Edwards kicked ass last night

Hillary and Obama bickered a lot, then edwards chimed in and was scoring on them all night!
Hillary turned in a worthy performance
Obama seemed kinda awkward
Gotta get past the haircut guys.
for my money, edwards is the best electable democrat.
Hillary turned in a worthy performance
Obama seemed kinda awkward
Gotta get past the haircut guys.
for my money, edwards is the best electable democrat.
Post edited by Unknown User on
for your money maybe. but america does not want a socialist as president. but he did look better then to other 2 idiots bickering at each other.
you understand it was just them 3 on the television show right? there are more people running that get excluded from these things because they refuse to promise favors to corporations.
all three of those people last night as far as i am concerned...can go to hell.
and shame on you for participating in it.
you stupidcorporatewhore
clinton is doing this shit on purpose... i really dont like her style of politics... her and her husband keep flaoting out bullshit and obama has to constantly explain it or point it out as untrue...
they know that of he has a clean platform and doesnt get caught up in "personal" politics that he will run wawy with this thing...
typical clinton politics... i think it is goint to burn her though... people are tired of this shit and want real action and platforms... not cadidiate bickering...
i was very disturbed by what i saw in that degate last night... and CNN did a horrible job keeping any direction last night
thats a good point. Dirty politics work and the positive guy will lose every time because he gets put on the defensive. also worked on McCain when he got killed by Bush.
lesson learned.
I think Edwards showed himself for what he is- above the bickering, a natural leader, someone to watch and someone who can win.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Anyone in the third position can play the "above the bickering" card. Especially when you drew 4% in the last primary.
doesn't change the fact that neither of the other two have a snowball's chance of beating a repugnican.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I think Obama would have the best chance in November. He has sparked something in independents that would cause them to vote for him in November. I think Obama would have a tough time w/ McCain though since both of them get a lot of their support from independents.
Obama certainly has a chance at beating a Republican. Hillary does as well if head-to-head polls are to be believed. Edwards does not. Edwards has as much chance of winning this election as Ron Paul does. I've said it before. His anti-business schtick plays well with leftists, but not with middle America or independents.
Edwards supporters are delusional. He has done shitty in every race so far, and is supposed to lose in his birth state as well. They don't even want to claim him. He'll come in a distant 3rd in South Carolina. He'll come in a distant 3rd in Florida. Show me any indicators (that aren't Huffington or Alternet or Utne)that project Edwards winning the nomination let alone the presidential election. It ain't gonna happen. In head to head polling pitting the dems agains reps, Obama and Clinton do much better against just about every rep candidate than Edwards.
translation: I like the pro war candidates who bicker better.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
enough with your fascination with me. you are the biggest war wonger I have ever seen. its all you talk about.
Ok Mr Snow...yeah I'm a war monger.
Do you ever get dizzy from all that relentless spin?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hillary will get destroyed against McCain in the general election for her stance on the war and the fact that half the country hates her already. Her statement of "suspending disbelief" towards Patreus will be about as damning as Bush's "mission accomplished".
Her logic that the surge hasn't accomplished anything will be ripped to shreads in the court of public opinion - especially come November when Iraq has seen a year's worth of relative stability. The arguement that the governement there hasn't reconciled is also easily shot down when compared to the time it takes most nations to form a solid governement, void of iraq's problems. Hell, it took the US many years to hammer out the constitution after the revolution was over. Even so, Americans will take an inept government in Baghdad over suicide bombers, jihadist and war lords any day.
Most American's understand this isn't Somalia or Vietnam, and pulling troops out and letting the nation decend into chaos will have tremendous negative repurcussions that can't be swept under the rug. Iraq simply cannot be conveniently forgoten once we leave.
As long as there is relatively stability and we are making slow, but steady progress - then American's will want to keep our troops there. America loves a winner and hates a loser. If they think we can win, they will give it a shot. Right now, it looks like we may be able to pull it off, albeit it will take a long time.
Why is it people say this stuff? Edwards is no socialist. i'm not an Edwards supporter (though i'd settle for him). But for fuck's sake the guy isn't a socialist. Actually, i wouldn't mind a socialist, but Edwards isn't one.
And NOT being the one the clinton machine is slandering with outright lies and total fabrications also helps. Obama can't be faulted for defending himself. Fuck the clintons and their lies and scandlous behavior, and, if America can't see through their shitscreen, than fuck America to. i swear we may all be screwed.
