jfk and corsicans

is it true that jfk was murdered by french corsicans because he was interfering with their marsailles based drugs trade ??
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Take my hand, my child of love
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I've been crying all these years
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't think so.
I think that theory is explored pretty heavily in The Men Who Killed Kennedy (maybe part 3 or 4? i don't know) ... and the witness they had to testify sounded pretty credible, but it doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of what we now "know" to be "true".
Go download "The Kennedy Murder Collection" torrent series.
Start with Part 2 of the collection,
and check out the videos,
and both James Files interview series and that should give you some good updated information on people who claim to know more than just hearsay. (ie. Files claims to actually be the man on the grassy knoll, and Holts was one of the "Three Tramps")
and then go check out part 4 of the torrent series, and watch ALL of the "Evidence of Revision" series ... probably one of the greatest documentary series ever made. Fucking mindblowing shit in that one.
also, once you watch Holt and Files yack about the CIA and about Maurice Bishop (David Atlee Phillips) you might want to look in to the CIAs own "The Jewel Files" (their "Crown Jewels") and see what the Number 2 item on the list is ... and then speculate on what the entirely redacted item #1 is.
Also pay close attention to the names listed in Item 2 (Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana, etc) and notice that James Files claims to have been working directly under Roselli and Giancana ... and remember that Files made this testimony originaly in 1999 and again in 2003, and the Jewel Files WERE NOT RELEASED UNTIL 2007!
Then you might want to do some digging on the HSCA's own reexamination of the case, and ask yourself why this guy, Antonio Veciana, was shot in the head for naming DA Phillips as "Mr. Bishop" ... hmm.
Also, listen to the interviews with Judy Vary Baker, who claims (and has both physical evidence and a personal reference to vouch) to have been Oswald's lover\mistress, and learn about some REALLY strange shit regarding Oswald\Kennedy. Like, would you believe that Oswald was actually sent to Mexico by the CIA in a plot to kill Castro (again, check out #2 on the Jewel Files papers for proof of at least one of these plots) that involved injecting castro with cancer? Baker seems to think that this original scientific line of research (developing injectable cancer) lead DIRECTLY to the creation of AIDS in a laboratory. (Go check out the movie In Lies We Trust on google for more on that crazy shit!) ... Baker ALSO claims that Oswald believed that David Atlee Phillips was the man known to him as "Mr. Bishop" or "Mr. B" and was OSWALD's controller!
Also notice that BOTH James Files and Judyth Vary Baker claim there was an "abort team" trying to stop the assassination.
Either way, the CIA is ALL over the assassination.
And given that the CIA is SUPPOSED to be the dirty-works machine of the PRESIDENT directly, it also seems VERY likely that all the theories about LBJ hold water (check TheMenWhoKilledKennedy series for more on that) given that the CIA, if trying to overthrow kennedy, would very likely work closely with the VICE President, if they had faith in his evilness.
Also, Allen Dulles (along with his brother) is one of he most fucked up slimey assholes in all of american history, and his name pops up everywhere evil starting after WWI ... he has heavy connections to the Rockefellers, and was sent around on the world on their behalf, and was a lawyer representing their interests ... and he was FIRED BY JFK ... he was one of the masterminds of The Bay of Pigs, and he had a LOT of reasons to want to whack Kennedy. Check here for some good dope on Dulles, G HW Bush, and lots of fucked up shit in general. Oh yeah. That brings us to the last bizzare twist, it seems pretty evident that Bush played at least SOME roll in the assassinaton. Bush and JFK.
Weird shit.
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show me how that connects back to the CIA and David Atlee Phillips, and i will give you a cookie.
Until you can do that, it makes no sense, especially given (what i failed to mention before) the fact that E. Howard Hunt named Phillips in specific before he passed away.
Maybe Files is full of shit, and the corsicans were indeed hired by the American mob (who was in turn hired by the CIA) as the hit team, but NO ONE has stepped forward presenting evidence in down that avenue, and there are now nearly a DOZEN independent sources naming David Atlee Phillips as an integral part of the conspiracy, and the ones claiming direct involvement (like James Files) are claiming Phillips as their controller ... which makes a lot more sense (to me) than this seemingly removed and unconnected Corsican business (which has as its only whistle blower a man who only names a dead man and wont even name the other living party to the crime) ...
and then, with the Corsicans, where do Clay Shaw and David Ferrie fit in? (James Files even half admits to murdering Ferrie, who he personally knew and despised as a "homo" and a "pedophile") ... because those two were definitely involved, at least in role of accomplice\facilitator.
In short, the corsican theory is interesting and novel, but there is FAR too much personal gravity between countless other individuals that track right back to JFK that are NOT related to the corsican theory, for that theory to stand on its own.
