Florida lawmakers pass "take your guns to work" law

What does everyone think about this? I have to side with the business owners (in bold below).
By Michael Peltier
1 hour, 16 minutes ago
TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Most Florida residents would be allowed to take guns to work under a measure passed by Florida lawmakers on Wednesday.
The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.
Backed by the National Rifle Association and some labor unions, the so-called "take-your-guns-to-work" measure would prohibit business owners from banning guns kept locked in motor vehicles on their private property.
The measure applies to employees, customers and those invited to the business establishment as long as they have a permit to carry the weapon.
Backers say the measure upholds the vision of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, who made the right to bear arms part of the Bill of Rights.
"The second thing they wrote about in that constitution was the right to bear arms," said Sen. Durell Peaden, a Republican from Crestview, Florida. "It was what was dear in their hearts."
The measure exempts a number of workplaces including nuclear power plants, prisons, schools and companies whose business involves homeland security.
Critics say the measure usurps business owners' rights to determine what happens on their property and puts workers and managers at risk from disgruntled employees.
Dozens of workplace shootings occur every year in the United States and studies have shown that job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited.
"This is an attempt to trample upon the property rights of property owners and attempt to make it more difficult to protect the workers in a workplace and those who visit our retail establishments," said Sen. Ted Deutch, a Boca Raton Democrat.
Oklahoma, Alaska, Kentucky, and Mississippi have similar laws, although in Oklahoma, an appellate court barred the state from enforcing the legislation on grounds that it was unconstitutional.
Florida business groups are urging the governor to veto the measure, saying owners should be allowed to determine what happens on their property.
"We are disappointed that politics clearly won over good policy," Mark Wilson, president and chief executive of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement.
By Michael Peltier
1 hour, 16 minutes ago
TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Most Florida residents would be allowed to take guns to work under a measure passed by Florida lawmakers on Wednesday.
The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.
Backed by the National Rifle Association and some labor unions, the so-called "take-your-guns-to-work" measure would prohibit business owners from banning guns kept locked in motor vehicles on their private property.
The measure applies to employees, customers and those invited to the business establishment as long as they have a permit to carry the weapon.
Backers say the measure upholds the vision of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, who made the right to bear arms part of the Bill of Rights.
"The second thing they wrote about in that constitution was the right to bear arms," said Sen. Durell Peaden, a Republican from Crestview, Florida. "It was what was dear in their hearts."
The measure exempts a number of workplaces including nuclear power plants, prisons, schools and companies whose business involves homeland security.
Critics say the measure usurps business owners' rights to determine what happens on their property and puts workers and managers at risk from disgruntled employees.
Dozens of workplace shootings occur every year in the United States and studies have shown that job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited.
"This is an attempt to trample upon the property rights of property owners and attempt to make it more difficult to protect the workers in a workplace and those who visit our retail establishments," said Sen. Ted Deutch, a Boca Raton Democrat.
Oklahoma, Alaska, Kentucky, and Mississippi have similar laws, although in Oklahoma, an appellate court barred the state from enforcing the legislation on grounds that it was unconstitutional.
Florida business groups are urging the governor to veto the measure, saying owners should be allowed to determine what happens on their property.
"We are disappointed that politics clearly won over good policy," Mark Wilson, president and chief executive of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, said in a statement.
"If no one sees you, you're not here at all"
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Hail, Hail!!!
thats ok man, cause i love frogs
I know... so someone who works at a child day care center can 'Bring his gun to work' and it's okay. As long as it's in Florida and not California.
Hail, Hail!!!
A reporter can get this info, why can't a state legislature? Is it so hard to figure out that encouraging people to bring guns to places will only encourage more gun violence? And what the fuck good is a gun going to do locked in a car? At least if they could carry the gun, the argument could be in favor of quick response, as in the "bring guns to college" argument (which is even more asinine). The only reason I can fathom this being brought up is that it's in Florida, the state that earned it's own Fark tag for being so ri-goddamn-diculous.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
Interesting debate.
I believe this actualy IS an overinterpretation of the 2nd ammendment.
Should gun owners be allowed to bring their gun into my house if i specificaly tell them they can not?
Is it not my right as a property owner that trumps your right as a gun owner?
You HAVE your right -- ie, you HAVE a gun.
My right is my property, and entering my property is your PRIVELAGE, not a right.
That is what i would argue.
This is a silly law, imho
and one that actualy does paint gun right advocates as a bit over agressive, i must sadly say.
But i admire their "vigilance".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Guns are all over the place both legal and illegal this just protects the permit owners who actually are following the law so they aren't the ones I'd worry about anyway.
It's basically a needless law as I see it, if you have a concealed weapons permit why wouldn't you be able to carry it everywhere? Isn't that the point of having a permit to carry it anyway?
Does owning a gun somehow make you a reckless trigger happy madman? This law dosen't really do anything but protect people from being prosecuted for not removing thier gun in the parking lot of the place they go to most often when they have a concealed carry permit for everywhere else. It's pretty nonsensical to say it's legal for them to have it all over but if you have it at work you're going to jail. I liken this to people walking down the street with a beer... legal beverage sure but you're on this side of the dividing line that's out of bounds.