I think you are right. People will keep buying this "where's the beef?" thing w/ Obama, while not even thinking to ask Hillary the same question. Hillary proposes "universal health care" and makes it seem like it will be provided to everyone. Wrong. You still have to pay for it, and it leaves many people in the same boat they are in now. Why aren't people calling her on this.
If we elect Clinton and McCain as the party choices, then we deserve what we get.
Agreed, just thinking of Hillary winning makes me want to puke. The headlines read today "Clinton: Obama looking for a fight". Basically Hillary says Obama came to the debate last night looking for a fight. Give me a break. She and her scumbag husband can slander Obama into the ground, but when he tries to defend himself on a national stage - he is "looking for a fight"?
Please, people - Billary is the same thing as Bush/Rove dressed in a different suit. Who in the hell is rooting for them and why? Are you kidding me?
Also, she tried to pass her healthcare plan once before and got absolutely NOWHERE with it! Call her on that. It would suffer the same fate as it did the first time. She won't be elected in the general, of course, so it doesn't really matter. Obama's healthcare plan actually makes sense and he has a better than average chance of pushing it through. People need to wake up.
If I were advising Senator Obama and he asked for my advice, here's what I would tell him to do.
1) I would draw distinctions between the Clintons (a) trying to keep Culinary workers from voting in Nevada, b) using fear tactics before the NH primary) and the Bush-Rove politics of the last 4 election cycles.
2) PRESS THE WAR!!!! That's how you will get white people back on your side. Make the war a bigger problem now than the economy.
3) Raise the question who really will be running the White House if Hillary is elected? If Bill is doing all of her dirty work on the campaign, will be be running the show in the White House? Do we really need the possibility of 28 years of either a Bush or Clinton in the White House?
we agreed yesterday to have civil debate, I intend to honor that agreement.
Do you feel Edwards is a socialist because:
he feels healthcare is a right not a privledge?
he feels corporations should be accountable for their actions?
he feels that the rich should be held to the same tax standards as everyone else?
sounds like the definition of a good american to me. if that's socialism to you then so be it.
No, he's a socialist because he wants to nationalize a priviate sector into a government produced and controlled sector. Free speech is a right, not a privlege. That doesn't mean the government provides my speech.
Every shareholder believes that corporations should be accountable for their actions. Edwards takes it to the next level and says corporations should be accountable to the government for their actions. They should be capped in the way they compensate employers, etc...
No, he feels that the rich and middle class should contribute more, and that only through distribution of wealth can we create equality. Instead of closing the gap by bringing the poor up, his method is closing the gap by bringing the rich down.
Fair enough. He sounds like no kind of American I'd want leading the country, but he certainly is entitled to his ideas and opinions.
Your America is no place I'd want to live.
jeff put it rather nicely......what is wrong with what he said?
Healthcare if you can afford it? It works in every other first world country on earth, but not here?
Unchecked corporate power:
In Britain (a democracy) wal mart is a union shop, their employees make twice what US workers make and they pay full benefits.
The difference? The British Government tells wal mart they must do it. Here we don't, so they won't.
According to you and Jeff, that would be "Government control". Whatever happened to the days where government stood up for all and not just the wealthy voices. Perhaps only the rich should be able to vote.
Guys, I am all for capitalism. I think if you work harder than someone else you should reap more reward.
However, I would love to call it a day on the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" thing that seems to be strangulating our society.
If people are well educated, have good jobs and never worry about getting sick, you probably have less crime.
As I've said before you guys are entitled to your opinions, I'm entitled to mine. Bottom line, if I can get more people to think my way, we win.
now that's democracy!
you would rather unchecked government power?
again, I dont want government telling businesses what to do. government sucks.
good luck
you do pay other peoples bills and they pay yours. Garbage, cops, fire, public education etc. we somehow manage to insure a helluva lot of drivers and it works pretty well. If I can get an operation as timely as I can get my car fixed maybe we got something. Clearing up a chunk of cash will be huge and perhaps doctors can work off their student loans by working in the system. Bottom line, if we don't try anything it definately won't work.
we can't have both? perhaps we should put back the checks and balances. For the People, by the people...anyone? anyone?
look, we just disagree. I have a sort of a "we're all in this together" thing and you are lookin out for #1. There's nothing wrong with it. If anything, you're in very good company
I truly belive that if I win, we all win. so thanks!
I understand the concept of UHC but I do not believe its practical in America. the red tape, loss in quality, lack of choices, government BS, etc etc. have you been to the DMV? I would support something along the lines of free healthcare for children and seniors. I think we can handle and afford that without raising our taxes. but I do agree with you on one thing......we live in a great country where we are all allowed an opinion and for the most part, majority does win.