what do you think of a presidential aptitude test?

So, it's become shockingly clear in recent years that to become president, you need one or more of three items:
1. a "prestigious" family name (if you're not smart or successful it helps if you've had a father and a grandfather who were)
2. a shitload of cash
3. someone who works for you who is able to rig elections
these things shouldn't qualify you for being president, so I had a thought.
what if there was a written test you must pass to ensure that you have at least the base knowledge of:
1. Basic world geography
2. How an economy works locally and how it feeds an international economy
3. cultures of foriegn countries and their customs
4. what a war means to your economy and the impact to your military.
Probably wouldn't hurt to be able to also pass the test that we give to immagrants.
Of course this would be applicable to both Republican and Democrat
It's just a suggestion.
1. a "prestigious" family name (if you're not smart or successful it helps if you've had a father and a grandfather who were)
2. a shitload of cash
3. someone who works for you who is able to rig elections
these things shouldn't qualify you for being president, so I had a thought.
what if there was a written test you must pass to ensure that you have at least the base knowledge of:
1. Basic world geography
2. How an economy works locally and how it feeds an international economy
3. cultures of foriegn countries and their customs
4. what a war means to your economy and the impact to your military.
Probably wouldn't hurt to be able to also pass the test that we give to immagrants.
Of course this would be applicable to both Republican and Democrat
It's just a suggestion.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think this change should be made. You can only run for president if you have the qualifications. No dummies or scummies need apply.
I think this change should be made. You can only run for president if you have the qualifications. No dummies or scummies need apply.
how exactly do you come to that conclusion?
you mean like when Kerry said that buffering local law enforcement was the way to stop terrorists and after all the republican laughter died down that's exactly how they got the guys in London?
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.
So, from what I gather, you'd rather have slick, articulate, "educated" leaders rather than one with convictions. Ill vote for convictions and steadfast beliefs over appearances and impressions every day.
Education and knowledge are more important than convictions. A conviction limits your ability to reason with those who don't share your conviction. A leader needs to make decisions based on knowledge which can build and expand. A conviction can only get you so far, and it closes many doors of communication along the way.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
So, did you derive this opinion from your knowledge, or your convictions? Because from what I gather by many of your and your pals posts, you put alot of weight into your own moral convictions, and you hold your own convictins much higher than you apparently do others, and refuse to bend on them, despite arguments or facts that counter them. Sounds alot like an infamous "dummy" I know. Im not trying to be argumentative, just understand, because I thought you guys put alot of stock in "convictions".
And I think you're implying that our current leader has ZERO knowledge, and ZERO education. Or that he was even wise enough to surround himself with others who do. No leader or man on earth, knows it all. A leader also needs to surround himself with people who have knowledge he lacks, and knows how to use that. Our current leader uses his knowledge, and the intelligence of those around him, to help advance his convictions. THAT is the definiton of a leader.
Huh? Did you even read her post.
She says knowledge and education is more important than convictions because convictions limit your ability to reason with those who don't share your convictions.
Of course convictions are important, but knowledge and a good education are more important when making decisions.
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THAT is a puppet.
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I dont see how a leader surrounding himself with men he puts faith in, and men who have knowledge he can use, is a "puppet" to you. And I dont really care to show you why you're wrong. You've made your mind up, and me mine. Bush bad, terror not real, republian's evil. I get it. And yes I did read Abook's post. Did you read mine?
Find me a sucessful leader who didnt surround himself with like minded, knowledgeable people. Show me one leader, of anything, a company, a govt, a revolution, who did it all by himself.
My convictions are not ones that won't bend or change. There is always more one can learn. I don't view myself as more righteous than anyone else. I look at the facts of the situations and care about outcomes/real solutions and how they fit in with my convictions. If your conviction is causing so much loss and so much tension/problems maybe it's time to rethink my conviction or work from a new angle to get results. People can be wrong and it takes a strong leader to be able to admit it, instead of the keep chugging along down the wrong track approach we've become so used to in this country. The only thing Bush has lead us into is the wrong direction...the path of fear and arrogance. To err is human...so,lets learn from these mistakes and move ahead not stay stuck in a bad situation bc it sounds good to stay the course.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
A leader should also be able to see when things are not working out and admit it to the people, instead of being stubborn.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Your opinion that things arent working out is just that, your opinion. Surely you realize that many people do not share your convicitons.
