Interesting article on McCain that quotes conservative writer George Will

I put in the link for the article Mulshine refers to by George Will, as well as the clip from Ron Paul the "note" refers to.
Who else will tell the truth about McCain? George Will.
Posted by Paul Mulshine
People ask me which candidate to support for president. I tell them not to vote for the candidate who gave a prime-time speaking slot at his party's convention to a senator with a voting record even more liberal than Democrat Harry Reid's.
And don't vote for Barack Obama either.
Are you confused? Not half as confused as John McCain.
McCain makes a habit of showing Reid's face in his TV ads as a symbol of the excesses of the ultra-liberals. Yet the Nevada senator is actually rated more conservative by the American Conservative Union than Joe Lieberman, the Connecticut senator whom McCain invited to address the GOP convention.
Lieberman was also McCain's first choice for his vice presidential running mate, according to news accounts. Am I the only man who thinks McCain is mixed up?
Fortunately not. The other day George F. Will wrote a column ( in which he eviscerated McCain as "childish" and prone to "impulsive, intensely personal reactions."
One of the things that set Will off was McCain's suggestion the other day that he would name Andrew Cuomo, the attorney general of New York, to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Cuomo is not merely a liberal Democrat. He's a liberal Democrat who helped create the mortgage mess. Even the Village Voice accuses Cuomo of having "made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis" when he served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Clinton administration.
Yet McCain wants Cuomo to monitor the markets? No wonder Will wrote: "It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency."
It is indeed arguable, and I've been arguing it ever since the GOP primaries. During the debates, McCain showed that "boiling moralism" as well as his complete ignorance of history when he lashed out at Texas Rep. Ron Paul for arguing that we can't afford to be the world's policeman. We can't. That's obvious now. But McCain spent the campaign proclaiming, "There's gonna be other wars."
There certainly will be other wars if we elect a president whose foreign policy adviser is on the payroll of a government that has a nasty habit of bombing its own citizens. McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Scheuneman's lobbying firm has accepted more than $200,000 from the government of Georgia. The goal is to get Georgia into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which would mean that "perhaps," in running mate Sarah Palin's words, the U.S. might have to go to war with Russia.
That raises a couple of questions. One is why a country on the Black Sea should be invited into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It's called "NATO," not "BSTO." And the other is why we even have a North Atlantic Treaty Organization now that the Cold War is over. We're spending billions protecting Europe from Europeans. Meanwhile, we're going broke at home.
Granted, McCain made those remarks before the market meltdown. But here we get to the essence of his confusion. Just as George W. Bush styled himself as "the education president," McCain is selling himself as "the military president." Like the character whose only tool is a hammer and sees every problem as a nail, McCain sees every problem as requiring an air strike.
Worse, he doesn't even know who the enemy is. In that infamous press conference on al Qaeda's nonexistent role in Iran, McCain was reduced to the role of dummy for ventriloquist Lieberman. Perhaps that's why he wants to delay tomorrow's planned debate on foreign policy. If he makes another gaffe on the Mideast, the public might finally realize that he has no idea who's fighting whom there.
And in yet another move that should drive conservatives crazy, McCain has suggested he might appoint Lieberman as defense secretary. Lieberman may be a flaming liberal, but he has one thing in common with McCain. Both care more about running the world than about running America.
Unfortunately, that's what the job of chief executive entails. And when it comes to sorting out the economic mess, Obama's chief economic adviser is actually seen by many as a bit to the right of McCain's. Jason Furman is from the famed - at least among right-wingers - "Chicago School," the free-market disciples of Milton Friedman. McCain's adviser is Beltway insider Douglas Holtz-Eakin. So McCain is arguably more liberal in that regard as well.
So if you're asking me what you should do on Election Day, I think I speak for both George Will and myself when I offer this advice: Don't vote for the party that represents those big-spending idiots inside the Beltway.
Vote for the opposing party.
NOTE: Check out this clip ( from the CNN primary debate to see a moment when McCain combined his "boiling moralism" with his astounding ignorance of what is supposed to be his specialty, military affairs. In lashing out at Ron Paul for opposing costly foreign wars, he makes the statement that "We allowed Hitler to come to power with that kind of attitude of isolationism and appeasement."
"We" didn't allow Hitler to come to power. Is McCain seriously arguing here that the American military should have intervened in the German electoral process to prevent Hitler from becoming chancellor? No, he's not seriously arguing anything. If he were, he would realize that the American people, and particularly the conservative Republicans such as Robert Taft, overwhelmingly opposed entering the European war up until Pearl Harbor.
With this ignorant outburst, McCain alienated both the libertarians who support Ron Paul and a good chunk of the traditional Republicans who support Pat Buchanan. He got a round of cheap applause, however.
