good to know al-Qaida is equal oppurtunity murderers
They don't like women in charge apparently. But they blow up just as good as anyone else.
[edit: ackkk on a side note i know the title is grammatically fucked up. oh well]
They don't like women in charge apparently. But they blow up just as good as anyone else.
[edit: ackkk on a side note i know the title is grammatically fucked up. oh well]
Post edited by Unknown User on
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
freedom from what? make-up and exposed female faces? How noble of them.
Freedom to live in the place you grew up in. Imposing personal beliefs on others is seldom noble.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
But bombing people in public squares IS okay? Way to go slugger.
When did I say that was ok?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
When you said, "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." These people are not freedom fighters. Their ultimate goal is oppression.
big point!
If they are causing oppression, what is the US causing?
It's a statement that depicts reality. I have no idea what you're going on about.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
cause and effect
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Who's Byzine?
And s far as all terrorist activity being acceptable...did he say that U.S and Israeli terrorism is also acceptable? Or just the terrorism committed by dark skinned, poor people?
There's two sides to every battle son.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i have heard that before but i have a questions. does this allow us to then say that we can't stop a person killing his own people becuase this person is a freedom fighter for the people who he believes need freedom. i.e. the leaders friends.
at what point do we have to say something has to be done
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
first, i'm not yr son, skippy
second, yr right there is, you just always seem to be on the side that is against the U.S.
first off, this is horrible...
secondly, what should be done..? I know those who support the "war on terror" are using this as a "see, I told you so" sort of thing...ok, then...what should be done about this...? for me, I see this as another failure in the "war on a subjective notion"...oops, I mean "terror"...we've been following this same course for a few years now, yet, nothing has really changed...
There are not thirty virgins waiting for you in heaven.
When you die, that's it....nothing.
Let other people have their fun too.
Religions are bad. Faith is good.
" Manzur Mughal, the Karachi police officer in charge of the investigation, said the attacker's head was found nearby and taken to a forensic lab to try to identify him."
Im a very positive person and always try and look for good in evrything but this is the kind of stuff that just rattles my faith in human kind.
Collateral Damage is the term when you have an intended target and miss I do believe.
Let us go over this shall we. They had already threatened what was going to happen and oh, my, it happened. Now I don't know about you or some other people on here. But I don't care who the hell it is and how much I like them. If I live in a rag tag country where there are problems and threats, I don't think I would be lining up to see my hero go by.
Is blowing up innocent people right? No. Collateral Damage baby!
Maybe the States should pass the secrets over to Pakistan on how to cordon off half a city to ensure there is no problems. ie: NYC
Still doesn't make it right regardless of the forwarning.
I think the reason these people are blowing themselves up is because we already meddle too much in their affairs. So passing more secrets probably wouldn't be the best thing. Just my 2 cents.
she points to street lights that were turned off
she is also under scrutiny for actually causing the attack. she was warned that there would be attempts on her, and she should not have led a very slow procession along the streets of a crowded city.
I was wondering about this. It could be possible, but probably not likely. She might just be using this to put more pressure on Musharaff
She's back in Pakistan because the U.S. is unhappy with Musharraf. She knew this and accepted the consequences of her return; so what did she expect flower pedals lining the streets. I don't care about her or Musharraf they both could drop off the face of the earth. I'm just tried of the Bush Administration's new world order policies and I don't think this is the right time to create turmoil within another country in this region while supplying India with nuclear materials and technology; and while we, here at home are being stretched to the breaking point.
She was ousted in a coup, that should tell us something.
first off, when you have a target should you be using a bomb or a gun? secondly, to the person that said that maybe she should have taken another route. a leader (women leader that is) has to show that she is not scared. hiding from the people is not a way to go when you are trying to lead them.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
what should that tell us, maybe she was ousted because she is a women. a hear that they have soem rules abotu women.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Gun or bomb? I guess that depends on where you live and how big a statement you want to make.
She was advised to use a helicopter and decided on the truck. Is it just me who pays attention to when leaders or exleaders are in town the security that follows them? You know so if they want to get to the target that it may be troublesome or even impossible. Oh that's right Musharoff who has had attempts on his life and is the leader travels with a pack of security. So why didn't she. Did she think she was returning to Eden or Pakistan. That same Pakistan that is about two months from imploding on itself.
Let's not forget that it is also the same Pakistan that has nuclear weapons. One assassin's bullet or car bomb away from being a Taliban like state.
Seeing that she served as Pakistan's president on two separate occasions being a female doesn't seem to be the problem. Heard anything else?