So you think the world is moving in the right direction despite all the evidence showing our decline? Everywhere I look things are going downhill...foreign relations, education and access to it, the environment, poverty rates, acceptance of diversity, people's savings, corporate scandals and fraud...and the list goes on. It's all getting to be this huge tangled web of deceit and greed without any effort or compassion spent for the average citizens of this country. Here'a tax cut!... now let us sneak that same money back in with others ways and make you pay out even more....but always remember I gave ya the tax cut! :rolleyes:
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Hrm, when I look around, I see my 2 kids prospering, growing, living and loving. I see an act of kindness for every act of "evil" i see daily. I sometimes wonder if people like you are so wrapped up in your crusade to point out evil, if you ever bother to see the good all around you. If not, thats tragic.
I dont know why you expect compassion from the government. Of all the things you demand of our govt, that one is the most hilarious. Meanwhile, people who you want to give so much compassion to continue to be the thorn in America's side. Give an inch, they'll demand a yard.
As to the direction of the world, all we can do is all we could ever do, and that is to live your life as well as YOU can. The world has been "declining" forever. People always want more than they have, and more than there is to actually offer. Human nature I guess.
I see good all around, as well. But as far as our species as a whole...we are moving in the wrong direction and I don't see solutions or any repairs being made towards our obviously flawed means of existance which is covered in too much excess. I don't look at it as just myself and my own prosperity...I know that the long term solution requires acknowledgement and consideration on a much broader scale.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Have you ever heard of sarcasm?
Oh, of course! :rolleyes: Gee, silly me. For a second there I thought maybe you came up with this aptitude test because you thought Bush was a moron or something. Don't try and sugar coat it, just say what you really think about Bush. "He's an idiot, blah, blah...."
Low Traffic CIO MIW
there's smart: I can tie my shoes, balance my checkbook, do long division, be financially savvy and have retirement savings when you get there, etc.
and then there's SMART: I run the entire free world.
see the difference? If you think Bush could've become president coming from nothing not having his family name and a silver spoon in his mouth you're sorely mistaken.
wait, who did do that? Oh yeah, Bill Clinton.
I do think bush is (presidentially speaking) a moron.
that doesn't mean I want a democrat moron in there either.
necessity is indeed the mother of invention.
Guess those puppet masters everyone's so convinced of, took those years off huh?
don't think it'll work because you can study specifically to pass this test and it wouldn't truly get to whether you have the aptitude to be President. Besides, it would take a Constitutional amendment to change the process, and I doubt the nation could come to any consensus on what the test should be.
I think one area that could improve the process would be to have open debates where the subjects aren't known a head of time, and the rules are formulated to better suited toward debate, instead of the current systems that doesn't allow failure.
Stop by:
I think "steadfast" is the most overrated thing in a leader. Steadfastness (if that is a word) is key to why so many people like (or at least used to like) Bush.
Believing on Wednesday what you believed on Monday, regardless of what happened on Tuesday does not make one a great leader.
Yes, this is specifically about Bush. Was he born to be stupid? Probably not. What he is, at least in my opinion, is completely lacking in intellectual curiosity, or to put it another way, intellectually lazy--as evidenced by the fact that he doesn't read newspapers or watch news. He's not a guy that is particularly interested in dialogue. So he becomes someone that "goes with his gut" and almost never budges from what his gut initially tells. him. Frankly, I find intellectual laziness to be a poor quality in a leader.
And of course this should apply to both (actually and preferably "all") parties. The GOP does not have the market cornered on stupidity and/or intellectual lazyness.
But this entire thread was prompted by the current president, and rightly so.
As for the idea, I am torn. It makes sense to know that the person you are electing has a certain aptitude, but like someone said, they'd study for that test and then forget it. And if the drunken clown down the hall from my dorm room when I was in college could find a way to get an advanced copy of a History test, than I think Carl Rove could find a way to cheat on this...
Well put. It does seem to me that George Bush is of well below the intellect required to be the most powerful man in the world. Surrounding himself with people more intelligent than him surely means that those people are the people who are really running the show, making the "puppet" description rather valid. IMO of course!
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What does being 'articulate, and educated' have to do with appearances and impressions? If you're 'articulate, and educated' then you're 'articulate, and educated'. End of.