over half of the U.S. lives paycheck to paycheck and a majority of the other half lives off plastic. Only the very wealthy and upper middle class took a hit to the wallet that day.
I hope yet doubt that the next prez. will do the right things.Bring all the troops home both in Iraq & Afghanistan and other places where we arent wanted and have no business being. If we looked for alternative sources for fuel instead of relying solely on oil we wouldn't need the Middle East.I know about hybrids ethanol etc. but it's not always affordable or accessable to everybody. End the senseless loss of life, of our soldiers. BRING THEM THE FUCK HOME!!! Make health care affordable and accessable to EVERYBODY. Treat other countries with respect and understand that not all cultures have to be like ours.
We need to stop supporting terror in one country while condemning it in others. God doesn't have a holy land anymore & Jerusalem wasn't just meant just for the Jews.
This planet belongs to everybody, it's the only one we have. We need to start taking care of it as a whole instead of bombing it to hell. Global warming & pollution are real, not some boogeyman myth. We throw away more than we keep/recycle. Check out the If we kill the planet then we too will die. We're not here forever, I know, but we live through our children so we should try to leave them something other than war, famine, hatred, and air they can't breathe.
Regardless of our religion, politics, beliefs, language, & color at the end of the day we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Try to keep that in mind before you pass judgement on someone.
To some countries we are the terrorists and Bin Laden is the hero. Not necessarily correct but you see what I mean. Judgement is a very tricky thing.
Not saying it would have changed anything, but what if someone had sat down and listened to him after the war in Afghanistan (1989) when he was a bona fide Savior to his people? He ran Russia out of town and the US was thrilled. It wasn't just the USSR he wanted out it was us too. And alot of fellow Afghans, not just military, felt the same way. If we had listened instead of waiting for him to shout maybe things would have been somewhat different. Our govt. is very good at creating monsters out of ordinary men. And Bin Laden was virtually unheard of outside of the Middle East until we started interfering with that side of the world. It's the you-fuck-with-me-i'll-fuck-with-you mentality. Unfortunately civilians on both sides have been caught in the cross-fire.
(In the old days in England and Europe, when countries went to battle, the King led his troops into the fight and it was not in cities and towns, but in open fields. Even in the Civil War. Our "king" hides and sends other peoples children to die.)
I know some of the ppl. who read this are going to call me un-American and it's ok. It's called freedom of speech. It's my right as a citizen and I will exercise it until I die. I choose to think for myself and not be a part of the herd.
We must understand that we can't Westernize everybody. Nice concept, but it fucks with centuries old culture and customs. Yeah women get a bum rap over there and I personally wouldn't want to live there but it's THEIR way of life and it's not our place to change it. So how did he go from being an ally to an enemy?? Do some homework. Think. Make up your own mind. 1990, Persian Gulf, 1st Prez. Bush, Israel, Palestine, research this stuff.
I can't remember which prez. said it but "The people should not fear their govt. the govt. should fear it's people." And to quote a fellow Illinoian of yours (whom you may not have heard of) and maybe it's not his own words but "War doesn't determine who's right it determines who's left."- Ed Vedder.
How are we supposed to make peace in other countries when we can't even do it in our own??? Racism and bias are rampant here. Murder of children & esp. babies is on the rise even though a lot of people aren't aware of it. And that's not counting the ones who die b/c of abortion. And we have the death penalty. We kill our own ppl. so what should other countries expect? We're paving the road to democracy in Iraq one body at a time, with both American & Iraqi blood. Other countries should just say no if we offer democracy to them. We offered democracy to the Native Americans and they've regretted it ever since. It's how we operate. You have something we want, be it land or oil, we're gonna come take as much of it as possible, fuck your landscape up, maybe settle in a get comfy or leave you in worse shape than when we arrived. It's what we do. Not well, but we keep trying. It's the American way.