Any comment?
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I've actually heard that theory, but it wasn't because he was interfering with the drug trade, it was because he was interfering with labor in the US. The CIA hired the mob to kill Kennedy, who used french hitmen, maybe the corsicans.
But its kinda irrelevent at this point. a distraction. he was killed. obviously by those in power. they covered it up. blah blah blah.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
it is no different.
and i think there is a HUGE failure of the American public to recognize that the CIA serves as the strong arm of the industrial & economic titans of this world.
Once you understand that they are in place to serve the vested interests of the mega-rich, and are really no more than a "legalized" (not by the constitution) super-mafia, well then you start to "get it".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
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Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
You mean the disinfo coverup story about how Oswald was mad at then-Navy-Secretary-Come-Governor John Connaly, and this served as impetus for the assassination?
The full story being that Oswald was mad because he had written Connally in 1962 asking him to "repair the damage done to me and my family" due to the dishonorable discharge he had recieved after "defecting" to Russia (all though it is pretty clear from records and circumstance that Oswald was not a defector, but rather one of several young US intelligence operatives sent to Russia in order to gain Soviet credentials for use on later assignments) ...
however, Connaly had resigned from his position as Naval Secretary in order to run for governor of Texas, and never read Oswald's letter.
I don't buy that story at ALL.
There is WAY WAY WAY too much that stinks rotten over JFK for that to be even remotely true.
we could start with the two most simple and well documented problems:
1. Why did Oswald, allegedly just a lone nut, have a professionaly made false drivers license, "Alex Hidel" in his wallet at the time of his arrest.
2. Why did Oswalds trip to Mexico several months before the murder result in a fake Oswald being photographed by the CIA at the Cuban embassy there. Why was the CIA following Oswald at ALL 6 months before the assassination. And, why did someone impersonate Oswald on a phone call to a known Soviet KGB assassin while in Mexico, as well. And again, why did the CIA have a tape of this conversation. And further, why was LBJ aware of this one day after the murder, and why was he asking the FBI director about it in specific the same day?
Fishy fishy fishy shit.
And that ain't even a drop in the bucket.
But its clear as day that the CIA is all over it (starting with David Atlee Phillips and his clan, including E Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, and Cord Meyer) from every angle.
Also implicated from many angles is LBJ, and via more speculative association it is possible George HW Bush was involved, and very probably one if not both Dulles brothers.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Dude, how do you have time to post all this stuff when you're shorting stocks in your day trading and buying up all that gold???
what would cia's motive be??
have you read the bit about jfk's murder in "by way of deception"
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Well lets see.
Kennedy was rather suspicious of the CIA.
Check out this article by Arthur Krock, in the New York Times, October 3, 1963 (just a month before Kennedy's assassination).
Center column, second paragraph from bottom:
Kennedy is quoted in the article, "CIA: Marker of Policy or Tool? survey finds widely feared agency is tightly controlled" New York Times. April 25, 1966 ...
... as saying with regards to the CIA that he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.".
He was apparently working to transfer the balance of the CIAs operations over to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which would put it through reviewable and mostly transparent channels.
EVEN FURTHER, The CIA and Kennedy were very upset with eachother over the Bay of Pigs fiasco. It depends on who you listen to if you're trying to figure out who called off the air support. Some say Kennedy agreed, then called it off. Some say that Kennedy NEVER called it off, and that he was set up by the CIA itself in order to make him look bad, and bring the ire of the CIAs elite to bear upon him.
Either way, Kennedy was NOT happy with the outcome, and neither was the CIA or all the cubans who watched their commrades get murdered in the mud.
The guy has HEAVY links to everyone at the top of the game, from the Rockefellers, to the heart of the military industrial complex, and HE WAS THE FIRST AND LONGEST SITTING DIRECTOR OF THE CIA...
How do you think HE felt about that?
Oh, did i mention his brother, John Foster Dulles had been involved in the overthrow of at least 2 governments around the world, at the request of US intelligence?
So they had the know how.
I'm not going to get in to the bog of contradictory evidence on this subject, but it is safe to say if you were at the top of US intelligence in the era, you were probably at the least "concerned" about Kennedy's commitment to the war.
Its a fair bet that those at the top of the Military Industrial Complex were pretty hot to keep the war on, full bore.
So there you go.
Did you need some OTHER reasons?
Cause if i scratched my ass really hard, i could probably find another one or two.
What does it matter anyhow.
I just asked the two most obvious questions in my last post.
Explain what the fuck the CIA was doing tailing Oswald to Mexico, and their involvement in the recording of his SETUP, not ONCE, but TWICE. And why was LBJ talking to Hoover about it the day after Kennedy's murder.
None of that strikes you as beyond the pale?
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