Still worried about Obama raising taxes?

How about a $2000 per person bill to bailout the financial institutions courtesy of McCain, Phil Graham and the repubs.
I thought he was cutting taxes.
repubs, make sure to blame the dem controlled congress and whatever other tired excuses you have left.
I thought he was cutting taxes.
repubs, make sure to blame the dem controlled congress and whatever other tired excuses you have left.
Post edited by Unknown User on
He is cutting taxes...
However, I'm going to try their approach with my bank. I will start putting less into my account every two weeks, and start spending a whole lot more on stuff. We'll see how far I get.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
why all the 'fesr' or raising taxes? who in the hell ELSe is supposed to foot the bill for all the BS we've been wasting trillions on? we have a massive, massive deficit....where is the $$$ going to come from to right the ship? i find the republicans love to call dems 'tax and spend'....but at LEAST they tax to cover their spending! it seems repubs spend, spend spend far worse...and just dig an ever deepening financial hole for the country. FAR worse imo.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Bush/McCain tax cuts = writing checks on an empty bank account.
republican philosophy:
socialism is bad, unless we stand to lose OUR money, then it's ok to spread that loss. but profits and gains are ours and ours alone and there is never any need to spread those.
if john mccain wins i will give serious consideration to moving... not out of the country, just to a more rural and slow enviroment to enjoy my days while they flush this great country down the drain for another 8 years
Could not agree with you more on this one.. the republican philosophy is really quite disgusting.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Could've said it better, My 2 Hands. You're right on!!!
My biggest worry is that if , God forbid, McCain dies in office. Palin will take over. Then we will be in a world of shit! Just look what she let happen or actually did in Alaska:
Under her administration as Mayor of Wasilla, if you got raped, you or your insurance had to pay for the rape kit used to prove you were raped.
She started building a hockey rink in her town on land that the city didn't have the title to and cost the city over $1.5 million (the land and lawyer bills)for land that they could've bought for $100,000.
Don't even get me started on what she did as Govenor...
I'd never be a coward and leave the country either....but I have to say you do offer a pretty great idea...I'd only be worried about my kids not getting a better education - as I live in a really great area for schools and I have to think about the fam.
yet you have no comment on the kick in the teeth taxpayers are going to take to bail out the greedy rich under McCain (and Phil Graham) and the oldboy washington he represents? You know, the one he's been part of but supposedly is going to overhaul?
it's amazing how we're capitalists during profits and sopcialists when there's a financial crisis.
coincidentally, rural areas are also the staunchest supporters of republicans and republican policy. interesting eh?
lol sorry getting off topic a bit but it just frutsrates the hell out of me.
I am against the public funding of most things, including this bailout.
It is clear the Republicans have taken every opportunity to grow the scope of federal government during the past 8 years.
None of that means that we should have any less worry that Obama will continue the trend of growing the federal scope (and the necessary taxes to do so). It just may be in different areas.
I will be voting for neither Republican nor Democrat this election. Pointing out the Republicans' free spending is great, but is doesn't somehow negate concern about Democrats' free spending as well.
My kids will be well educated in a very round about way...I think that being an artist myself helps in some ways...don't think I have much to worry about them having a good and decent influence into something that makes sense for them....strong apprciation of the arts, music, and life will get them further than learning chinese. They will be well educated...that i can count on...because I'll bend over backward to make that happen.