As for the White House race, I'm gonna give you my prediction. It's going to be John McCain. Not b/c of his views, beliefs, or party..but b/c he'll carry on the tradition of a W.M.A. in the White House. WMA=White Male American, btw.It's the name of the building for crissakes & a song by Pearl Jam. Unless the Democrats pull a rabbit out of their ass or we all get out and vote instead of settling for what we get. Or get someone other than Hillary in the race. I think we've all had enough of the Bush-Clinton-Bush cycle of politics. And is Hillary really gonna sit in THAT chair or get a new one????
Obama may surprise us all although (and I know I'm stepping on toes here) a plug from Oprah isn't what it once was. (Think Tom Cruise on her couch). The Democrats will all have to unite as one under that banner and overlook his color. That is one thing that should be dropped from all the editorials, speeches, talks, etc. If someone can do the job and do it right they don't have to be white, ok. Back to racism again. The South is still decades behind on that one. Obama will need strong turnout in the North. West, Midwest, to have any hope cuz folks down here like the other white meat for the most part.
I realize none of this may interest you, just had to get it off my chest.
This rant brought to you by the letters F U W. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
I'll email again sometime later unless this email lands me in Gitmo. And if it does I'll know you snitched:-). Or the govt. has me under surveillence.
I cut the personal parts out and left the following for ya'll.
NOW for a politcal rant and society's indifference...Do some homework....
I don't think we're gonna get Bin Laden because if we do then what??? What can the gov't scare us with to take our eyes off the clusterfuck in Iraq? We killed the #4 on the list yesterday? I think and it's not even front page news at anymore. It's all about celebs/prez debates and other bullshit. Bush's mid-east visit was a joke...all his friends over there slapping him on the back. You might want to look up pics and video on that. Just a hint, Bush with Swords He didn't want to see what's really going on. Look up Palestine/Israel. Babies are dying everyday because of the bs. Women are dying at the border along with their unborn babies and kids are being shot and killed because of their beliefs or their parents beliefs rather.
*** Look up Muhammed al Durra. Why wasn't that ever on the news here? If it had been the other way around I'm sure it would have been.***
I"m not slamming the citizens of the U.S. but why aren't we holding our gov't. accountable for some of this?
I'm not sympathizing with Bin Laden or any other terorists but it's not as difficult to see why they're upset. 9/11 should have been a wake-up call for us yet we've hit the snooze button and rolled over. What if they used empty planes & wiped out the govt. (Congress, White House, Pentagon, TREASURY DEPT.:where our refunds come from btw.) instead of the WTC? Would we have paid attention then? Fuck we'd have had to start the whole govt. thing over. Maybe we'd have done a better job.
Al Qaeda's mistake was thinking destroying the WTC would cripple America. Did you have any $$$ tied up in investments at the time? I didn't and neither did alot of other Americans...yes the loss of life that day was tragic...but it didn't slow us down did it? Bush's answer, other than him and Cheney running and hiding while others died, was "go out and buy buy buy keep the economy rolling. It's your duty as an American citizen!!!!" Over half of the U.S. lives paycheck to paycheck and a majority of the other half lives off plastic. Only the very wealthy and upper middle class took a hit to the wallet that day.
I hope yet doubt that the next prez. will do the right things.Bring all the troops home both in Iraq & Afghanistan and other places where we arent wanted and have no business being. If we looked for alternative sources for fuel instead of relying solely on oil we wouldn't need the Middle East.I know about hybrids ethanol etc. but it's not always affordable or accessable to everybody. End the senseless loss of life, of our soldiers. BRING THEM THE FUCK HOME!!! Make health care affordable and accessable to EVERYBODY. Treat other countries with respect and understand that not all cultures have to be like ours.
We need to stop supporting terror in one country while condemning it in others. God doesn't have a holy land anymore & Jerusalem wasn't just meant just for the Jews.
This planet belongs to everybody, it's the only one we have. We need to start taking care of it as a whole instead of bombing it to hell. Global warming & pollution are real, not some boogeyman myth. We throw away more than we keep/recycle. Check out the If we kill the planet then we too will die. We're not here forever, I know, but we live through our children so we should try to leave them something other than war, famine, hatred, and air they can't breathe.
