Gender pay gap begins 1 year after college

This is just really sad. I've definitely experienced it in my years in advertising.
Gender pay gap begins 1 year after college
Study finds women make only 80 percent of salaries of male peers
NEW YORK - Women make only 80 percent of the salaries their male peers do one year after college; after 10 years in the work force, the gap between their pay widens further, according to a study released Monday.
The study, by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, found that 10 years after college, women earn only 69 percent of what men earn.
Even after controlling for hours, occupation, parenthood, and other factors known to affect earnings, the study found that one-quarter of the pay gap remains unexplained. The group said that portion of the gap is “likely due to sex discrimination.”
“Over time, the unexplained portion of the pay gap grows,” the group said in a news release.
Catherine Hill, the organization’s director of research, said: “Part of the wage difference is a result of people’s choices, another part is employer’s assumptions of what people’s choices will be. ... Employers assume that young women are going to leave the work force when they have children, and, therefore, don’t promote them.”
The organization found that women’s scholastic performance was not reflected in their compensation. Women have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major, including science and math. But women who attend highly selective colleges earn the same as men who attend minimally selective colleges, according to the study.
“The pay gap is not going to disappear just through educational achievements,” Hill said.
Gender pay gap begins 1 year after college
Study finds women make only 80 percent of salaries of male peers
NEW YORK - Women make only 80 percent of the salaries their male peers do one year after college; after 10 years in the work force, the gap between their pay widens further, according to a study released Monday.
The study, by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, found that 10 years after college, women earn only 69 percent of what men earn.
Even after controlling for hours, occupation, parenthood, and other factors known to affect earnings, the study found that one-quarter of the pay gap remains unexplained. The group said that portion of the gap is “likely due to sex discrimination.”
“Over time, the unexplained portion of the pay gap grows,” the group said in a news release.
Catherine Hill, the organization’s director of research, said: “Part of the wage difference is a result of people’s choices, another part is employer’s assumptions of what people’s choices will be. ... Employers assume that young women are going to leave the work force when they have children, and, therefore, don’t promote them.”
The organization found that women’s scholastic performance was not reflected in their compensation. Women have slightly higher grade point averages than men in every major, including science and math. But women who attend highly selective colleges earn the same as men who attend minimally selective colleges, according to the study.
“The pay gap is not going to disappear just through educational achievements,” Hill said.
"Where there is sacrifice there is someone collecting the sacrificial offerings."-- Ayn Rand
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
Post edited by Unknown User on
Right, this source says on average women make 80% of what men make. But a man and woman in the same job make the same amount. So what's wrong with that? There is no gap, just women don't work as much, probably due to maternity leave.
Anyway, believe whatever you want I guess.
It's got nothing to do with discrimination I know that much. At my old job I met the expectations by %120 and received a $0.35/hr raise. A girl I sat with met the expectations by about %80 and got the same raise.
actually there is some discrimination that does occur. It's not the case every time, but in some instances it is truly there. Most times though, there's other factors at play (prior experience, education level (not GPA), aggressiveness with negotiations etc...) To say that is has nothing to do with discrimination is just as blind as saying it has everything to do with discrimination, imho. Life is complicated, to boil an issue down to all or none is a little short sighted, albeit convenient for many.
Well, I've never seen it, could be the environment too.
this disclaimer isn't going to save you from the wrath of the feminazis around here who like to deny that there is ever any difference between the sexists... unless of course it's something like this that they can be outraged about.
i know, i figured i was hosed as I was typing, but thankfully no one (yet) has sent me PM's threatening my life
My wife made almost 33% more than me after 1 year in the workforce. It's probably because I had a MS and she only had a BS ... er.... wait.... nevermind.
I can see this happening though I am not convinced it's the as bad as it seems.