hah! some people massively overestimate their worth.

A stack of one quadrillion pennies would reach Saturn.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I've been to NOLA twice since Katrina.
It is NOT pretty down there.
Most of the city is still a ghost town.
My uncle drove me through 9th ward, and it looked like Hiroshima.
He asked me if i wanted to drive over the bridges to see mississippi where towns were flat out gone ... i did not have the heart, and said no.
My uncle was on the verge of tears while giving me "the tour." He had given it to various other relatives and friends, so it wasn't like it was all new to him. He lives there too, obviously.
maybe not directly related,
just making the point that, even with ridiculous claims pouring in, we should remember that it was a ENORMOUS tragedy!
Simply unfathomable if you weren't either there, or never visited to see what really happened.
Your talking about SIX PLUS MILES of all out devastation from 9th Ward all the way up to Chalmette and St. Bernard Parish ALONE. Not counting the OTHER leavee breaches and everything around the quarter that was totaly destroyed for blocks on end.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
$3,014,170,389,176,400 would have been reasonable. But $3,014,170,389,176,410 just comes off as greedy.
Wow...I don't want to downplay the effects of Hurricane Katrina, but the above seems to be the biggest overstatement in history. Has this guy never heard of the Okeechobee Hurricane or the Galveston Hurricane? How about Hurricane Betsy, even? The 1980s heat wave? The Chicago fire? And that's not even considering events like The Civil War or slavery. Yeesh....
I remember trying to drive to the Miss. coast about 2 weeks after the storm. i could only get to about a mile from the beach, then the roads were blocked off by barbed wire and national guard humvees and there were so many helicopters in the sky it looked like Vietnam war footage. My girlfriend's parents lived in Bay St. Louis, and they just got their house rebuilt after fighting for insurance for awhile. I couldnt get back to my house in N.O. for two months. a real pain in the ass when you only have 2 suits of clothes.
I gave up trying to get money from those fucks a long time ago. i got a new job and i just dont feel like dealing with them anymore. Being in the eye of a hurricane was a pretty kickass experience though!
didn't see your "location" line.
Sounds like you're a trooper.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)