Regardless of our religion, politics, beliefs, language, & color at the end of the day we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Try to keep that in mind before you pass judgement on someone.
To some countries we are the terrorists and Bin Laden is the hero. Not necessarily correct but you see what I mean. Judgement is a very tricky thing.
Not saying it would have changed anything, but what if someone had sat down and listened to him after the war in Afghanistan (1989) when he was a bona fide Savior to his people? He ran Russia out of town and the US was thrilled. It wasn't just the USSR he wanted out it was us too. And alot of fellow Afghans, not just military, felt the same way. If we had listened instead of waiting for him to shout maybe things would have been somewhat different. Our govt. is very good at creating monsters out of ordinary men. And Bin Laden was virtually unheard of outside of the Middle East until we started interfering with that side of the world. It's the you-fuck-with-me-i'll-fuck-with-you mentality. Unfortunately civilians on both sides have been caught in the cross-fire.
(In the old days in England and Europe, when countries went to battle, the King led his troops into the fight and it was not in cities and towns, but in open fields. Even in the Civil War. Our "king" hides and sends other peoples children to die.)
I know some of the ppl. who read this are going to call me un-American and it's ok. It's called freedom of speech. It's my right as a citizen and I will exercise it until I die. I choose to think for myself and not be a part of the herd.
We must understand that we can't Westernize everybody. Nice concept, but it fucks with centuries old culture and customs. Yeah women get a bum rap over there and I personally wouldn't want to live there but it's THEIR way of life and it's not our place to change it. So how did he go from being an ally to an enemy?? Do some homework. Think. Make up your own mind. 1990, Persian Gulf, 1st Prez. Bush, Israel, Palestine, research this stuff.
I can't remember which prez. said it but "The people should not fear their govt. the govt. should fear it's people." And to quote a fellow Illinoian of yours (whom you may not have heard of) and maybe it's not his own words but "War doesn't determine who's right it determines who's left."- Ed Vedder.
How are we supposed to make peace in other countries when we can't even do it in our own??? Racism and bias are rampant here. Murder of children & esp. babies is on the rise even though a lot of people aren't aware of it. And that's not counting the ones who die b/c of abortion. And we have the death penalty. We kill our own ppl. so what should other countries expect? We're paving the road to democracy in Iraq one body at a time, with both American & Iraqi blood. Other countries should just say no if we offer democracy to them. We offered democracy to the Native Americans and they've regretted it ever since. It's how we operate. You have something we want, be it land or oil, we're gonna come take as much of it as possible, fuck your landscape up, maybe settle in a get comfy or leave you in worse shape than when we arrived. It's what we do. Not well, but we keep trying. It's the American way.
As for the White House race, I'm gonna give you my prediction. It's going to be John McCain. Not b/c of his views, beliefs, or party..but b/c he'll carry on the tradition of a W.M.A. in the White House. WMA=White Male American, btw.It's the name of the building for crissakes & a song by Pearl Jam. Unless the Democrats pull a rabbit out of their ass or we all get out and vote instead of settling for what we get. Or get someone other than Hillary in the race. I think we've all had enough of the Bush-Clinton-Bush cycle of politics. And is Hillary really gonna sit in THAT chair or get a new one????
Obama may surprise us all although (and I know I'm stepping on toes here) a plug from Oprah isn't what it once was. (Think Tom Cruise on her couch). The Democrats will all have to unite as one under that banner and overlook his color. That is one thing that should be dropped from all the editorials, speeches, talks, etc. If someone can do the job and do it right they don't have to be white, ok. Back to racism again. The South is still decades behind on that one. Obama will need strong turnout in the North. West, Midwest, to have any hope cuz folks down here like the other white meat for the most part.
I realize none of this may interest you, just had to get it off my chest.
This rant brought to you by the letters F U W. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
I'll email again sometime later unless this email lands me in Gitmo. And if it does I'll know you snitched:-). Or the govt. has me under surveillence.