Come on America

It's close, the end of eight years of mayham and mis management, politicians dont always give a shit what we as voters have to say, but all going well next week, your voice will be heard again.
It would be great to think that it could be a landslide, however, I just don't see it at all, which is a shame and a worrying indictment of a large portion of the country. The hate that has been stirred up in this election is unparalled to anything that has gone before. Republicans, I feel, will take a long hard look at where they have ended up, and hopefully clean house, ridding themselves of this fundamentalist scourge that has raped the party blind.
Many wrongs have been carried out in your names over the last eight years, it's time it was put right again. The fact that a black man can be the leader of the free world should make a lot of you proud in knowing that the dream is still alive and well.
Looking and listening to the campaign these last few months, it has really reminded me of Orwell's 1984 and hell even the Animal Farm book, for those of you who havent read these, please do, near mirror images of what is going on in parts of the country.
Anyway, awful habit of rabbiting on, America - the world waits with baited breath
It would be great to think that it could be a landslide, however, I just don't see it at all, which is a shame and a worrying indictment of a large portion of the country. The hate that has been stirred up in this election is unparalled to anything that has gone before. Republicans, I feel, will take a long hard look at where they have ended up, and hopefully clean house, ridding themselves of this fundamentalist scourge that has raped the party blind.
Many wrongs have been carried out in your names over the last eight years, it's time it was put right again. The fact that a black man can be the leader of the free world should make a lot of you proud in knowing that the dream is still alive and well.
Looking and listening to the campaign these last few months, it has really reminded me of Orwell's 1984 and hell even the Animal Farm book, for those of you who havent read these, please do, near mirror images of what is going on in parts of the country.
Anyway, awful habit of rabbiting on, America - the world waits with baited breath