someone call the police....

because Mitt Romney just got raped by Huckabee. i wonder what the ole conservative radio assheads will be saying about that tommorrow, given their hatred of mcCain.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
yeah i think you are right, they didnt get their first choice, but i'm sure they will rally againt Hillary.
anyway, its starting to get interresting now. Obama and Clinton are so damn close its crazy.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
I doubt Huckabee will get anywhere near the ticket. He had a great night tonight, and you could tell how much he enjoyed smacking mitt Romney around. But in reality, he just won Southern, biblebelt states. These states will most likely go GOP no matter who the nominee is. Huckabee is the guy who said the planet is 6000 years old, and said we should change the Constitution to be more like the bible. Huckabee is relishing the role of Romney spoiler, but putting him on the ticket would guarantee a 40+ state victory for the Dems, at least in my opinion
Prob. right. which is okay with me : )
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
If Obama gets the nod, those southern states aren't in the GOP's pocket. With 80% of the black vote going his way and the south heavily populated by blacks, you could see a real shift in voting patterns in November.
Good point.
i agree 100%
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
This is why the conventional wisdom of the dems that they have get florida, or they have to get Ohio and another swing state to take the national election. The rules have changed. Obama picked up alot of red states tonight, with high dem turn out. Conservatives could stay home on a Obama McCain ticket... but they will come out to vote against Hillary.
In my best Stephen Colbert impersonation:
WOOHOO!. I called it!
cue balloons dropping from the ceiling
If you didn't catch the gist of the political elements of that statement, you're an idiot.
P.S. If you think that the South is really all Republicans, you're wrong....State legislature is still majority Democrats (both houses) Lt. Gov is a Democrat and at least a couple of congressmen.
I live in Atlanta and am well-aware of southern demographics. I was saying you were an idiot if you thought I was trying to imply that no one but black folks voted for Obama.