It's exactly the same argument with pot and tobacco. Smoke this, don't smoke that. The only people really worried about this are people with a phobia about guns.... it's the same fear that keeps blue laws intact or weed illegal just a different group arguing about it.
here we go....:rolleyes:
last time I checked, this idiot principal lives in the south..... not that it really matters, if people want to live in the 1860's that's their right.
See cause guns are bad...mkay... and students shouldn't have guns... cause... guns are bad mmmkay.... oh it's off campus at a competition sponsored by the state? Well I'm again it, cause guns are bad mmmkay...
Fuck liberty, fuck freedom... let's have more laws.
Idiots incapable of rational thought live in every single place on the planet...... but that's been proven time and time again.
Sure the south may have more than it's fair share of idiots, but you know what?
I would gladly take a 5 to 1 ratio of NICE idiots to NICE smart folk in the south over a ratio of 1 to 5 stupid ASSHOLES to smart ASSHOLES in the north.
Yeah, the south may be short on edumacation.
But the north is WAY long on ASSHOLES.
I'm loving living in the South these days, going out to get a meal and hearing (regardless of if it is a fast food window or a nice restaurant) "Hello! How are you doing today? Thats great! What can i get you?" ...
How bout driving down a street and having people on their lawns actualy fucking wave at you instead of staring at you like you are the scum of the earth for "driving too fast" in "their" neighborhood, even though you are going the fucking speed limit?
How about people stopping to let you pull out in traffic and smiling and waving, instead of speeding up to cut you off and refusing to even acknowledge you exist?
Assholes vs Idiots?
I'll take idiots anyday.
At least they aren't all arrogant and condescending.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I agree with your interpretation here. Property owners should have every right to ban guns on their property.
I would argue that they are essentially in this case, a gun in someones car is in thier property even if it is on someone elses parking lot and you can't very well have your gun in the car on the way home or travelling to work if it can't be in your car in the parking lot. That's all this law does essentially... protect the right of the conceal carry permit owner to carry his or her weapon should they so choose in thier property. You aren't taking your gun to work per say, it's simply sitting in the car while you go to work but that's why the wording is obviously "the take your gun to work law" because it evokes emotion in people that they will be around hundreds of guns while they are sitting at thier desks and that's just not true.
A gun in someone's car is their property, certainly. But just because that person chooses to carry a gun in their car does not give them license to ignore other people's personal rules regarding their property.
That's not all it does. It puts one person's legal right to carry a gun above another person's legal right to dictate what may be brought onto their property. A conceal and carry permit should not usurp the rights of property owners. Individual property owners should have every right to ban or welcome guns on their property.
I don't have problem with people taking their guns to work or wherever. However, I do have a problem with people believing that their right to carry a gun somehow overrides another person's right to dictate what happens on their own personal property.
Technically I'm not really sure why they are discussing this law because the people that have permits I'm 99% certain are locking them in thier vehicles already without the employers knowledge... and the people without permits that carry.. don't care anyway.
I definately do not want to pit one group of property owners against another, I'm just not sure that this law does a whole lot of anything.
Having the permit doesn't permit you to carry it unchecked on an airplane so I don't see any reason anyone should be able to bring the gun into work or on anyone elses property with thier knowledge arbitrarily, but if it's just in the car locked up and that happens to be on the property, I'm not sure how anyone would know about it anyway.
I have to agree with this.
I believe it should be each individual business owner/property owner who decides whether employees/visitors to their property can carry a weapon on their property. A large well placed sign outside the property lets everyone know if they can or can not.
This is not correct. As a business owner, my greatest worry about a law like this is the fact that cars are broken into. The last thing I want is one of my employees bringing a gun to work and having someone take it out of their car and then having it used against them, myself, or others.
I certainly agree that, regardless of the law, people will probably do what they wish in cases like this. So in that sense there's not a lot of practicality to the discussion. However, the implications of this irk me. If property rights are so easily overriden by someone else's permit status, I'm not feeling very confident about the property rights to begin with.
That would kick it up a notch eh?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hail, Hail!!!
Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago that the survey was released stating Florida teens think drinking a cap of bleach is a proper birth control method?
Stop by:
I know... Florida. Right... people who think drinking bleach to prevent HIV are just the ones you want carrying around loaded weapons.
Yeah... if they see no problem in that... well...
I don't want bleach drinking people in my town with loaded guns.
also, Bud... it was great to see you up in Santa Barbara. We'll have to catch up at the next swing through here.
Hail, Hail!!!
you headed to any east coast PJ shows? I'll be at the DC show. Have to check what other shows are going on this summer down south. Sure something will come up, and we'll catch up then.
oh, and I have some Florida friends in the Army, one in Iraq emailed me laughing about this law. Said his daddy probably fought for it, lol
Stop by:
haha I have to agree and I am from the North.... Anytime I go down south I love it and I am planning on moving down in the next few years. People are just more polite also, the weather sucks up here, maybe thats why we have so many assholes.
I think it was a cap full of Bleach after sex so they don't get AIDS and drink Mountain Dew or smoke Pot for contraception.