Who else will tell the truth about McCain? George Will.
Posted by Paul Mulshine
People ask me which candidate to support for president. I tell them not to vote for the candidate who gave a prime-time speaking slot at his party's convention to a senator with a voting record even more liberal than Democrat Harry Reid's.
And don't vote for Barack Obama either.
Are you confused? Not half as confused as John McCain.
McCain makes a habit of showing Reid's face in his TV ads as a symbol of the excesses of the ultra-liberals. Yet the Nevada senator is actually rated more conservative by the American Conservative Union than Joe Lieberman, the Connecticut senator whom McCain invited to address the GOP convention.
Lieberman was also McCain's first choice for his vice presidential running mate, according to news accounts. Am I the only man who thinks McCain is mixed up?
Fortunately not. The other day George F. Will wrote a column ( in which he eviscerated McCain as "childish" and prone to "impulsive, intensely personal reactions."
One of the things that set Will off was McCain's suggestion the other day that he would name Andrew Cuomo, the attorney general of New York, to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Cuomo is not merely a liberal Democrat. He's a liberal Democrat who helped create the mortgage mess. Even the Village Voice accuses Cuomo of having "made a series of decisions between 1997 and 2001 that gave birth to the country's current crisis" when he served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Clinton administration.
Yet McCain wants Cuomo to monitor the markets? No wonder Will wrote: "It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency."
It is indeed arguable, and I've been arguing it ever since the GOP primaries. During the debates, McCain showed that "boiling moralism" as well as his complete ignorance of history when he lashed out at Texas Rep. Ron Paul for arguing that we can't afford to be the world's policeman. We can't. That's obvious now. But McCain spent the campaign proclaiming, "There's gonna be other wars."
There certainly will be other wars if we elect a president whose foreign policy adviser is on the payroll of a government that has a nasty habit of bombing its own citizens. McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Scheuneman's lobbying firm has accepted more than $200,000 from the government of Georgia. The goal is to get Georgia into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which would mean that "perhaps," in running mate Sarah Palin's words, the U.S. might have to go to war with Russia.
That raises a couple of questions. One is why a country on the Black Sea should be invited into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It's called "NATO," not "BSTO." And the other is why we even have a North Atlantic Treaty Organization now that the Cold War is over. We're spending billions protecting Europe from Europeans. Meanwhile, we're going broke at home.
Granted, McCain made those remarks before the market meltdown. But here we get to the essence of his confusion. Just as George W. Bush styled himself as "the education president," McCain is selling himself as "the military president." Like the character whose only tool is a hammer and sees every problem as a nail, McCain sees every problem as requiring an air strike.
Worse, he doesn't even know who the enemy is. In that infamous press conference on al Qaeda's nonexistent role in Iran, McCain was reduced to the role of dummy for ventriloquist Lieberman. Perhaps that's why he wants to delay tomorrow's planned debate on foreign policy. If he makes another gaffe on the Mideast, the public might finally realize that he has no idea who's fighting whom there.
And in yet another move that should drive conservatives crazy, McCain has suggested he might appoint Lieberman as defense secretary. Lieberman may be a flaming liberal, but he has one thing in common with McCain. Both care more about running the world than about running America.
Unfortunately, that's what the job of chief executive entails. And when it comes to sorting out the economic mess, Obama's chief economic adviser is actually seen by many as a bit to the right of McCain's. Jason Furman is from the famed - at least among right-wingers - "Chicago School," the free-market disciples of Milton Friedman. McCain's adviser is Beltway insider Douglas Holtz-Eakin. So McCain is arguably more liberal in that regard as well.
So if you're asking me what you should do on Election Day, I think I speak for both George Will and myself when I offer this advice: Don't vote for the party that represents those big-spending idiots inside the Beltway.
Vote for the opposing party.
NOTE: Check out this clip ( from the CNN primary debate to see a moment when McCain combined his "boiling moralism" with his astounding ignorance of what is supposed to be his specialty, military affairs. In lashing out at Ron Paul for opposing costly foreign wars, he makes the statement that "We allowed Hitler to come to power with that kind of attitude of isolationism and appeasement."
"We" didn't allow Hitler to come to power. Is McCain seriously arguing here that the American military should have intervened in the German electoral process to prevent Hitler from becoming chancellor? No, he's not seriously arguing anything. If he were, he would realize that the American people, and particularly the conservative Republicans such as Robert Taft, overwhelmingly opposed entering the European war up until Pearl Harbor.
With this ignorant outburst, McCain alienated both the libertarians who support Ron Paul and a good chunk of the traditional Republicans who support Pat Buchanan. He got a round of cheap applause, however.
"Where there is sacrifice there is someone collecting the sacrificial offerings."-- Ayn Rand
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello