Tenn. bill proposes death certificates for fetuses

Tenn. bill proposes death certificates for fetuses
GOP lawmaker pushes legislation that would ID women who have abortions
Updated: 1 hour ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Legislation introduced in Tennessee would require death certificates for aborted fetuses, which likely would create public records identifying women who have abortions.
Rep. Stacey Campfield, a Republican, said his bill would provide a way to track how many abortions are performed. He predicted it would pass in the Republican-controlled Senate but would have a hard time making it through the Democratic House.
“All these people who say they are pro-life — at least we would see how many lives are being ended out there by abortions,” said Campfield.
The number of abortions reported to the state Office of Vital Records is already publicly available. The office collects records — but not death certificates — on abortions and the deaths of fetuses after 22 weeks gestation or weighing about 1 pound.
The identities of the women who have abortions are not included in those records, but death certificates include identifying information such as Social Security numbers.
‘It is totally inconsistent’
Campfield’s bill, introduced Monday, would give abortion providers 10 days following an “induced termination of a pregnancy” to file a death certificate.
House Judiciary Chairman Rob Briley, a Democrat, called Campfield’s proposal “the most preposterous bill I’ve seen” in an eight-year legislative career.
“It is totally inconsistent with everything the law contemplates as it relates to anything close to that subject,” he said.
The anti-abortion group Tennessee Right to Life has not yet taken a position on the death certificate bill, said spokeswoman Myra Simons. But she said the organization applauds the sponsors’ efforts to “draw attention to the way abortion is handled in Tennessee.”
Keri Adams, vice president of Planned Parenthood in Tennessee, on Wednesday called the proposal an attempt to terrorize frightened and vulnerable women who are seeking abortion.
“We certainly hope the Tennessee Legislature doesn’t invest too much energy in this bill,” she said. “We think it’s clearly a violation of privacy, and potentially illegal concerning HIPAA regulations.” HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, which, among other things, protects the privacy of personal health information.
GOP lawmaker pushes legislation that would ID women who have abortions
Updated: 1 hour ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Legislation introduced in Tennessee would require death certificates for aborted fetuses, which likely would create public records identifying women who have abortions.
Rep. Stacey Campfield, a Republican, said his bill would provide a way to track how many abortions are performed. He predicted it would pass in the Republican-controlled Senate but would have a hard time making it through the Democratic House.
“All these people who say they are pro-life — at least we would see how many lives are being ended out there by abortions,” said Campfield.
The number of abortions reported to the state Office of Vital Records is already publicly available. The office collects records — but not death certificates — on abortions and the deaths of fetuses after 22 weeks gestation or weighing about 1 pound.
The identities of the women who have abortions are not included in those records, but death certificates include identifying information such as Social Security numbers.
‘It is totally inconsistent’
Campfield’s bill, introduced Monday, would give abortion providers 10 days following an “induced termination of a pregnancy” to file a death certificate.
House Judiciary Chairman Rob Briley, a Democrat, called Campfield’s proposal “the most preposterous bill I’ve seen” in an eight-year legislative career.
“It is totally inconsistent with everything the law contemplates as it relates to anything close to that subject,” he said.
The anti-abortion group Tennessee Right to Life has not yet taken a position on the death certificate bill, said spokeswoman Myra Simons. But she said the organization applauds the sponsors’ efforts to “draw attention to the way abortion is handled in Tennessee.”
Keri Adams, vice president of Planned Parenthood in Tennessee, on Wednesday called the proposal an attempt to terrorize frightened and vulnerable women who are seeking abortion.
“We certainly hope the Tennessee Legislature doesn’t invest too much energy in this bill,” she said. “We think it’s clearly a violation of privacy, and potentially illegal concerning HIPAA regulations.” HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, which, among other things, protects the privacy of personal health information.
"Where there is sacrifice there is someone collecting the sacrificial offerings."-- Ayn Rand
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
"Some of my friends sit around every evening and they worry about the times ahead,
But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed..."-- Elvis Costello
Post edited by Unknown User on
Wait wait wait......HIS??? name is Stacey? WTF Tenn.
Just remember, Tennessee... we don't want your opinion on what we do out here in California. Let us figure it out.
Hail, Hail!!!
so in the 60's, would you have said the same thing about segregation?
You're right... probably not.
Still... I think this abortion thing should be left for the states to decide.
Also... Gun Control Legislation and Gay Marriages.
Hail, Hail!!!
Logic will get you nowhere.
You just freaked me out... it's like El Pollo Loco trying to make a 3 piece chicken meal with an egg... no... wait... it's nothing like that. I'm just hungry.
Hail, Hail!!!
gay rights to me is a basic human rights issue. if we put segregation on the ballot in the 60's, and left it up to the citizens of the south to decide this, we might still have segrgation. When it comes to denying equal rights, the federal gvt has to step in.
gun control is for the states fo sho.
okay that was three.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
one thing i can agree with you on.
it's pointless.....waste of time/resources, and for what end? nada.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
What the hell does his name have to do with anything?
"Hey, if God didn’t want me to wear it so much, he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard."
it's all circular arguement there really. imo, it's simply creating more unnecessary paperwork, and to what end purpose?
" a life is a life is life" eh? don't you mean a HUMAN life? b/c we kill off *life* ALL the time, and not just meat eaters......so yea. and if it's human life, well then, MANY of us do not believe a cluster of cells that may become human ARE in fact human when aborted. so it all goes in circles there. so i still stand by, there is NO ppoint to ANY 'certificates' being issued for abortions.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Why is this guy proposing this law? I dunno. Maybe its so church groups can target specific women who have abortions. Maybe its to detur them from having an abortion in the first place since it will not be private anymore. Maybe it is to set a precident that by issuing a "birth" certificate that somehow the courts will see abortion as murder.
All I know is this is a religion driven agenda, and I'm sick and tired of it... We live in America, which strictly prohibits this kind of shit from happening. And its the year 2007. When are people going to just wake up to the fact that gay people are just fine, abortion is nobody's business but the individual and evolution is a fact, etc.....
It almost creeps me out how stupid some of these people can be.
It doesn't bother me that some moron would introduce this bill, what bothers me is that it appears that a majority of Tennessee Senators agree with this crackpot.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Are there any death certificates for natural pregnancy loss after 22 weeks?
Brilliant...Im sure that is exactly the argument that will be used against it. FYI - it's probably meant as a means to swipe at Roe V. Wade. Pass the bill, someone challenges it, and it works its way up to the Supremes. Supremes get a chance to take a side swipe at Roe v. Wade...Only in the South baby
When the Constitution was written, there was no consideration for the unborn. New laws concering the unborn were written in Roe v. Wade.
I'd say that's fair. That's middle of the road, it's compromise. It makes sense to me. It gives maximum protection to both lives granted they are viable.
it wont fly...maybe that legislator is running for office. needs bible thumber votes